So because KVO likes open world flashy racings more, he thinks it's okay to trash a different type of game, that never advertised itself like an arcade openworld one? Pfft.
@me3639 nope, 1080p is still the most popular PC resolution. PC gaming is not about cutting edge tech, it's about millions of fairly average PCs that were good exactly like 5 years ago.
@Zombie97 I live in Russia and I have US PSN account, so I can buy games cheaper. Something that you can't seem to grasp is that in US almost everything is priced at the same amount as in EU, only in Dollars, not Euros. So buying power of people's salaries in Germany and France are somewhat the same. In UK approximately the same thing is about pounds, but since pounds are more expensive, it's not scaled 1 to 1.
Different countries have different import taxes, different mandatory health insurances and different workforce. When you own a multinational corporation, you have to cut the costs and increase the revenue, without alienating customers, also you have to watch out for demand, so your goods remain available. Also - you know you can buy Sony's stocks, right? Millions of people are Sony's shareholders and Sony pays dividends to them. So if the price for goods will be the same everywhere and equal to US, then in EU Sony would earn less money for each unit sold and would inevitably face availability issues, when no PS4s are present in stores. This would lead to customer alienation and lowered dividends for shareholders like me, who expect their investments to turn a profit.
And you know what deficit of goods leads to as well? Speculation and black market. When you can't buy something from the store, then you buy it from private people, who sell it for a much higher price. And these money wouldn't go to me, or anyone from Sony, these money would be basically untracked, without a tax dollar paid.
This means that all the country's industries that depend on taxes would take a hit - education and health among it. So all that has happened and you still have to buy a PS4 for larger sum than it's being sold in US, albeit not from Sony.
Economy balances itself out, just like species balance themselves out. When you interfere in that equilibrium, odds are - you won't help anything, unless you learn nature's laws and act very carefully.
That's what economics is all about - you learn how much you can raise the price, so that taxes and dividends are being paid and everyone gets their share depending on how unique his skills are.
Price and demand are what regulates economy, you can influence one, but you can't control both. Controlling both leads to collapses like in USSR and other pure socialist countries.
I hope that clears the things up. You seem to be a bright kid, I'm sure you'll figure out how to get the best from your life.
@Zombie97 Things cost more in regards to your paycheck when your quality of life is worse. That's what quality of life is - availability of goods and services. Indeed Latvia has worse quality of life than Germany. And in Germany it's ok to have 2500-3000 euros per month after taxes. It's on par what is ok to have in 'Merica, so naturally the availability of goods is the same there.
Morphine_OD's comments