@plastiqueworld 50/100 is generally considered a failed test. 65/100 is generally considered to be enough for passing it, while Bs and As are ranging from 75 and above. So yeah, generally 7/3.5/70 is pretty damn average if not slightly bad. Movies that get below 70 are considered B-movies and while watchable by fans of the genre are not something that would be considered a good one. So no, 7/10 is not equivalent to good, it's equivalent to functional/passable/readable/watchable.
The last couple of paragraphs about FO3 are ridiculous. Minigames, ridiculous and illogical locales, plot holes, drab and samey locations, almost non-existent characters, dumb dialogue and cheap cliched plot, that's what FO3 is. FONV has corrected the most of these flaws, but Wasteland 2 is by no means less believable and living world than FO3, not even by wide margin.
Morphine_OD's comments