In your situation, It probably wouldn't be worth it to get an HDTV right now. If I were you, I would wait until you can work again so you can save up a little more.
Me personaly, i am against cigarettes and drugs but i don't understand why the cigarette isn't in the "drugs list" together with weed\cheeba\indo (baa it has at least 20 names...). I mean i know that cigarettes are less dangerous in meanings of health than the weed but the cigarette is the number one facor of cancer in the world and many people dying becuase of this sh*t. Both weed and cigarette work by smoking them i mean it's the same action to both of them but cigarette still ain't illegal...
We have to reduce overpopulation somehow.... Sounds cruel but it's the truth.
They need parental permission to use tanning bedsFragStains
But even if you have parental permission to buy a pack of cigarettes at the grocery store or gas station, it is still against the law and cannot be sold to a minor with or without parental permission.
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