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MovieMark Blog

who watches the irishamrnb? IRUSHM,EN. IRISHMEN. OH FFS!

Hyef folks, it's past 6am in the morning, and I'm back from a work-related party -- we trashed our bosses apartment, BIG TIME. It was such a good night. It was messy, but it eas fun. A lot of fun.

I haven't bloggrd with a few (ahem) drinks on me in ages, so why not, eh?

Ok: New episode of Dllhouse was deadly, but why are so many ppl hating on my review, **** them! HA!

Watchmen was goo and BAND, it like had some amazing moments, but alos some majorly crap bits. Ah well. Also, it was so mother trucking long. eugh.

I'm really enjoying Fringe. Yeah...

I'm working in a few different pbranches within work right now, and it's a bad mad -my hours got cut loads so I have to work all over, Im the whore of my job. In a non sexual, hours-opnly kind of way.

Auntie and a few others (who i LOVE!) are well used to these kind of blogs (haha) but I am sorry for anyone new,\ i'm irish :P

Good morning all! I did nothing for paddies, so this was me making up for it! :D

In My Plan, We Are Beltless.

Ah, (wo)man, I am in such a good mood right now! The sun is shining (kinda) and the weather is sweet (kinda), I want you to knoooow, I'm a rainbow too (huh?).

Go-Karting - I completely forgot to tell you folk about my Go-Karting last week...

It was my first time (I bet he uses that excuse often!) in a race against 10 people, but I actually came second (for once, wooooo!). For 22 euro we had this huge grand prix and we were surprised by how long the competition went on for - just under an hour. I even got a little cert saying I was 2nd, while my good mate John got a frakin Trophy (-_-)

Smallville, yes, it's true, has been renewed, along with Supernatural, for a 9th season.

I'm actually really excited about this, weirdly enough. Season 8 has been consistently better than almost every past season of the show, and from what I've read of future episodes, it only gets better. Much better. Like the story-lines sound so, so, so tantalising. And this is Smallville I am talking about! =/

So I finally got around to watching that gawd awful show Fringe...

...I'm joking, of course. I've reviewed it below, for anyone interested. For those who don't give a damn, I ranked it a solid 8 (which is more than I can say for you, WOOOOOOO!).

Battlestar Galactica is almost over...sniffles.

The penultimate episode before the 3 hour finale was fantastic - it had so many of those quiet moments that just make the show one of a kind. I'm dreading the finale, cos I know there's a war coming, and I'm dreading the thoughts of who will bite the bullet :(

Dollhouse...Oh dear.

I feel undeniably guilty for some reason, but I just can't click with this show. I really am devoted to Joss - cos I have witnessed before some of the best TV ever, and, of course, it was by the Jossman. I'm gonna stick with it, if only for the fact I don't see it lasting, and it's not so bad that I can't watch it, ya know? Eliza and Dichen don't hurt either :P

Lilly Allen, won't you marry me?

I have always enjoyed her music, mostly because it's so quirky, yet her lyrics are so disturbingly dark, brutal and honest. But her latest single Fear, she looks so hawt in the video. So what if she's a chav, she's a hot chav :lol:

Buffy Withdrawal...the pain!

I've been playing random episodes from random seasons and it's just so...why can't it be on with new episodes? WHY? Siiigh. I'll never get JD, though; he used to love the show, and is now saying that 4 episodes of Dollhouse have been better than Buffy. I think he jus says these things to piss me off!

JD's site... -

I think those who are uninitiated, should take a gander over there. You'll find some regulars over there from this once brilliant site, and it's a place where you're not censored at all (you can't even type gay on this site.) it's exceptionally designed and we have some very smexy people over there: as well as TV, films, comics, general discussions, games and so on, there's a whole section dedicated to everything naughty :wink: :twisted:

Oh, and, by the by, I got me mon hair cut. Huzzaah!

edit: well, whataa ya know, I can type gay.

I have a blog: and it's to have a blog!

Not that my life revolves around this site or anything (stop looking at me like that!) but do you ever you think to yourself in work/uni/school/phalange "Oh I'll make a blog when I go home" and then when you finally get around to writing one up you just stare at the screen and go "Meh!"?

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Haven't seen it yet cos I had to work all day today, but my friends, who wouldn't even wait a frickin day for us to see it together did, and they pretty much geekasmd so much, I had a little geeking out of my own. So I shall be seeing it on Sunday, my day off, with coooler, more reliable friends. So there. :P

My Dollhouse is Broken

I was surprised by the amount of feedback my latest review of Dollhouse received, it was pretty awesome. The feedback, I mean, not the episode, which I ranked a charitable 4.5. Thankfully, tonight's episode looks to be a vast improvement. I truly hope so.

On the Fringe of Something Interesting

So. I finally watched the pilot of Fringe. I shant say anything about what I thought, cos I shall review it after this blog. Will I be joining the awesome Fringe club? I guess you'll have to wait see. :wink:

Talk Figther: The Legend of Lana Lang

So, yeah, I managed to catch the new Street Fighter. My expectations were so low that I did manage to find moments of awesomeness, no matter how small they may have been. Kreuk did a great job, while the rest of the film stank. The fights, while energetic, are few and far between. And even though Bison has an Irish accent, despite living his entire life in Asia, one scene involving a female punching bag gave us a glimpse at the weighty and twisted film Street Fighter could have been, if it weren't for the bad acting, Chris Kelin, an awful script, lame direction, Chris Klein, pissing all over Vega, Chris Klein and two glimpses at a film I wanted to see: Chun-li doing her signature move in her almost-signature attire, and the ending!! It tickled me more than it should have!

Khan You diggit?

Mongol, let me tell you, is a breathtakingly beautiful film. For such a visceral experience, it has some stunning cinematography. It's a compelling tale with strong performances all-round, and the simplest of moments within this revenge flick are easily some of the best and most tragic. It may be a little too long, but it's certainly one of the better action epics I have seen in a long while. Highly recommended.

Insert Porn Pun Here. Then Once You're Finished, Clean Up the Mess

I enjoyed this film, which was surprisingly graphic, but not so much so that you could have a cheeky w.......anyways, if you're easily offended by the secks, this aint your film. It's fowl, it's crude, it's rude and yet, it's kinda of, dare I say it, sweet. Seth and Elizabeth really sell these unbelievable characters, and amidst all of the naked flesh, there's a romantic comedy to be found. It's not for everyone, and it's not hysterically funny, but it's certainly enjoyable. Plus I kind of Love Elizabeth Banks, so I may be somewhat Bias on this one.

Oh, and before I go, I ordered what will hopefully be the most awesomest/insanest/funniest/weirdest film I'll ever have the pleasure of watching once it arrives from the YOU ESSS OF AAAAYY.

Later, peeps :wink:

~ M@rk

The Blog where the hills have doomsday!

OK, first off, if you've ever wanted to hear what a typical Dublin lass sounds's your chance. I stumbled upon this parody of The Hills, dubbed by Irish girls as a joke. It is TOO funny. Perhaps because I'm from Dublin and know this type (not the farting type, mind): contains strong language, thick accents and unfortunately the same way the majority of girls talk over here (not my friends, though :P): Irish Hills

Been having a bit of a pissy few days, to be honest. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've just been bleh. Very bleh. Anyways, I've been having weird dreams lately. Pretty much mad dreams combining a load of different things from the day before. So I decided to experiment and so I watched The Hills Have Eyes and Superman: Doomsday last night, and wadda ya know, I had a dream that Doomsday was trying to kill me on the set of Wes Craven's horror film. It was totally bizarre and thrilling, not to mention scary - there were three kinds of Doomsday, each with their own perks (the massive hulk-like one, the small one who cuts people and the really fast one); thankfully, I didn't die ^^ So I'm hoping for a decent sequel at some point :D



It's probably one of my favourite horror films of all time. Scream is cheesy, a little too satirical and OTT for its own good, but it also manages to be really suspenseful and freaky, as well as having one of the most chilling opening sequences in cinematic history.

Scream 2

I much prefer this to the first instalment, mainly because it capitalises on everything that made the original Scream great in the first place. It's much scarier than the first film. One scene involving a car crash has you clasping for air as the two victims attempt an escape. Meanwhile, the love of my life, Sarah Michelle Gellar has an exciting death-scene and the best chase sequence, akin to Syd's chase in the first film.

Hulk VS. Wolverine

I let my little brother watch this film with me but had to ask him to leave halfway through this part of the story it is that violent. It's one of the only times I've seen Hulk and Logan go all out with the abilities given to them. Wolverine slices and dices everything and anyone in his path with bloodied results, while Hulk almost rips every character a new one (or in Lady Deathstirkes case, in half!). The plot digs into Logan's past rather effectively while Deadpool has some fantastic one-liners throughout.

Superman: Doomsday

I had high hopes for this film, which stars James Marsters and Alan Baldwin, but I gotta say I was a tad disappointed. The 10+ minute fight scene is effin fantastic, but the rest of the film sort of nose-dives from there on out. Pity, really, cos this could have been all kinds of epic. Instead, though, it's a step or two behind the two-parter from the Justice League series, which handled the death of Superman much better, imo.

The Sarah Silverman Programme

I finally caught up on season 2, part 2 and I gotta say, while it may not touch season one in terms of genuine comedy, it has some far-out plots, some extremely harsh subplots and the occasional so-funny-I-can't-breath moments. This kind of comedy tickles me oh so much because it's so childish and yet quite intelligent, too. It's equal to South Park, only live-action, me thinks. Sarah, herself, is just a treat - her facial expressions kill me and officer Jay is hilarious! My favourite episode has to be High, It's Sarah :D

Hey, same car!

Alrighty, I best be off.

Oh and I'm loving Street Fighter IV, it's frickin' hard though :x!

~ M@rk

The blog with the wrong sweets...

Hey there :D

Quick, humiliating/hysterical story with a little too much information...

I bought these sweets in the shopping centre yesterday, they were in the celiac section. I, of course, figured they were sweets for Celiacs. So, this morning, around 8, I started having a few and continued to do so on my way to work and all through the morning until around 12. I offered my boss one of the sweets, as she offered me a regular sweet and I told her I couldn't actually have those anymore. She took the bag and randomly read the back (something I should have done...)

"Uhm, Mark..."


"How many have you had?"

"Well, the bag is almost empty...why?"

"These sweets double as laxatives"...


"I'm sure it's nothing, really. They say that on a lot of packaging."

"Hehe, yeah...I'm sure it's nothing *gulp*"

So I read the packet thoroughly and it advises to have around 3 sweets throughout the day...I had 15 within a few hours. The rest of my day resulted in me running to the bathroom quite often. Yeah....


As expected, even the most hardcore Whedonites have greeted the pilot with luke-warm responses. It's such a pity cos I really wanted to love it like I did with Joss' other projects :( This coming episode looks much better, to be honest, but I'm not even remotely interested in anything that's happening, not the way I am with other shows. I also rewatched the pilot of Alias just for kicks and giggles, and it's infintly better by comparison.

A pilot a day

JD has been nagging me lately, saying that I'm far too comfy when it comes to the shows I watch. I seem to stick to a formula, he says, and that the shows I watch are either samey or crap, in his humble opinion.

To hell with him, I say. Not because he's wrong, he's not, it's mostly for the smell...oh the smell.

So, I'm gonna watch a bunch of pilots for TV shows I've missed and see if I'll add them to my "apparent" samey list of favourite shows. Pssh.

The first show was...BEING HUMAN.

It's a British TV show about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost living together...

...still here?

This may possibly turn into one of the fastest shows I've fallen for. It's insanely good! I love that the series doesn't try to lure you in to the possible cool side of being any of these creatures. It certainly doesn't make you want to become a werewolf, that's for sure. The process is painstakingly brutal, far from the fuzzy bunny Oz was in Buffy.

The script is so, so funny and the acting is top notch, too. It looks great and it's a gripping drama piece, there's no action scenes or the likes, although there's plenty of blood and crazy amounts of black-comedy. I really cannot wait for the next episode. I rated it a 9.5 and reviewed it below if you're interested.

The next pilot I shall have a stab at shall be Fringe's pilot. :D

Ok, I'm all done for now.

Song of the day: Decode by Paramore.


The Blog.

Hey peeps,

Got a lot to cover today, so I'll keep the intro sh...

The Trip

So, with a bit of persuading, I've managed to scrap Hong Kong from our 6 week outing. It just looks like a giant city of smog. For some reason, people don't want to visit Laos, but it's like one of my major ones to visit, that and Vietnam! Looks like I have a bit more "persuading" to do. Sexual favours is what I'm referring to, just so ya know...

The Paranoia

This site is out to get me. Seriously. I can't access my preferences (OK, I managed to do that on Explorer today, but accidentally deleted my banner...:(), I can't access PMs, and where is the option to change the bliiinding whiite? Eh? Through no fault of my own, I also deleted my last blog, but I might as well blame the site for that, too :D

The Geek

OK, any blog is a given in terms of geekdom.

I was doing some DVD shopping online when I realised I really don't have the money for any of it. It put me in a bad humour cos I severely wanted to get Superman: Doomsday, Justice League: The New Frontier, and a few horror films I hadn't seen before. So I was over in Tesco, getting some actual shopping, when I passed by a deal so juicy I couldn't have passed it up even if I had left my wallet at home, it would have been mine.

Marvel Triple Pack for a 10er!

Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers 2 and The Invincible Iron Man

I really enjoyed this film. I would have never ****d myself as an Avengers fan, but this has surely piqued my interest. It's funny, it's superbly animated, with stellar voice work and a meaty origin story. I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between Wasp and Giant Man, while it never occurred to me that Captain America could make for such a compelling lead. It seems to be Marvel's fail-safe to have the Hulk become the big bad of almost every Marvel feature out right now - still, the fight is quite the showdown.


At 80 mins long, this is a surprisingly character driven story that doesn't necessarily end the way you'd expect it to. The intro is almost identical to that of the recent film, with a few tweaks here and there, but the story takes off in radical directions and is entirely over-the-top. Tony Stark is a fantastic character; he has plenty of one-liners. There's quite a bit of innuendo in the film and a rather startling point-blank kill and plenty of blood shots, it's no wonder this was rated 12s.


I'll watch the sequel to UA in the moro.

The Food

I'm still adjusting to this new diet, but I actually feel all the better for it. I find that I have a lot more energy now than I did before I went on it. My mam made me a gluten free pizza when I came home from work, since I was complaining about all of the good foods being out of reach, it was delicious!

I have more to say, but I'm a little on the tired side.

Until next time.

~ M@rk

It blogs. IT BLOOOGS!

I think I've forgotten how to do one of these...lets see, eh?


So far, so good. I'm basically planning the first half of this year around my 6 week trip to Southeast Asia. It'll cost a fair amount, so I'm applying for a senior position at my job. I have a good chance of getting it, so wish me luck (should know by next week). It'll mean quite a bit more responsibility, and we all know I try to steer clear of that as often as physically possible, but it means a set number of hours each week and a steady paycheck - something that's becoming rare in this country, and a lot of others, given the recession. I'll try to update when I can about where we're hitting, it's gonna be epic!


Ah, Movies....two weeks ago was the first time I went to the cinema in over 3 months!! I'm really not living up to my username am I?

My Bloody Valentine: 3D

Uhm, I liked the sense that it was so f****** bad that I could not stop larfingmonassoff. It knew it was crap, and there was a definite sense of Grindhouse about the film, but it still wasn't worth the admission price. The 3D elements were weak at best, but the entire experience was so novel, in that everyone looked like an eejit and, for the most part, felt like one too :D


This only came out in the states, but it's on DVD over here. I think you really need to see this on DVD, cos as a cinematic experience, I don't think you'd be able to appreciate it. Liam Neeson sells this film so convincingly, not even the line "I will tear down the Eiffel tower if I have to" ruined my enjoyment (I would have verbally crucified anyone else in the role). It's fast paced with some great action scenes (it's directed by the guy who did District 13, so it's no surprise there); and it really doesn't go about wasting time. The acting is solid (with the likes of Lost's Maggie Grace, Nip/Tuck's Famke Jenson and Supernatural's Katie Cassidy helping it along) and the storyline, while wafer-thin, never fails to hold your attention. As as DVD, with popcorn, a few mates and some beers, it works. I just think as a cinematic film, it's a few punches short of matching Jason Bourne and couple of stunts behind the likes of Bond. But if you enjoy either of those kind of films, you'll surely find yourself liking this one, as it's the edgier, less flashy cousin of the bunch.

Pineapple Express...

It sucked, end of. I really wanted to enjoy this, cos I dig my stoner comedies, but this was just universally lame. I didn't laugh once =/ If you're interested in a good stoner comedy, check out Smiley Face, starring Anna Faris - it's a h00t!

Tropic Thunder...

I know, what's with all of the films that are SO last year. Well, I live on the side of the pond that takes forever for them to hit our shores. I actually enjoyed this mess of a film that's never really consistent with its gags, with a lot of them failing miserably. Jr., however, is hysterical simply because you forget it's him several times throughout and burst into laughter once you remind yourself at various intervals. Ben, well, I really don't like his comedy **** but he has a flare for directing. Jack Black gets an effin' brilliant scene where he's tied to a tree and the film tends to hit its pique when it resorts to physical comedy. So, it's good then, but it could have been Stiller, I mean stellar. Arf.


Currently Playing: Lost Odyssey. It's 4 discs of Microsoft's answer to the Final Fantasy franchise. I may not be as emotionally invested as I was with some FF's previous offerings, but then again, I'm only on the first disc. Some gorgeous cut-scenes, great monster designs, interesting characters, and a story so politically driven it's gives BSG a run for its money, make it a great game. I only hope it gets better.

Finished: Gears of War 2. Well, that was Funkin EPIC! Almost better than its predecessor in every.single.way. My only gripe is that it left a good few things unanswered...and there was no hint of a sequel.

Also Playing: Super Smash Bros (aweeesome!); Prince of Persia (cracking game!) and shall start the new LOTR game soon.


Well, I've been a very bad tvdotcommer. I'm only watching...two current shows? Wow, that's crazy. Smallville is still kicking arse, although the quality has dipped a fair bit with the last two episodes. BSG, meanwhile, is outstanding!! "The Oath" was one of the best hours of TV in AGES.

Old TV

I'm becoming so nostalgic as of late. Friends is officially the best sitcom ever made. Don't believe me? I dare you to watch season 1 and say otherwise! Season 2 and 3 are also magnificent. I'm just dreading the inevitable decline... Buffy - I need to get over this show. But I just can't. I'm almost finished re-watching season 5 and it's quite possibly a season of perfection. Sucks for you if you didn't like Glory, but I did. Season 6 is supposed to be the "dark" year, but this is way darker. Season 6 was the whiny EMO year, let's face it.


I've really gotten into a band called Owl City. They're really mellow, and the vocalist reminds me of Daft Punk. Not for everyone, but I'm in a sappy mood right now, so shaddup ;-) Hello Seattle is a great song, for anyone interested.

February - Month of the Geek

  • Street Fighter IV comes out on PS3/XBOX 360. Gawd, I've been waiting for this for frickin EVER.
  • Street Fighter comes out in the cinema! Everyone IRL I've talked to about this has cringed, but I remain hopeful. I have to. Please, please, don't be a pile of shyte. PLEASE!!
  • Dollhouse starts! Need I say any-bloody-more?!
  • We've seen Dean in My Bloody Valentine, but let's hope Sam can deliver on the goods with the remake of Friday the 13th. It was one of the first films to ever scurrr me, so I hope, at the very least, I get a kick out of it. Jason is badass!

Righty-o, that's all from me.

Sorry for being of the non existent kind, but I'm baaack. Just like the Terminator franchise! W00T!

~ M@rk

What sci-fi has to offer in the new year....

Greetings fellow TVdotcommers,

I hope this blog sees you well. This blog sees me cold...very cold. I had a great Christmas, mind, in spite of the weather; I've developed an eating disorder over the past week - I just can't.stop.eating. Christmas dinner was amazing, made all the better by the fact it lasted over two days. I love it when my mam cooks for a family of 8, even though there's only four of us :D

Since I won't be here over the next week, I thought I'd blog about what I'm looking forward to in TV land in the new year. Here goes:

While we have to wait that bit longer for it, it's the big gun I cannot wait for! Yep, Dollhouse.

There have been many rumblings of the bad kind circling as of late, from fans and press alike, but I remain optimistic. The entire ensemble looks promising, we have our Joss elites on-board the writing team and promos have been amazing. I just hope fans of Joss tune in and FOX allow the show to breathe and last for more than one season!

The Good: Joss + Eliza + more Buffy/Angel affiliation than you can shake a stick at!

The Bad: Friday night death slot could box this show away quite early :(


Only ten episodes left and it's goodbye to one of the best shows ever. Excuse me a moment, I've got something in my eye...

BSG has been an amazing series that has proved that has proved sci-fi can be more than just wacky TV with things going boom. It's intense, it's political, it's thrilling and it fraking rocks my socks! There's rarely a dud and the quality is just so consistent I often pity those who never gave it a chance. Yeah, you! No, not you. You.

The Good: Erm, a-dur, it's back on TV!! After the mid season cliffhanger, and the events of season four, things have never been so up in the air.

The Bad: Hrrm, are our extremely high expectations going to set us up for disappointment? Frak no, it's BSG, it'll pull the rug from right under us once again. And again. And ag--oh you get the point. Watch this show!


I rarely watch British sci-fi. I was practically mentally broken down and forced to watch Doctor Who by various people on this site. Thankfully, it got better and better. Now, though, a new series has caught my eye:

What I appreciate about Demons is how original it looks. The premise - a descendant of Van Helsing - sounds a bit whiffy, but promo shots and various pre-buzz reviews have really got my interest piqued. I just hope it can deliver a darker tone than the profusion of British sci-fi so adamant on staying on the right side of family viewing...

The Good: The production values seem to be top ****- I'm really diggin the hyena demons. Very cool!

The Bad: This could go either way. Do ITV have the balls to really utilize its Gothic London underground premise. I hope so...


Eight years...eight years...can we just ignore seasons six and seven and pretend we're only on the 6th?! Cos, yep, I'm saying it again, Smallville has all of a sudden clicked, and I'd like to see more seasons...

There's not long to wait until season 8 returns, and from what I've seen of the new preview, the season is continuing with strong story-lines, tons of DC lore brought in to mix things up and the ongoing arc continues! Of course, it's still candyfloss viewing, but it's structured now; every character has a drive and we're getting really close to the mythos we all know of. It's saying something when Season 8 of Smallville has hands down trampled all over Heroes 3rd and rather shallow season.

The Good: More of everything from the season so far seems to be what's in store - Doomsday, Lex, Clark accepting his destiny once and for all. Hurrah!

The Bad: It has happened in the past - the show has had a run of great episodes only to drop the ball and **** it all up. It could so easily happen...


Ah, season one, you seem like such a distant memory of a better time. Eugh season two, you were the root canal of TV. And season three, you were the child I dropped on the head...poor thing...can't even string a decent plot together.

Bryan Fuller. I am sorry for the loss of Pushing Daisies, but you have to man up and bring this show around! To be fair, it's sounding fairly good, with everyone having lives again, as one of season three's breaking points had to be the fact none of these people had jobs/interests to keep them occupied between annoying plot developments. They just fought each other every week. Cool action scenes don't make a good super-hero show, gorramit!

The Good: It looks like we'll start to care about these people again. I hope they can find a balance - ah, season one!

The Bad: I have a feeling we may have to wait till s4 to fully see Bryan's input take effect. I hope I'm wrong.

Will you be watching any of these shows? Are there any sci-fi shows I should watch?

~ M@rk

Mmmm. Robo Porn.

Grr, I had to cut my Christmas shopping short this evening cos I am still not feeling the best. I'm supposed to be going out tonight as well, but it looks like that plan is scrapped. It feels like the surgery has made things worse, if anything.

I brought my little brother for something to eat, so we went to one of his favorite places, T.G.I Fridays. The staff are always friendly there and I always enjoy the food, despite it being a complete rip-off. Actually, I kind of planted the suggestion to eat their into his head (not that it took much effort) cos I was feeling really bad and needed a sit-down. It worked out in the end for both of us ^^


Oh dear, whiter than white banner much? It's getting even worse. Who had the idea of changing the scroll down for your favourite shows? WHO?! It's insane. Those of us who have loads of shows favourited can only see a quarter of what we watch, it's gone beyond silly at this stage. Another "improvement" severely undercuts the quality of the site. :roll:


Apparently this is the new "thing" for geeks to foam over. Phwoar, check out the wiring on these gals! :P

That's it really...a pointless blog. I'm not exactly feeling the Christmas spirit, although my appetite has gone through the roof, especially when it comes to pies and the likes, stuff I wouldn't normally eat.

Shows I'm currently watching

Will finish Heroes tonight. Will also start the second season of T:SCC tonight.

At least I didn't meet Der kindestod!...

Hey all,

I just got back from the hospital today. I had to have surgery - nothing serious - and I'm finally home. As expected, I've been feelin groggy and numb all day. I've been taking ample painkillers, cos I was told to expect quite a bit of pain over the coming few days. Hurray!

I was waiting for it to happen for an hour, and recovering for close to two, and I SHOULD have brought my Ipod. Silly Mark! It was relaxing - the morphine helped:D - but I couldn't sleep, and had nothing to read, so I just stared out the window for a while. A long while.

So here's the blog, then: I'm gonna put my Ipod on Shuffle and write down the first 20 songs that come up and explain why they are on there and why I [may] like them, no matter how embarrassing.

Here Goes:

#1 Rob Zombie - Demon Speeding - A really great song, phew! I love his work and his whole vibe, his music is usually always upbeat: dance-metal, if you will, with some insane lyrics. But it works. Not his best song, but still a hell of a song - linky

#2 Alkaline Trio - Stupid Kid - I don't really listen to this song, and I'm not exactly loving it now. Very emo-ish, which isn't always bad, but not in this intsance. - linky if ur bored.

#3 Vast - Touched - What a song! I came across this band a few years back, not realising this very track was in Angel's Pilot episode. It made me love it even more. Great voice, great music and some very cool backing singing, too. An odd blend that really works! - Linky!

#4 Sadie Ama - Fallin' -I can like some R&B, but this song is rubbish. Chipmunk-like backing vocals? Oh god - not bothered to link :P

#5 Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb - Again? Better than Sadie, I suppose. In fact, I love this song! Again, it's all very energetic, and I love it when it comes on in a club! - Linky to a mad vid!

#6 RHCP - By the Way - I really like this tune. I play it in work often, and it usually goes down well with everyone. The Chillies are a bit overrated, but when they throw out a good one, it's usually really good. This would be one of them :) - Linky!

#7 My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Ok - Aside from soley being on my Ipod for drinking game purposes, I hate this song. The whole band. I just don't get them. The vid for this song is actually great, tho.

#8 System of a Down - Psycho - I pretty much dig all of thier music, so they've no real faults in my books. This is just an insane song and I lurve it. Psycho, groupe, cocaine, crazy - brilliant.

#9 Shakira - Hips Don't Lie - Haha, this song has a long history with me. It's an in-joke with a few friends of mine. I actually really like this tune; I'm not a fan of Shakira in general (sorry jd) but not only is the song catchy, but she looks absolutely amazing in the vid!

#10 New Found Glory - Head on Collision - Erm...what is this? He sounds like he has a cold. The chorus is ok, but this fairly bad.

#11 Blondie - Call Me - Ahh, Blondie. I really like this one, even tho i wouldnt shout to the hills about it :P

#12 Girls Aloud - Something Kinda Oooh - ROFL. Wow, I was hoping for a lesser song to be ashamed of, but this takes the cake. Not a fan of them, have no idea why I have it. It's a dance-y tune, and I like some dance, but it's a bit much. Still, Cheryl is in this group and she's all kinds of SEX!

#13 Buffy - Life's a show - Hehe, gotta love her. I really think this is my fave song of the episode. The backup part, Buffy's reveal, Willow's look, and Buffy plea about wanting something to sing about near the end - perfect! I see it everytime I listen to it.

#14 Elastacia - Connection - LOVE the music in this song. I wouldn't listen to it much, though, but when it's on, I'll have a good listen. Like I'm doing right now - OH!OH!

#15 Slipknot - Vendetta - quite a shift in gear, eh? Slipknot just get better and better. It's a very teenage-y band to like, but I just love the music. The last few albums now have actual singing, instead of just screaming, and the overall sound of their new album is awesome! Love this song!

#16 Katy Rose - Watching the Rain - I'm not gonna lie, I usually like this chick. But this song is total pants.

#17 The Moldy Peaches - Anyone else but you - This song is overrated. Having said that, it's the best song from Juno, a very couple-y song.

#18 The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It - Their new album is woeful, save for two songs. This one, though, is really good. Great beat, cool lyrics and some good singing goin' on :D

#19 Dashboard Confessionals - So Long Sweet Summer - They're Jimmy Eat World wannabees, but there's something too off for me to like them, or this song at least.

#20 Artic Monkeys - Scummy - What a song! It's one of the best of the lot. I've always wanted to make a vid about Spike to this. Maybe someday I will!


So there ya have it. Do it if ur bored, tis kinda fun! I just did it cos I'm awake now and have to wait till 3am to take the next painkiller.

Off I go to hunt down blogs I missed :D