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MovieMark Blog

English summer rains seems to last for ages...

I should say Irish summer rain since it hasn't stopped here ALL day, but I hear our neighbours are having a rough time of it too (plus, I can't just change lyrics to a song).

Still computerless, and still very much hiding out in a net cafe. It's nice and warm here, though.

I won't make a big song & dance about it since this particular sheep never really made any herself, so all I'll say is: Lin, I hope you come back for a wee visit some time soon. Until then, enjoy those experiences you're lookin' for and I hope life treats ya well. You'll be missed!

*does a little number and a bit of a jig*

Thanks for all of the comments on my last blog, some of them had me ROFL'N in here...there were looks, I tell ya. LOOKS.

Since I've had no net to surf, I've been just watching DVDs. A lot of them. fone has just been playing a really crap song and I just realised now since Im listening to my

Oh yeah, DVDs.

After a so-so first half, the second half of Supernatural really got going as soon as Meg came onto the scene. The last two episodes were corkers, and that cliff-hanger was great, wasn't it?! Oh yeah, my online orders were declined, well, two of them were. Guess which ones? Yup, my dose of Winchester! I just re-ordered.

The same with this series, I've been reviewing it episode by episode, but dont have the time now (obviously). After one or two meh episodes, the first season of Dark Angel ends with some GREAT stories, especially involving Tinga, and yep, it also has a really cool cliff-hanger.

I've started watching the rest of the 3rd season of Smallville, and just watched Truth and it's a perfect example of how weak the show can be and how serious and stuck up it is as a series. On ANY other series, they could have loads of fun with the premise, but after one or two fun moments, it's all turn-our-backs-on-each-other-and-pine scenes, and miss Mack playing a total bitca. I can't wait till season four, which is when I fall Madly in love with Chloe and Allison Mack :D

As you can see I'm not really watching anything new (other than finishing Chuck) so I'll catch ya's soon. I'm off to visit blogs, cos I need some entertainment!

*Again, i just couldn't be bovvered to stick this into word and correct spelling. Sorry.

Both laptops dead...sniff.

Hey, just a quick heads up that I am NOT IGNORING YOU.

OK, maybe you.

Both laptops have suffered an overdose of electricity and both have fried, which means 3 weeks of waiting for repairs.

*collective aww*

I'm in a net cafe right now...yeah.

*collective weep*

No, don't cry. Be strong. Live...for me :lol:

Anyways, I actually just bought a load of random stuff online for the first.time.ever.

Can't wait for them.

By the by, Chuck is an awesome series, and I've finally stopped hating Supernatural and have ordered seasons 2 and 3, among other things.

From a guy in a net cafe,


*please excuse any spelling mistakes, im just not bovvered.

Top 20 Episodes (20 - 11)

I've been having a hard time of it as of late and not really wanting to blog, so I thought I'd add to the lists aplenty on the site at the moment (which I'm enjoying to no end). As the title suggests it'll be based on my top 20 episodes.


Babylon/Pick a Number

While it's by no means the best of the series, this two-parter of sorts is certainly an example of how to make good television; tragic, funny and entirely inappropriate, it not only adds to the ongoing arc but manages a death as dark and saddening as a certain miss Burkle's unfortunate demise.

South Park

The Jeffersons

It was this very episode of South Park that cemented my love for the show. Michael Jackson is an easy target, but it's taken to hilarious extremes in this instance and it's all the funnier for it. It was a close one between this episode and the Jennifer Lopez episode, but I got more laughs out of this.

Father Ted

Speed 3

One of the funniest episodes from one of the funniest series ever created. If you've never heard of this show then you need a kick up the arse. OK, you don't, but what you really need is to get your hands on this show. STAT.


Company Man/Five Years Gone

It was too difficult to choose one over the other, so I'm having a joint entry. Company Man just blew me away and Five Years Gone had me fangasming like no 2moro. Both exceptionally made episodes - if you ever wanted to know why everyone made a fuss over season one, these two episodes are the perfect examples!

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

It's technically an episode, right?! I enjoyed it upon first viewage, and then loved it upon second viewage. I do not think it's Joss' best work, but as a piece of distracting entertainment, there's nothing like it. The last five or so minutes had me gasping, I should have expected it though since Joss is the source of all evil. Can't wait for the DVD, woohoo!


I only Have Eyes For You

It stands to show how amazing the writing happens to be on this show when a (kinda) standalone episode meshed between some of the season's greatest stories happens to be one of the most absorbing pieces of television. I call it a standalone as the Angel plot doesn't really kick in till the final moments - I enjoyed Gilies thinking it was Jenny and the scoobies reluctantly trying to help him, even tho they thought otherwise. When Angel does arrive on the scene it's fan-bloody-tastic! Those final moments are absolutely stunning!

Battlestar Galactica

The Hub

The calmer storm before the even bigger storm, I chose this particular episode out of many many outstanding episodes because it shows us just how great and complex a character Roslin is. She's one of my favourite things about the show, and while season four turned her cold, which I loved, and also neglected her at times, which I hated, this episode manages to restore my faith in her. Touching, funny, and bloody exciting, it' an acting tour de force from everyone involved and one of the better episode of the season.



I may dislike this show now, but there's no denying that this was one of the best pilots ever. With an extremely likeable cast, an interesting premise and some wonderfully weird moments throughout, this pilot was a gem from start to finish. Season one managed to keep the standard high for quite a while before catapulting into the tedious, but this episode stands the show that Lost was a show to be least for a spell.


Out of Gas

I've always felt this should have been the pilot for the show. It's the perfect episode to introduce your friends to Firefly, at least then they'd willingly sit through the pilot, which, from past experiences, a few of my friends simply couldn't get into. It's shocking, it's funny and a compelling piece of sci-fi - TV rarely gets better than this. Well, ok, maybe it does, with the top 10 coming up soon...

Dr. Who


If it wasn't for this episode I don't think I'd be watching DW right now. In all honesty, the show hasn't produced another episode to match it so far (although Midnight comes in close, imo). Dr. Who follows a predictable, if undeniably enjoyable formula, but it rarely shifts from its comfortable storytelling zone. Blink, however, does just that - it's creepy and very cleverly written, not to mention very eerie at times. You also have Sally was love at first sight!

Thank **** it's Frigya!

Happy Friday!

I found out today I have the entire weekend off from work, hurrah! This will mean copious amounts of DVD viewage; working on my almost completed video (which is a lot of fun); a few trips to the gym, followed by some cinema attendage with my brother. I'm avoiding all friends cos I have three birthdays next weekend and it's gonna cost me :P

DVD Watchage

I'm ploughing my way through Arrested Development at the moment, and catching an episode of Angel and Buffy on the side (have to find clips and in order to that I gotta watch some episodes – it's a hard life). Other than that I've been catching a few episodes of Mile High, a highly entertaining British series about folk who work at the airport.

What I'm doing right now... Enjoying a glass of milk and a ham, lettuce, cheese, red onion and mayo roll. In case you were wondering...

Did you see...

The animated Buffy clip now online from the proposed – but rejected – series? It looks really good, a bit wobbly where Buffy's voice is concerned, but enjoyable nonetheless. Youtube Buffy Cartoon (too lazy right now to link:p

DVD Collection

Ahh, more to the stockpile: Gladiator (*****), American Beauty(****), Zoolander(****), Starship Troopers(*****) and BeetleJuice(****)

That's it for now. Still have yet to find that blasted wire. I'm thinking of doing a top 10 scenes list and maybe a top 10 character list. I've enjoyed everyone else's so why the frak not?

~ M@rk

Nancy Boi

I have two holiday related blogs all written up, but I've misplaced the wire to upload photos so I guess those will have to wait. Barcelona was without a doubt one of the funniest weeks ever.

I managed to get a few films in and read a book or two on my trips (*gasp* he can read?! *gasp*) so here are a few titbits on 'em. Oh, and I'm watching a few new series, too (new to me, old in TV land) so here we go:

I didn't bring a book on my first trip, I didn't see the point. As the train journeys (consisting of 4 and 6 hour trips) went by I decided to nab one of my friend's books and have a gander. "WHY?" comes to mind.

"Why the **** did I ask her for a book!" he said.

"Because you were bored" she said.

"I know."

"Ehm..." she said.

"It was rhetorical" he said.

It was overcast. Mark picked up the book. "What is this?" he said. As he flicked through the pages he looked at Claire. She looked back.

"WTF is with these short sentences" he said to Claire.

"I know," she said. "And why does she keep writing 'said' after every feckin sentence'" she said.

Mark looked angry. Like a fox. An angry fox. He started to get pissed off. Pissed off by the book with short sentences. The book with short sentences and no description whatsoever.

"This is a load of ****e!" Mark stood up from his seat. He was on a train. A fast train.


Shame on me for reading this trite! And SHAME on Pauline for writing such a thing. This book was SO bad that when we watched an episode of Father Ted we couldn't find the dependable Mrs. Doyle funny, as we were too busy going "Oh there's that stupid ***** who wrote that book!" :lol:

I'm only on chapter 15 and I'm completely hooked, enthralled, frightened, amused, fascinated, and a plethora of other wordy type things to fit the bill, by this devilishly entertaining novel. It just clicks so well and is written with such confidence, such cockiness, that these characters literally burst out of the pages unashamed by their actions - this book will make you laugh and feel uncomfortable usually within the same sentence.

It's about a man - the author, actually -who's tired of his ordinary surroundings. After a poker game he finds a dice under a card and has no idea what number it has landed on. Out of curiosity he decides to add a task to each of the six sides with number one giving him permission to go downstairs to rape his neighbour while the others are simply generic, less exciting commands (sleep, drink or clean up). Well, let's just say he takes a visit downstairs and that triggers off a series of events succumbing to the dice and lets it dictate his every move.

If you haven't read this book I URGE you to pick up a copy. This may sound a bit eye-rolly coming from someone who might read two books a year, but this is stuff of gold. Again, yeah, I haven't finished it either, but it's something to be experienced. I rarely laugh or cringe at books; in fact I doubt I ever have. But with this, though; one page it'll have me howling and the next it will make me feel as though I accidentally stepped into a room I shouldn't have and witnessed something I wish I hadn't. It's thought-provoking, warped, funny and EXTREMELY well written. GET IT.

Film Review: Wall-E

As films go, Wall-E dazzles. It's a feast for senses - an aspect of the film critics have been going gaga over. Story wise, though, it's fairly basic, which is fine coz it's a "kids film" but Pixar have always raised the ball visually and from a narrative standpoint. Perhaps it was down to the hype surrounding the film; maybe it could have been my extreme hangover and two hours of sleep; it might have mostly been down to the fact it was in Spanish... whatever the case, I merely enjoyed it instead of falling for it. My Spanish is fairly simple, but even so, the plot dwindles here and there and the ending could have been better. Ah, sure, I'll see it in English and get back to ya!

DVD Review

A very capable series, T:SCC gets off to a fine start with the Pilot (****), the basics are laid out in front of us and there are quite a few action scenes and some superb SFX. Everyone fits into their roles well and this Sarah Connor is rather believable, too, if a little softer than the movie counterpart. "Gnoti Seaton" (****) is another strong offering with some nice mythology building and great character interaction - the ending is great! "The Turk" (***1/2) works because there's quite a few throwbacks to the previous films and the new characters introduced blend rather well into the show. "Heavy Metal" (****) meanwhile is more action orientated and the interplay between the main leads continues to impress ("I call shotgun" "I call 9mm"). A bit of a dip with "The Queen's Gamit" (***) although it's not without its merits - Agent Ellison comes into the forefront; he's an intriguing character and nicely fleshed out. "Dungeon and Dragons" (****1/2) is a mega-cool look at the future and managing glimpses of Kyle and the desolated earth are just cherries on the cake. The home-front stuff is just as meaty and the return of Sarah's ex is a nice touch. "The Demon Hand" (*****) is a personal fave, revisiting Sarah during her stay at the mental hospital; seeing Bruce Davison reprise his role from the T2; watching Summer Glau grace us with a ballet performance, right down to the final scenes with the dulcet score playing in the background. A character-driven piece fans thought to be boring, but not this one! "Vick's Chip" (**) is a bit of a snore, it has to be said. The opening moments are brilliant, but it sort of slips into a comfy techo-babble plot I just didn't care for. "What He Beheld" (***1/2), meanwhile, serves as a very good episode, but is forced to act as the season finale, and while it has bite, it couldn't possibly deliver the goods of an actual finale. Still, there are some c/assic moments tucked away in here - the fight scene where we don't actually get to see the fight has to be one of the series' highlights. The ending, too, is a bit of a doozey and gives us another baddie to look forward to next season as well as a few questions as to whether or not someone will survive. Roll on season 2!

New (old) show I'm watching

Bought season one for €16 and it's hilarious! I didn't think much of it from commercials but there's genuine humour to be found, it's an incredibly clever show. I like a series that can tackle serious issues and yet has time to be as puerile as can be, ala Scrubs (only snappier). Plus, any series that references some of my favourite shows regularly gets a thumbs up from me :D

OK, I've nattered on a bit too much.



You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain...

Well, in a few hours my friend will be picking me up and off we go to the airport to Barcelona! Woohoo!

I have a blog written up about my intermarailing trip but I've decided to hold off and just have a gigantinormous holiday blog once I get back :D

So, I've seen The Dark Knight and absolutely loved it. It's not only one of the best comic adaptations ever made, but one of the best crime stories I've seen. Surpassing Begins in almost every way, everything just clicked and while, yes, as voiced by many, it's a wee bit long, it doesn't detract from the main storyline. Needless to say, the acting is top notch, with The Joker's introduction hilarious & menacing (look out for a trick with a pencil!). There's plenty more action this time around and quite a few shocks along the way for good measure, too. If another sequel is on the horizon, it'll be tough to outdo this one!

I also caught Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It was terrible. Truly terrible. OK, calm down, I'm joking. It was amazing. Truly amazing. Joss has done it again and in such an entertaining way. I have such a crush on Felicia Days, and while I loved her in every single scene, it's a pity she didn't get her very own solo. My favourite song is Laundry Day and the duet between Horrible and Penny. Nathan hams it up so well and Joss dazzles with some lovely shots and manages to create this amazing verse in such a small space of time. It never occurred to me about the ending beforehand. Apparently it's creating quite a stir as to whether the final moments involving you know what actually happened or not... Your opinion?

Alrighty, enjoy your week cos I'm sure as hell aiming to enjoy mine. 29 degrees in Barcelona 2moro, yippee! Oooh, I really hate this band, but this song has grown on me so much over the past few days. Grrr. Listen

Later :)

The blog with the over-sized pictures...

Greetings, earthlings!

I apologise for my lack of activity on here recently. With work and planning my holidays and looking up answers to an impossible picture (that stupid ***** in that ******* big chair with her ****** stupid yellow dungarees!) I've been a bit all over the place. I have things to say but not sure how to put them into readable word-y esq words. On my days off I've been budgeting and just renting films with my work a/c (i.e. free) or just catching films for the paper in the cinema (i.e. free) and jotting down a few quickly thrown together opions over the last week. I've enough for a blog and I didn't want you all to suffer withdrawal ( :wink: ) so here are a few picks:

Everybody was kung fu fiiiighting! Dinananananana! Such fun, I found myself smiling from ear to ear at times, and I rarely do that, especially at screenings. Kung Fu Panda is a delightful piece of entertainment. I gave it a solid a review with very few blips. I simply noted that DreamWorks still haven't quite got on the same level as Pixar, and the stars attached to the film are merely fodder to reel viewers in. What really got to me however is the fact "It looks as though this one might slip through the cracks what with Pixar's eagerly anticipated 'Wall-E' campaign overshadowing it in every way possible, which is a pity. So catch it on DVD if ya miss it in theatres." It's tough being a little fish in a pond infested with Pixar giants. Kids will love this one and you might find yourself enjoying it, too. I did.

I just watched this around 2 hours ago. Why I waited so long I'm still kicking myself over, but, as they say, better late than never! I thoroughly enjoyed this visceral, bloody and entertaining piece of drama. The Coen brothers have done it again and have really created something wonderfully menacing. It all looks so dirty you'll want to take a shower after it just to clean yourself from the blood and sweat that clearly went into this film. I highly recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a good "catch the pigeon" tale with remarkable performances and a beautifully dark film experience. Simple, but extremely effective.

Had to attend the screening for this one on Monday and it's probably one of the most enjoyable action films I've seen in years. Jackie Chan and Jet Li finally go head to head, fight side by side and bounce off each other like ping-pong balls in a film that'd be difficult to dislike. The choreography and action is non-stop, with some really cool bad guys and even better good guys. OK, mebe not, I mean, the White Witch, "the one born of wolves" just kicked so much ass! There's something about a woman with a whip that just does it for me :P

You can never go wrong with Christian Bale. EVER. That said, it's not his best work - I found Rescue Dawn to sit uncomfortably between an easy going drama and a painstaking look at how Prisoner's of war are treated. It never quite commits to being a full on drama and so never effectually reels you in. The acting is generally good all around, and while some folk may appreciate the simple nature of the characters and their interaction with one another, I found it to be somewhat staged and often filler-y.

Jack Black has quite a few "subtle" films coming out over here this summer. Of course, by subtle, I mean he's not screaming like a loon; he's not a panda who loves the word "awesome" and actually shows off a completely different comedic side to him which is mucho more appealing than his aforementioned traits. Be Kind, Rewind won't have you crying with laughter, but it should light a smile or three, and if you're feeling nostalgic, well, you'll love it! There's homage to quite a few celluloid gems in here with plenty of visual gags, too.

In work the other day I said to a customer "he's never made a bad film" about Daniel and I've gotta say...he still hasn't! Overlong, yeah - but who cares?! - this tour de force looks, sounds, IS AMAZING. I was expecting a bland story, cos, to be honest, it didn't have any space ships or kick ass babes so it lost me at the big screen, but I needed to see what all of the gafuffle was about. Well, it's brilliant! Compelling down to the final frame, which is a powerful one at that, this film had me at hello (seriously, it starts with hello...).

Very 24-ish, meaning it has its moments but overall falls flat (take that 24 fans!), Vantage Point packs some punch and has as many turns and betrayals and dead bodies as your typical 24 season, unfortunately it thinks it's such a clever boots and in the end feels as though they threw in a few random twists so they could call it "edge of your seat" stuff. You might fall off your seat, sure...probably because you were reaching for the remote to see what else is on and to make your way back once the tedious replays finished. Seriously, the same event told six time, wtf!? The last 20 or so minutes are decent enough and there's a car chase reminiscent to the Bourne films.

It wouldn't be a blog without a shameless plug :P

I'm writing for a slick sci-fi site - we cover everything from Batman film news to Doctor Who/Torchwood news & reviews. I'll have two reviews up 2moro for Wanted & Forbidden Kingdom. It's a site-in-progress, but so far is doing well enough. People can send in news items, so if you'd like to throw some info our way or rant about something, be our guest - just sign it and we'll post it long as it's sci-fi :P

The name is inspired...


It's only just beginning!

Well, it's official - Ireland is now in recession. I knew I had a reason for buying my DVDS in bulk these past few months, it was for this very moment. Ireland last faced the big R in the 80s and suffered quite a blow and it looks like history will repeat itself. Jobs, already, have been cut in a number of different areas, with talks of high-street shops facing the biggest blows and everyone running to their local Lidle instead of Super Quinn. It's time for everyone to buckle down it seems!

Summer Films

On a brighter note, I've been enjoying some of this summer's blockbuster treats at student prices and can't wait to catch WANTED and TEETH. Here are a few musings on some the most recent films I've seen:

The Incredible Hulk

Did they have to throw incredible in there? That's surely false advertisement! While this film is far superior to Ang Lee's adaptation, it lacks the character of HULK and that's exactly what's missing from this gamma-outing. The action, or the majority of it, is superb and the characters have their moments too, but this reboot lacks soul - it's the epitome of a dumb, popcorn flick. Not exactly what I had expected after seeing IRON MAN, a fast-paced shock to the senses that had character and s/tyle. Edward Norton plays Eric with a coolness that's almost a given with any Norton-related production, but there's something a little off. Definitely watchable, unfortunately lacking, THE INCREDIBLE HULK just doesn't deliver the goods we've come to expect from the genre, especially Marvel, when you consider the greatness of SPIDERMAN, X-2, and BATMAN BEGINS etc.

The Happening

Oh dear - my expectations were already below sea-level for this one as I personally detest most of Shyamalan's often self-indulgent work. Although I will state that he does have an impressive ability to make the most inane thing appear sinister, amping up tension like no other. Most of his films rely on a shocking finish to keep you interested, but with THE HAPPENING, the reveal is 30mins in at which point you'll probably have lost all hope anyways.

Poor in almost every way, how this ever came to be is beyond me. The entire ordeal is ludicrous, with the finisher being a set-piece that involves our band of bland folk attempting to out-run - wait for it - the wind!! Acting wise it's atrocious and the script contains some of the worst dialogue ever committed to screen. Providing plenty of belly-laughs where it's not supposed to, THE HAPPENING is the year's major stinker by far!

Doctor Who; Turn Left

This one receives top marks alone for the preview for the next episode! Talk about a fan-gasm! TURN LEFT is the fourth consecutive episode to impress this non-believer-turned-fan! Seeing shouty Donna again proved just how much the character had grown and Tate gives it her all. I'd love to give this episode 10/10, but unfortunately, a few leaps in logic and a surprisingly off-putting performance from Billie Piper cribbed this one of perfection - was it me or did she have a lisp?! - otherwise, it was a stellar piece of pure sci-fi and unusually adult in tone for this family friendly show (take the scenes suggesting concentration camps for anyone who wasn't British and the millions of people dying). And next time...Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Donna, Martha, Billie and the doc, wooot!


AAAAH! I've to interview two Canadian directors on Saturday about their new film which will be showing at an upcoming festival. I'm crazy-nervous, cos it'll be my first one and I'm hoping, if all goes well, I'll be on my way to chatting with the big celebs! Wish me luck!

~ M@rk

3 Year Blog - Uncut and Unfinished...due to massive hangover!

*Holds head*

(MarkV get yer mind out of the gutter)

Am I paying for last night :cries: It was a blast! It ended with Absinthe, which I love, but my throat is killing me from having a bit too much "Angel Tears" :P

Thanks for all of the comments last blog:) You guys rock, which is why I am writing this blog :D

OK, so it's not all about you :lol: I am celebrating my third year on this very site, but it's BECAUSE of you people that I stay. ...And to write reviews. ...And to get some editorships. ...Did I mention reviews already? And then YOU :P

Before I begin, though - a certain user whom I've known, tracked and read almost all of his reviews (even tho I dislike GG, proving his worth as a writer) since my journey began, Barry, missed out on sharing his three year tenure with us and so I ask of you to give him a massive HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Waiter, fix B up with a few drinks!

Here's to another 3 :D

Shout out time!!

Ya know...I was gonna do a write up by user...but, er, wow, after three ppl I was already exhausted. How does JD do it? Oh life :lol: I luves ya really, JD. I do. I'm far too hungover too.

SO instead of talk....

Here we go!

For France

This foxy thing is goin' home with you tonight!


This cutie wants you bad.

Only thing is...

so does he!

Have your beef-cake and eat her :lol:


I wonder what's on his mind :wink:


These fellas wanna have a word with ya :D Me too, actually :wink:


Miss lang needs your assistance :wink:

EDIT: I have work in an hour and I'm dying...I'll finish this 2nite :)

Plenty more presents for all to come:D