@numbaro Because the bad points of the game seems stupid. Who cares about politics and inconsistent character behavior? It sounds like the reviewer wasn't reviewing a game or at least the reviewer forgot he/she was playing a GAME!
I don't find it bad that the game got a 9 but the bad things highlighted doesn't seem so important. Honestly, nobody cares inconsistent character behavior in games. It sounds like the reviewer was trying hard not to give it a 10 and had to look for problems to reduce the score. Seriously what happened to just playing and enjoying the game.
I don't know why people are complaining about the rating. Last time I checked, an 8 was a great score. You can't expect every game you like to get a 9 or 10.
We are progressing to a point where a game of similar genre is called a ripoff. If an FPS game comes out, people will call it a call of duty ripoff. If a TPS game such as Inversion or Binary Domain comes out, it will be considered a Gears ripoff. Why? because COD and Gears came first. Honestly, who gives a shit about ripoffs. A game will be considered bad just because it has a similar weapon or gameplay of another game even though it's good. Honestly, people are starting to take games too seriously. Just go home, sit down and enjoy the game.
@Crysolve You can not make a statement like that and say that the game is broken. I never had that problem and it's probably just you and maybe a few others.Your experience of the game does not pertain to the experience of everyone.
MrAVKV's comments