As I transition over to Giantbomb, I have to take a look back at what I've done here. I've made a lot of online friends. I made a lot of videos. Most good, some bad. Over the next week, I'm going to do a series of blogs looking back at my favorite videos made, and the memories from when I made them. After this week, I'll be posting my Awesomeness Videos here, but I will NOT BLOG HERE ANYMORE. That's why Giantbomb was created.
In this first blog, we'll get started with my MOST VIEWED videos. MY TOP FIVE MOST VIEWED VIDEOS. Tomorrow, I'll be presenting my TOP FIVE LEAST VIEWED VIDEOS, to get warmed up. Then, Monday through Friday, I'll present a new blog everyday, each featuring one of my favorite videos, and one of my least favorite. I hope you'll take a look back with me, and enjoy some of the best times I ever had on the Internet, sharing my life and video game impressions with a group of people I may never meet personally in my life.
#1 - Jerks of War II: Insane - 8,847 Views
When Brian (McMillan) goes insane from the constant chain sawing of Gears of War he begins to fight what he thinks are the locust, but who are actually his friends.
This video is my most viewed film, EVER. Almost 9,000 views here and just over 30,000 on youtube. Of course I wish it got a million views, but those weren't my original intentions. It got featured on Gamespot, and I was ecstatic. It was "Video of the Day" for a little over a WEEK. Man was I PUMPED! I loved all of the criticism I got and quickly wrote a sequel. Unfortunately, due to a bunch of setbacks, we never got to finish Jerks of War 3. But... a re-write is in the works, and I'll be getting a camcorder from my friend soon, so be on the lookout for JERKS OF WAR 3.
#2 - Dead Rising - Video Review - 3,392 Views
This is my video review of Dead Rising. Enjoy!
My third video ever made here on GS, and my first FEATURED VIDEO on the site. I had a really fun time talking about Dead Rising, though I had just woken up. Funny story, this guy who sent me a friend request on Xbox Live, really likes my videos and saw my review two years ago, and that influenced him to buy it. He told me that my videos helped him decide about weather or not to buy a game. That's really special to me. That someone was really listening to what I had to say, and valued my opinion. On another note, this is video in which my catchphrase, "Ryan Seacrest, is a ****" originated from. Can't believe it's been almost two years since I've been posting videos. Wow.
#3- Video Game Corner #6 - 2,886 Views
In this episode, I review Spider-Man 3 for the XBOX 360 and give you my first impressions of THE BIGS for the 360. Plus, news and more...
I don't remember if this one was featured or not. I think it was. Oh well. Anyway, I just watched this one the other day. It's one of my best videos by far. Really in-depth, well paced, this video was really fun to edit. It featured everything I said a Video Game Corner should include; New Releases, News, Impressions, Gameplay, all concluding with a Review. It was the last Video Game Corner I ever made. Those bumpers that Mr. Tony Smith made me were really neat. I miss those bumpers.
#4 - Awesomeness Volume 1 - 2,448
"Orange Awesomeness." In this, the first volume of Awesomeness, I talk give you my first impressions of the Orange Box for the 360, talk about the new Ratchet and Clank game and Army of Two.
Well, this video speaks for itself. My first AWESOMENESS. I wasn't sure if I was going to like eliminating all of my other types of blogs, but it was time for a change, and the changeover, couldn't of gone ANY SMOOTHER. My first Awesomeness Volume was featured and I gain a few viewers who would stick around for awhile. It's one of my favorite Awesomeness Volumes, and you guys seemed to have like it too.
#5 - Top 5 Anticipated Games of 2007 - 2,238
Mr. Bojangles' Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2007. Featuring plenty of gameplay footage and an awesome intro. The only reason it's not a Top Ten is because I want to keep viewers interested the whole time. And I hope I achieved my goal! Enjoy!
This one got a lot more views then the 2008 edition. Hah. Anyway, this video WAS NOT featured, and it still did very well for itself. I related it to Mass Effect when EVERYONE was talking about it. Another fast paced video, featuring A LOT OF GAMEPLAY. Another one of my favorites to edit.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed looking back at these videos, as I have. Tomorrow, I'll be featuring the WORST OF THE WORST. I hope you'll check back tomorrow to check out my next feature in my FULL WEEK OF BLOGGING here on GAMESPOT!!!
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