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MrBoGaNgLes Blog

A look back... Part II

So yesterday we looked at my top five most viewed videos here on Gamespot. Today we'll take a look back at my TOP FIVE LEAST VIEWED VIDEOS. I'm excluding the one Awesomeness Volume, which received no view due to a server error. I'm also going to exclude my two newest videos, as they're still being viewed. This is a look back. Not a look back to last week. Tomorrow, I'll start my series, THE BEST AND WORST of MR. BOJANGLES, so make sure to check back tomorrow to take a peak at my #5 Favorite and Hated videos. I'll reveal a new set everyday this week, leading up to my favorite and least favorite videos.

Before I start, I'd like to take the time to quickly talk about two things. First of all, the new Gears of War 2 themed profile banner and blog banner, were made for me by Ish, or ffgothic here on Gamespot. I absolutely LOVE this new layout. It was beautifully made, and I really appreciate hime making these banners for me. Thanks again ISH! Also, Gamespot threw a curveball at me, at all of us who were going over to Giantbomb. They released a beta of their new layout, and it...looks...good. It's pretty sleek, and I like the interface, but I think I'm going to stick with my plan of moving over to Giantbomb completely once my Total Access subscription runs out.


Actually, I looked at the videos. And they're ALL ASK A BOJANGLES EPISODES! So never mind. See you tomorrow!

A look back...

As I transition over to Giantbomb, I have to take a look back at what I've done here. I've made a lot of online friends. I made a lot of videos. Most good, some bad. Over the next week, I'm going to do a series of blogs looking back at my favorite videos made, and the memories from when I made them. After this week, I'll be posting my Awesomeness Videos here, but I will NOT BLOG HERE ANYMORE. That's why Giantbomb was created.

In this first blog, we'll get started with my MOST VIEWED videos. MY TOP FIVE MOST VIEWED VIDEOS. Tomorrow, I'll be presenting my TOP FIVE LEAST VIEWED VIDEOS, to get warmed up. Then, Monday through Friday, I'll present a new blog everyday, each featuring one of my favorite videos, and one of my least favorite. I hope you'll take a look back with me, and enjoy some of the best times I ever had on the Internet, sharing my life and video game impressions with a group of people I may never meet personally in my life.


#1 - Jerks of War II: Insane - 8,847 Views

When Brian (McMillan) goes insane from the constant chain sawing of Gears of War he begins to fight what he thinks are the locust, but who are actually his friends.


This video is my most viewed film, EVER. Almost 9,000 views here and just over 30,000 on youtube. Of course I wish it got a million views, but those weren't my original intentions. It got featured on Gamespot, and I was ecstatic. It was "Video of the Day" for a little over a WEEK. Man was I PUMPED! I loved all of the criticism I got and quickly wrote a sequel. Unfortunately, due to a bunch of setbacks, we never got to finish Jerks of War 3. But... a re-write is in the works, and I'll be getting a camcorder from my friend soon, so be on the lookout for JERKS OF WAR 3.

#2 - Dead Rising - Video Review - 3,392 Views

This is my video review of Dead Rising. Enjoy!


My third video ever made here on GS, and my first FEATURED VIDEO on the site. I had a really fun time talking about Dead Rising, though I had just woken up. Funny story, this guy who sent me a friend request on Xbox Live, really likes my videos and saw my review two years ago, and that influenced him to buy it. He told me that my videos helped him decide about weather or not to buy a game. That's really special to me. That someone was really listening to what I had to say, and valued my opinion. On another note, this is video in which my catchphrase, "Ryan Seacrest, is a ****" originated from. Can't believe it's been almost two years since I've been posting videos. Wow.

#3- Video Game Corner #6 - 2,886 Views

In this episode, I review Spider-Man 3 for the XBOX 360 and give you my first impressions of THE BIGS for the 360. Plus, news and more...


I don't remember if this one was featured or not. I think it was. Oh well. Anyway, I just watched this one the other day. It's one of my best videos by far. Really in-depth, well paced, this video was really fun to edit. It featured everything I said a Video Game Corner should include; New Releases, News, Impressions, Gameplay, all concluding with a Review. It was the last Video Game Corner I ever made. Those bumpers that Mr. Tony Smith made me were really neat. I miss those bumpers.

#4 - Awesomeness Volume 1 - 2,448

"Orange Awesomeness." In this, the first volume of Awesomeness, I talk give you my first impressions of the Orange Box for the 360, talk about the new Ratchet and Clank game and Army of Two.


Well, this video speaks for itself. My first AWESOMENESS. I wasn't sure if I was going to like eliminating all of my other types of blogs, but it was time for a change, and the changeover, couldn't of gone ANY SMOOTHER. My first Awesomeness Volume was featured and I gain a few viewers who would stick around for awhile. It's one of my favorite Awesomeness Volumes, and you guys seemed to have like it too.

#5 - Top 5 Anticipated Games of 2007 - 2,238

Mr. Bojangles' Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2007. Featuring plenty of gameplay footage and an awesome intro. The only reason it's not a Top Ten is because I want to keep viewers interested the whole time. And I hope I achieved my goal! Enjoy!


This one got a lot more views then the 2008 edition. Hah. Anyway, this video WAS NOT featured, and it still did very well for itself. I related it to Mass Effect when EVERYONE was talking about it. Another fast paced video, featuring A LOT OF GAMEPLAY. Another one of my favorites to edit.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed looking back at these videos, as I have. Tomorrow, I'll be featuring the WORST OF THE WORST. I hope you'll check back tomorrow to check out my next feature in my FULL WEEK OF BLOGGING here on GAMESPOT!!!

Awesomeness Volume 14 - Electronic Entertainment Awesomeness

Here it is, the first entry into the two-part Awesomeness event! In this first volume I give my full impressions about the Microsoft and Sony E3 press conferences and talk about my most anticipated games of 2008 and 2009. Check it out! I hope you enjoy both segments! They were a lot of fun to make. Sorry they weren't up yesterday, but they're up now!


Check out the second part of this two-part Awesomeness Event over at Youtube.

Awesomeness Volume 15 - Why so AWESOMENESS?

In the fifteenth volume of Awesomeness, I review The Dark Knight (NO SPOILERS!) and talk about my most anticipated movies of 2008-2009.

MEGA Awesomeness Update

Later today, there will be a two-part Awesomeness posted. One part here, and one part on youtube. Here on Gamespot I'll be posting Awesomeness Volume 14 - Electronic Entertainment Awesomeness, including impressions about the Microsoft and Sony press conferences and about my most anticipated games for the second half of 2008. Over on youtube, I'll be posting Awesomeness Volume 15 - Why so AWESOMENESS, including my full review of The Dark Knight and my most anticipated movies of 2008 and 2009.I hope for each volume to run about 10 to 15 minutes so I hope you're ready for a heaping helping of AWESOMENESS!!!

Oh an by the way, GIANT BOMB RULES!!!

Are you

For your own good, go see The Dark Knight and contribute to the record-breaking opening weekend it's going to have. To tell you the truth I wouldn't be surprised if it made half a billion domestically in it's theatre run. It's truly a sight to behold. Heath Ledger is going to get an Oscar nod for this performance, he has to. Anyway, quit reading this blog and abscond to your local theatre and see this film. And if you have seen it already then tell me how you liked it. A new Awesomeness, "Why so Awesomeness?" will premiere Sunday night giving my full impressions of the film.

While you wait for the new Awesomeness, here's a little funny vid I made and threw up on youtube earlier this morning while waiting for the movie theatre to open again to see The Dark Knight a second time.

Walken's Dark Knight

So... I made a new Awesomeness...


I would of thrown a few f-bombs in there but what's the point. You get it. I'll try posting here tomorrow, and if that doesn't work, I'll Youtube it up a notch.

In the time being, take a look at the previous blog for a bunch of updates about ME, if you haven't already.

Summer, parties, and Metal Gear

Summer, parties, and Metal Gear
By Mr. Bojangles


SECTION I: The Long Summer
SECTION II: Metal Gear Solid 4 Impressions
SECTION III: "Awesomeness" Update / Awesome Flash Movies


I decided to add a table of contents because this blog is LONG AS HELL!!!!!!!! It's mostly there if you want to skip the Metal Gear Solid 4 impressions. Everything else pertains to what I've been up to with my crazy life and what I plan to do here on Gamespot in the next few days so I suggest reading it if you're interested. I'm not dead by the way. I'm back. Enjoy the blog!


Hey guys. Well, I've been super busy... doing nothing but having a fun, crazy time. I've been applying for jobs everywhere, I might have one. I'm crossing my fingers. I need the money. Besides job searching, I've been having a great time, hanging out with my friends, ALL THE TIME. I went to the shore last weekend to party, got home, and hung out with people all week culminating in a weekend filled with a party Friday night, then hanging out with another friend the next night and getting 100% NO SLEEP while working on a Flash project together, and then, before sleeping, going over another group of friend's house to hang, finally finding rest, in bed, sleeping head to toe with a drunk Russian girl, at 3 AM last nig...morning. She's a close friend or else I wouldn't have been sleeping head to toe... or maybe not sleeping at all. :)

II: Metal Gear Solid 4 IMPRESSIONS

Moving on... throughout the past few weeks, I've been going over my friend Cody's house (who you may remember as the hero in Jerks of War 2) to play his PS3 and more importantly, METAL GEAR SOLID 4: BLAH BLAH BUNCH OF STUFF THAT'S AWESOME BUT INCOMPREHENSIBLE. I love the Metal Gear Solid series, though I wasn't about to buy a PS3 for the fourth entry in the series, like Cody did. Plus I never finished... or started Metal Gear Solid 3. I played and beat the first two, and loved them but when Snake Easter came out, I couldn't focus on the espionage gameplay. I didn't make it very far in that game. But Cody had MGS 3 Subsistence or whatever and I saw all of the important cutscenes. So anyway, enough backstory.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the best games I've ever played. The combat was great and brilliantly executed. An incredible improvement over the previous games. The combination of gameplay and cutscenes is incredible. Each cutscene is like a movie. I can't believe that this was a video game I was playing. It's basically like you're playing a TV or movie series. While the cutscenes can be a bit cumbersome and confusing, they're still breathtakingly amazing. The best graphics in a game to date can be found in MGS 4, both gameplay and cutscene graphics. It's really awe-inspiring to see such an achievement in video games.

Konami and Hideo Kojima really put together an amazing final chapter in the Metal Gear series while paying serious homage to the previous games in the seires. Everything from including music from the previous games to flashbacks of prior events in the series (I'm trying not to give anything away here) is included in Guns of the Patriots. This game really awards fans of the series. It's amzing how much Kojima sweetened the pot for MGS fans. Everyone who touched this game in the production process took plenty of time and care into making this the best game it could be. Everything is better in MGS 4 then ever before. Solid Snake, or should I say Old Snake, at his best.


So, not that my ginormous amount of impressions of Metal Gear Solid 4 are complete, I guess I'll finish this little... big blog. I'm really considering doing a video tonight or tomorrow, but I'm not going to make any promises, I might just want to clean my house and sleep the rest of the... week. but I might make a video for you guys. It's been a really long time. I think I still owe you guys a review of GTA IV. So maybe I'll combine the two most AWESOME games of the year so far, GTA IV and MGS 4, into one MEGA episode of Awesomeness. I would have called the review of Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Awesome or Awesomeness but this amazing Flash artist on who made Metal Gear Awesome and Metal Gear Awesome 2 which are THE BEST PARODIES OF METAL GEAR SOLID EVER and possibly the best Flash movies or all time. If you know about Newgrounds, check out the rest of his video game Awesome parodies. He's awesome.

PS: Take a peak at Awesome Gaiden. It's only 35 seconds, but it may be the funniest 35 seconds of your life. Prepare to laugh. It's by the same guy as the Metal Gear Awesome series. Here's his Newgrounds profile link if you like his stuff. Egoraptor.


Also, before I go, please head over to Newgrounds and check out my friend Cody's Flash movies. His newest movie, Black Belt Volley, was just posted and I hope you could rate and review it for me please, he needs the help getting exposed to that community. I'm also starring, or at least my voice is starring, in one of his new Flash movies comming out soon. I'll link you guys up. Alright guys. That about does it on this novel of a blog. I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about all of my trials and tribulations. I'm going to go and pass out now. This blog took like and hour to write. But hey, I haven't been around for a long while. Take it easy guys, I'll try and make sure it's not this long between posts again.

~Mr. Bojangles~

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Hey guys. Once again, sorry I haven't been posting. I've been busy with a lot of stuff and have been a little depressed. Due to my constant absences from school, and my sheer stupidity I'm probably not going to graduate this year and may have to go back to high school for a fifth year. In a way I think deserve it. A way to pay myself back for all the times I didn't hand in work and just plain didn't care about school. I messed up big, but so be it. Plenty of people have stayed back, and now I'm one of them. I just need to make sure I dedicate myself to this last, last year and show off my true potential.

In other news I've been playing a lot of Vegas 2. I just find it to be the best multi-player game since Halo 2. I'm having a lot of fun with it and Villa might be the best multi-player map ever created. I'm playing with a really cool group of guys, a clan called Smoke U who strat out maps and really take a strategic approach to playing. They only play team survival, the way it's meant to be played. One life. That's it. It really gives the game a little more challenge.

Last but not least, I'm the lead singer for a new band. One of my friends who I've known since he was born and a couple of his friends have formed a band and are singing at a Battle of the Bands competition in Sparta, New Jersey. We're really coming together and are pretty good for a senior, two sophomores and two freshmen. We have a lot of potential and we'll hopefully at least place in the competition. We're playing three songs. Woman by Wolfmother, Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, and Guerrilla Radio by Rage against the Machine. It should be a lot of fun if not anything else. We're really starting to sound great and we're really getting pumped for Saturday.

Anyway guys, I hope you all have been doing alright. Leave me a comment, tell what you've been up too. I hope everything's well, and I hope to get a new video up soon. My camera doesn't work on my new computer for some reason. Oh well. Talk to you soon.


Sorry DBoy I just couldn't resist. I literally said that line out loud like 50 times in one day. It was the response to questions like, "How was your day?" or "Will you shut the **** up!" or even, "What's up?".

Let me get to the point. I beat GTA IV tonight. What a relief. I loved the every second of the game, especially the story. There's not a lot to dislike in this piece of pure wonderment written on to a disc, and I had a great time with it up until the last mission which is the only mission I had to repeat over three times. There weren't many missions I had to repeat, but I really got stuck on the final mission.[spoiler] Riding that damn dirtbike on the sand was a challenge for me. I didn't mesh with that bike. I kept turning to sharply and hitting the rocks or I couldn't hit the jump right, it was a complete mess. The jump onto the helicopter was sheer awesomeness. Tapping the A button to get up onto the chopper kind of reminded me of repeatedly pressing the X button to resist the torture administered to Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid. But nevermind that, I'm getting off task. [/spoiler] In any case that last mission really annoyed me. It took me at least 8 tries before I got the job done. At least the ending was enjoyable.

My notable stats from the first play-through:

Game Progress: 72.83%
Times cheated: 0
Playing Time: 44:19:05
Longest non-stop game: 03:55:49
Scored with girl: 14 (Nice)

Niko Bellic saying "I am the one who survived!": Priceless

Anyway, to wrap it up, I plan on working to get as many of the offline achievements as I can. I doubt I have the wherewithal or the attension span to get 100%. I don't plan on finding the flying rats. But hey, maybe I'll borrow my friends strategy guide and get that Key to the City. We'll see. But for now I'm going to give GTA a rest so it doesn't get stale for me, and head back to Rock Band for a bit. I plan on playing Band World Tour with my friend all day on Friday. I'll get a few of those achievements and maybe get up to 14K by next weeks end.

In other news, I'M GETTING MY LICENSE JUNE 2ND!!!!!

Alright guys, see you this weekend for a new AWESOMENESS including thoughts on the new Indiana Jones film and the first part of a new miniseries, I'M THE ONE WHO SURVIVED: A DETAILED REVIEW OF GTA IV. See you soon!!!