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MrBoGaNgLes Blog

It's been a while...

It's beem so long since I've wrote in this thing. Wow. Anyway, I was recently honored by my new union. The Community Contributions Union. I recieved the honor or having my MVP Baseball review mentioned in the latest edition of their newsletter, ReviewSpotting. I felt so happy when I saw my review posted up there. I will continue to try and write quality reviews so I can be featured in that newsletter again. This union is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my gaming life! LOL! But really, I think this union is special and it will help many review writers strengthen their skills.

God of War Part II: Conquered! (God Of War SPOILER ALERT)

Recently I went over my friend's house and at the time I was on the final battle with Ares. After a while I beat the game and was very excited and proud of myself. What a game. What a spectacular game!!! There was not a boring moment in this game! It was challenging but easy at the same time. Playing through the game was a smooth experierence and I can not wait to review this game game when I get to Level 6. Again...thank you to the creators of GOD OF WAR!!!!

God Of War: I love it!

I recently traded in my Gamecube because I simply was not playing it anymore and every time I had money to buy a game I would neglect the Gamecube section and go straight to the X-BOX or PS2 section. So with the money I received from selling everything Gamecube related I owned, I bought Brothers In Arms (X-BOX), MLB 2K5 (X-BOX), and God of War (PS2). Out of the three, I enjoy playing God of War the most. It is such an entertaining game and quite a sight to behold. The graphics are incredible, the puzzles- challenging, and the fighting is the best of any game that I have ever played to this date. I love God of War, and to Kratos' creators, THANK YOU!!!

San Andreas Reveiw

Right now I am playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and I simply love this spectacular game. It gives you so much freedom to do whatever the f*** you want to do . There is not much you can't do in this game, and the only problem with GTA: SA is the overall graphics but once you start playing you soon forget about the slightly square hands and oddly shaped heads. I was so excited about this blockbuster and was surprised to get it when I did which was at 7:08 P.M. the day it opened. And boy was it worth the money and the long wait. The in-game freedom alone is worth the $52.99 price tag, but...oh yeah...there's a story line too. You play as Carl Johnson, CJ. One day in Liberty City, Carl receives a phone call from his brother Sweet, who tells him that their mother has been murdered. So off to your old stomping grounds in the great state of San Andreas. From there, with the help of excellent voice acting by all the voice-over artists, you are thrown in to a plot with interesting characters, challenging missions, and insane twists. Take your time with this game. Have fun with it. Explore the virtual world that these fine fellows at Rockstar North slaved over for many a month. Take the scenic route. Get in a boat and sail underneath all the bridges in San Andreas, then jump out of the boat and take a swim. Go on murderous rampages with multiple weapons including a flamethrower and chainsaw. Eat a burger, or a piece of chicken, or a slice of pizza. Train at your local gym to build up your stamina and strength. Hell, do whatever you feel like doing. You're in San Andreas, a state you can raise your children. Safely.

Mr. Bogangles' Rating: 9.9

Gamespot's Rating: 9.6