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MrBoGaNgLes Blog

Gears of War - Video Review

Hey all you ladies and gents! I've finally finished my best video review yet, and even better, it's a review of the new game, Gears of War. I hope you guys like it. A lot of time and effort went into the making of this blog. Please leave a comment and a recommend. Thanks!

~Mr. Bojangles


What the Bojangler's been up to...

Hey guys. Just wanted you all to know that I'm still here, still producing videos. It's been a while since I've posted a blog because I got Gears of War on Thursday and I haven't stopped playing it. I just started working on a video review tonight after beating it last evening. I hope to have the video review of Gears up as earely as Monday night but I'm making sure it can be the best it can be. I hope you guys enjoy.

Also, the Ocho (Bojangles' Week: Episode Eight) will be another 2-Week Special edition and will be released on Friday of this week. And after that, I'll hook you all up with my PS2 collections blog.

I hope you guys stay tuned for some Bojangles' awesomeness!


Bojangles: Season 1 - Official Episode List

Mr. Bojangles (Season 1)

Bojangles' Series and Specials

001. 360: First Impressions Must See!
002. Dead Rising - Video Review
003. Bojangles' Week- September 3-7
004. Saints Row - Video Review
005. Bojangles' Week: Sept. 9-16 Must See!
006. Ask A Bojangles Ep.01: Questions
007. Ask a Bojangles Ep.01: Answers Must See!
008. Burnout Revenge - Video Review
009. Bojangles' Week: Sept. 17-24
010. Bojangles' Update #1 Must See!
011. Ask A Bojangles: Ep.01-Part 2
012. Bojangles Week IV + Bonus! (Bonus - Room Tour) Must See!
013. Ask A Bojangles: Ep 02-Questions Must See!
014. Ask A Bojangles: Ep 02-Answers Must See!
015. Bojangles' Week V + Bonus! (Bonus - Midnight Snack!) Must See!
016. Bojangles' Column - Points
017. Bojangles' Week VI Must See!
018. Ask A Bojangles: Ep 03-Questions
019. Bojangles Update: Halloween
020. Ask A Bojangles: Ep.03- Answers Must See!
021. Bojangles' Week VII Must See!
022. Gears of War - Video Review Must See!
023. Bojangles' Week: The Ocho
024. Thanksgiving: B to the S Style Must See!
025. Bojangles' Week: The Finale Must See!
Bojangler Bonuses

001. Two Disc, LIMITED EDITION!!!
002. Bojangles: Edited! Must See!
003. Bojangles' Music Video Must See!
004. Bojangles' Collection: Xbox


The Season Finale is about a month away! Saturday Decmeber 2nd will end the first season of Mr. Bojangles. Season 2 scheduled to begin with a Christmas Special on the 22nd of December. Enjoy all November with Mr. Bojangles!

Bojangles' Week: Episode V is HERE!!!

I know there was no Bojangles' Week last week guys, but here is an awesome Bojangles' Week to make up for the lost episode. I hope you guys enjoy. Also, following the episode, enjoy Midnight Snack, An EightbitWarrior Tribute. Everything will be explained in the episode. Enjoy!

~Mr. Bojangles


Bojangles' Week: Episode IV is HERE!!!

This is Mr. Bojangles here, bringing you not only the fourth episode of Bojangles' Week but also, Bojangles' Room, which is a little look of my room and gaming setup. I hope you guys enjoy this vid as much as I enjoyed shooting and editing it.


Why? (Bojangles' Week: Episode II Delayed)

Guys, I don't know what happened but my videos aren't uploading right now. I've tried uploading this vidoe 3 times now and each time it say, completed but I have recieved no messages or indication as to the video being rejected or accepted. This is probably my best blog yet. Packed full of humor and enjoyable moments, I'm sorry it won't reach my fans soon. I hope to figure out what's gone sour in this uploading process. Any advice or insight to why this is going on would be greatly appriciated.

~Mr. Bojangles