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Really, 1up (and Game Informer)?

The Celestial Brush in the Wii version of Okami is unwieldy? People who haven't played Okami before will just think it's oddly difficult to use (I'm looking at you, Nick Suttner)!?


Pfft. Give me a break. It's harder to work a toaster oven.

Podcasting on Saturdays now

We've moved the recording of the Trigames.NET Podcast to Saturdays instead of Sundays, hoping to alleviate (1) the rush to finish up an episode before the_antipode has to leave for work and (2) potential late starts that come about because of Saturday-night-related activities, which also had an impact on item (1) in the past. We haven't quite settled on a time yet, though -- so I guess just as a general guideline, if you have questions and/or comments send them in before you go to sleep on Friday just to be safe.

Episode 91 is in the editing room. I've gotten staffed a new project so I'm no longer in "self-training and thus I have more time and flexibility" mode, so unfortunately this doesn't mean that the episodes will necessarily come earlier but I'll try. Computer disasters pending, of course.

Finally, Richard Ball, we got your audio question last week but because we were rushing into doing the episode we didn't get a chance to listen to it. However, we've answered it this week for you -- well, as best we can, since none of us own GTA IV to know what the PS3 multiplayer is like.

Random comment for any NBA fans: New Orleans. Wow.

Oh Gamestop. How you patronize people.

I can't vent about this experience as I really want to, as it involves mean and moderatable words, so I'll just make it short and then also direct you to my non-gaming blog where I detailed it in full (see the Chupporitos link up at the top of this profile page).

I went into a Gamestop at 33rd Street and Broadway in New York to spend a gift card I had gotten from Tony. I had my Edge card with me which takes 10% off Used product, I got dinged with my taxes, I'm saving up to go back to school and I'm just trying to save as much as I can in general, so making a gift card go as long as possible is important to me. As such, I decided to grab Super Mario Galaxy used. The disc had a tangential scratch in it, which I explain in my other blog; in short, it's the worst kind of scratch you can have because it goes around the spiral of the disc instead of just being a straight cut. When I explained the situation, the dude told me that it was ok and almost made me leave with it. I explained that the_antipode had a problem with a Dreamcast disc with this exact same scratch, and he told me that Dreamcast and Wii games are processed entirely differently by their respective machines.


Needless to say, I was amused and pissed at the same time, but I bit my tongue and just kept insisting that I be given a different disc. You can read the FULL anger and vehemence of my experience in that other blog, but be warned that the language used within is not for the faint of heart.

Oh yeah, Episode 90 of the podcast is up. It's what we call our Worst Ever since we were exhausted from a Rock Band party that went til almost 5am the night before, but Slunks seems to like it ^_^.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 90 - Worst Episode Ever

Due to post-Rock Band Party exhaustion, this is the absolute worst episode of the Trigames.NET podcast ever. Brace yourself.

It can't be said enough, so I'll say it again:

Due to post-Rock Band Party exhaustion, this is the absolute worst episode of the Trigames.NET podcast ever. Brace yourself.

Nonsensical musical interlude courtesy of:

The internet.

Download here.
File Size: 39.8MB
Running Time: 1:22:56

Want to be heard? Hit the mailbag - mailbag AT trigames DOT net.
Want previous episodes? Hit the Podcast Homepage.
You can review us on iTunes, while you're at it.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 89 - Dikembe Mutombo

It's time for March NPDs! That's right, in other words: Money, money, money, MONEY. Also, Rock Band gets its first album download; the Mortal Kombat universe somehow wants to beat up DC Comics characters; and Al and Austin talk about God of War versus Ninja Gaiden. A little. We also receive a question from Kori911 about which his first Playstation 3 game should be, but humorously enough we find out that he's already bought many of our suggestions by this point. Also, a THQ rep thinks disc-based software on PCs is on a "permanent decline". If Steam or Stardock have any say in this, I vote "agree" on that one. What about Wii Fit's chances of success in the US -- will the appeal of that be on a permanent decline as well?

Rock Band Wireless Guitar for 360???

OMG Judas Priest album first Rock Band 4/22 $15 11 tracks drool

Guitar Hero DS Preview

Miyamoto unsure of Wii Fit's US fate;title;9

Wii Launches in Korea 4/26 (mad late)

Mortal Kombat! vs. ... DC ????

Rated E for Everyone!? No Fatalities?? Little to no BLOOD!?!?!?

THQ says "Disc based software is on a permanent decline"


Power bricks blowin' up stuff .com

March NPDs.

Interludes courtesy of:

Pandora's Temple - God of War (PS2)
The Portal - Mortal Kombat II (ARC)

Download here.
File size: 41.5MB
Running time: 1:26:27

Want to be heard? Hit the mailbag - mailbag AT trigames DOT net.
Want previous episodes? Hit the Podcast Homepage.
You can review us on iTunes, while you're at it.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 88 (with Slunks, jimb0) - Nerd Alert

James "jimb0" Logan, the purveyor of Nerd Alert, the video revolution found on such establishments as YouTube and Gamespot, joins us -- his hair intact -- for our discussion about the petition to end Uwe Boll's filmmaking career, single- versus multi-player games, Rock Band pricing, and a whole new host of bad segues. What's up with Microsoft, Blu-Ray and Wii-remote ripoffs? Did Activision really mess up Guitar Hero III's DLC, or was that even the intention in the first place? What's up with Games for Windows Magazine shutting down and EGM head honcho Dan Hsu calling it quits? How short does an opening sentence have to be for Slunks to read it and understand it (just kidding Boso)? Which "sanbox" game will be the game to beat in the coming months? All that, your daily allotment of fiber, singing monkeys, and more in the Trigames.NET podcast. Order your episode today, for free! OR DIE!

Sign a petition -- see if Boll stops making movies!

Boll's response:****ing-******

Wii Guitar Hero Lawsuit Settled

No Blu-ray confirmed for the 360 - Microsoft to focus on digital distribution.

More kids beaten to death... this one with a controller. Why do they always try to revive these poor children in bathtubs?

Beheading blamed on Manh- I mean... Hitman...?

Rockband coming out in Europe 5/23... MADDDDD Expensive! Design director Rob Kay explains the hefty price tag.

Microwiisoft? Motion control for the 360?

Is EA trying to by greedy towards those guys on that continent over there?

Continuing the Rock Band Pricing craze of 2008.

Def Leppard's tracks in GH3? GH4? Their drummer only has one arm!?

Harmonix to Nintendo: Wii Need A Hard Drive

Happy HD-DVD ending? Only for $50.

Video Games Can Be A Rich And Magical Experience

Games For Windows (Magazine) Moves Online

Dan Hsu leaves Ziff-Davis (EGM,

Interludes courtesy of:

Stage 4: Faith - Ikaruga (XBLA)
We Three Kings - Guitar Hero (X360)

Download here.
File size: 61MB
Running time: 2:07:06

Want to be heard? Hit the mailbag - mailbag AT trigames DOT net.
Want previous episodes? Hit the Podcast Homepage.
You can review us on iTunes, while you're at it.

Podcast Delay, Interesting Okami Card from Capcom

So, the podcast with jimb0 and Slunks will be a little delayed. One of the sound files was warped so I'm doing some fine-tune editing. Hopefully, I'll have it ready by late tonight. Otherwise, it'll be midday tomorrow. In the meantime, check out this odd but cool little gift from Capcom for ordering Okami on

A plantable card? Pretty neat in that Okami way. Did you order Okami for Wii?

Video: TTFAF Beaten; Have your question answered on the Podcast

Well, here is the video I mentioned before. I still think this song is easier than Jordan if only because of how lenient the Hammer-On/Pull-Off mechanics are in this song. Plus, the fact that I can pick out a distinguishable melody from TTFAF as opposed to Jordan's hell section helps my brain translate what I should be doing for my fingers

the_antipode and I appeared on episode 50 of the Gameslaves Radio podcast. Please give it a listen when it goes live on Monday or Tuesday -- and please give some support. Review them on iTunes :P And speaking of podcasts...

We record tomorrow at 11:30AM EST. Slunks and jimb0 may both be joining us. Send in questions to the usual: mailbag AT trigames DOT net -- or use the form here. We try to get the mailbag set before we begin the episode, but if you email us before 1PM EST we might be able to squeeze your comment in. Anyway, GH3 video below.


Inhuman Achievement. Arm falling off.

Finally friggin' beat Through the Fire and Flames in Guitar Hero III on Expert. Video to come soon. I beat it, and in astonishment, decided to attempt it a second time for the camera, thinking I'd fail. Luckily I didn't! ^_^

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 87 - Segue Hell

Austin realizes he has no idea how to segue as he and Al discuss whether or not games can be timeless, thanks to an article on Also, Stephen King defends games against the dumb games-as-porn bill; the Warcraft Frostmourne sword sells for thousands; Penny Arcade starts up a digital-distro outfit; a roguelike game comes to Wii, wtf???; Sony's head honchos scoff at GTA IV Downloadable Content on the Xbox 360; Digi Matrix asks if game stories have recently started off promising and become lame; and more.

Sony Dismisses Appeal of Extra GTA IV Content

And on the subject of roguelikes.... Chocobo Dungeon Wii Gets U.S. Release

Is there any question to the potential value of the Warcraft sword?

Comcast Tech Abuses Power To Rack Vegeneance On Xbox Hackers

****c, GameCube Controllers Gimped For Mario Kart****c-gamecube-controllers-gimped-for-mario-kart

Penny Arcade starts up a digital distribution system.


Tony! Look! Mercenaries is coming out!

Stephen King *defends* games and talks about game violence. Score.

Curious. Echochrome is going to be download-ONLY for PSP?

Sam & Max Officially Official on Wii

They've got Epic games on Steam now.

Interludes courtesy of:

Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer (X360, PS3)
Super Mario Bros. Theme Crossfade (NES, SNES)
Blacksite: Area 51, Opening Stage Dialog (X360)

Download here.
File size: 54.8 MB
Running time: 1:54:14

Want to be heard? Hit the mailbag - mailbag AT trigames DOT net.
Want previous episodes? Hit the Podcast Homepage.
You can review us on iTunes, while you're at it.