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Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 39 - Smokarina of Slime [Now with RSS]

NOTE: The RSS is updated!!!11one

Ryvvn asked the question. We responded and asked him to clarify. Ryvvn Clarifies, and We Obligifies. Today's discussion is almost entirely fallout from the Ocarina of Time conversation Tony and Austin had in Episode 38. Ethan, Austin and Al take it a little further.

What's to like? What's to hate? What's with critic reviews versus the average joe's opinion? Enjoyment? Standards? What happens when geezers get too old and too busy to deal with an epic like Ocarina of Time? All of this, sex, violence, and more in this episode of the Tricast.NET Podgame.

Fack. I need sleep.

The Breakdown

0:00 - Intro, What We're Playing, Wii C1assic Controller first impressions

15:40 - Ocarina of Time "Not-a-10" Discussion Continuation Kickoff

***18:10 - Ryvvn's Response to Last Week's "Not-a-10" Discussion

- Older Fart Gamers with Tough Schedules - How do we handle it?

50:50 - Mailbag and Reader Feedback

Download here.
Runtime: 1:16:05
File Size: 36.5MB

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends to listen and enter our Pirates versus Ninjas contest (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!

HD-DVD and Blu-Ray - Soapbox Soon

Remember this baby?

Yeah, it's time to revisit that. Though the comments tail off into a discussion of the Xbox 360 and Japan, which is always a good discussion in and of itself (with a new comment from m0zart!), take a gander at that old dog and let's compare that to where we are today.

Work is hectic, but I expect to be putting up a commentary on just how the tides have "turned."

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 39 - Smokarina of Slime

Here's the short version. I'm about to fall asleep so the "real" post - with timeline breakdown et al - will come tomorrow.

But for now, we give you: Episode Dirty Nine.

Ryvvn asked the question. We responded and asked him to clarify. Ryvvn Clarifies, and We Obligifies. Today's discussion is almost entirely fallout from the Ocarina of Time conversation Tony and Austin had in Episode 39. Ethan, Austin and Al take it a little further.

What's to like? What's to hate? What's with critic reviews versus the average joe's opinion? Enjoyment? Standards? What happens when geezers get too old and too busy to deal with an epic like Ocarina of Time? All of this, sex, violence, and more in this episode of the Tricast.NET Podgame.

Fack. I need sleep.


Trigames.NET Podcast - Mailbag, Qualified Contest entrants

Please don't forget to send us a question to our mailbag to be read aloud on our Trigames.NET podcast. Tomorrow, a.k.a. Sunday, we record episode 39, and the topic will be Ryvvn's response to our Ocarina of Time discussion. He's got a great response, and hopefully we'll be able to squeeze a lot out of it - not just about Ocarina itself, but about the way we change our gaming habits in general as we get older and busier, et cetera.

AND: Below you'll find the qualified entrants for our Pirates versus Ninja contest. If you don't know what that is, basically you have a chance to win a $50 gift card or a t-shirt. You get the $50 card via random drawing, and the t-shirt via vote. You must send in - to our mailbag - your choice for ultimate pirate or ninja, along with a well-written description for WHY, along with your mailing address to verify that you're not using 429 fake e-mail accounts. We will randomly draw the $50 winner, and then vote on the entries for the best one which will constitute the t-shirt winner.

Below are the entrants who are (eight from Gamespot, one from outside, zero from 1up or GameFAQs):

Jeremy aka PoetJD

WE WILL NOT BEGIN THE CONTEST until there are at least 25 ENTRANTS! And, please don't forget to provide your real e-mail address and online handle or real name so that we can actually answer your question to you and not to some fake internet dude named BOBOTHETHIRDOMFG.

*bows head*

Fank you and good night.

"The Greatest Rapper of All Time Died on March 9th"

Foreword: I'm aware of how many people dislike hip hop, and how vehemently they do so. I ask that if you are one of these people, ignore this post, flip me the bird through your monitor, and just move on. Troll comments will not be tolerated.

The topic title refers to a line by battle-rapper Canibus, in (one of many of) his retort(s) to (unjustifiably) self-proclaimed G.O.A.T., LL Cool J. The man Canibus refers to is none other than the Notorious B.I.G., more commonly known as Biggie Smalls.

Biggie was shot to death on March 9th, 1997, after he presented an award at the 11th Annual Soul Train Music Awards. The shooting was, in similar fashion to the fatal shooting of rival (and argually better) rap artist Tupac Shakur, occurred during a red light at an intersection from a driver-side assailant firing rounds into Biggie's vehicle as he sat on the passenger seat. He was pronounced dead at 1:15 AM.

I don't know why I chose to bring him up, when there are other deaths I could have over the past 18 months (such as the aforementioned Tupac's). I suppose I was typing a reference letter and as Microsoft Word hinted for me to type "March 9th, 2007", that lyric sprang into my head and it hit me that this was the ten-year anniversary of Big's shooting. He wasn't the greatest of all time in my opinion, and as a person I couldn't ever admire his former occupation as a drug peddler (as so many rap artists were wont to do in their former days), but I was a huge HUGE fan of his music.

I would comment on the sad, unfortunate state of hip hop and its correlation with violence, but that'll take too long and I'm sick as a dog. In this post I'd just like to raise my glass to the clever rapper who spat, "Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, when I was dead broke man, I couldn't picture this", who recorded tracks from Machine Gun Funk to Dead Wrong, who went "from ashy to c|assy. (Haha, I like that.)"

So Big, wherever you are, keep rapping for the audience. I can't deny that I'm sick of misogynistic rap in this day and age, but I still miss your rhymes and flow. I hope you and Tupac have made amends and are sharing a bottle of fine champagne.

Oh, and by the way: Ready to Die > Life After Death. Just sayin' ;)

TRAILER for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (Playstation 2)

So this probably isn't huge because Vice City Stories is a PS2 port of a PSP game that enough people probably already bought and played, but if you want to see a trailer we snared for the Playstation 2 version of the game you can nab it right here. Happily, it's a fairly small download clocking in at just under 6 megs.

I've just uploaded it to Gamespot so you can also watch it below on the video streamer, but obviously the quality is a smidge better in the download.



Now Available! Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 37 - Sorny Sorny Sorny

DON'T FORGET: Submit a pirate or ninja who you think will win the war of pirates versus ninjas as discussed in Episodes 35 and 36. You must submit a mailing address with your entry to the mailbag or via this email form. You can win a $50 gift card to the game retailer of your choice via random drawing (minimum number of participants must be 25; we're hovering around 7 or so). You can also win a T-shirt if we vote on your entry - but for us to vote, you must make it a creative write-up on why your pirate or ninja would win. Make us laugh, cry and fear! If you Digg us or Review us on iTunes, or both (see the bottom of this page for links), you increase your chances of winning. Everyone except for the Staff is eligible - that includes site contributors. Mailing address will not be used for any purpose other than contest validation and prize mailing.

For anyone who's been living under a box spring and eating earth worms while the rest of the world - you know - went about its business, Sony had a whole ball-ton of happenings. Well, not so much quantity as it was impact. Gimped backwards compatibility for European PS3's, with no price decrease? Sony and Immersion settling, which could awesomely mean rumble is back in? Sony blackballs Kotaku only to make-out with them hours later? It's all here, it's all fresh, and it's all crude in Episode 37 of TEH PODCAST TEH TIRGAM!111111one

(Note: Al appears a bit ahead of sync near the end, which is an issue I just noticed after publishing the podcast. I apologize.)

For quick and easy access to explosive podcast:

0:00 - Intro and what we've been playing

7:19 - Quick News: Cube dead or not dead? Neo Geo games for Wii Virtual Console (in Japan), and AMD/ATi releases chipset... but still no Graphics card yet?

21:17 - Fat Topic: Sony, Sony, Sony. Backwards compatibility gimped; Immersion settlement may possibly mean rumble returns; Sony and Kotaku fist-fight, then kiss and a whole lot more.

55:33 - Mailbag!

Run time
: 1:30:56
File size: 42.6MB
Download here.

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag (malebag [at] trigames [dot] net works too) with your questions!

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!

The Alex Navarro Hall of Shame: Nominations Part 4

That should say it all. But if it doesn't, and it actually doesn't because you don't hear him going, "OooOOooOooOoh!" in that GIF, head on over here and watch his Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video review at around the 3:47 mark.

:shock: :shock: :shock: "OoooOOooOOOooOOOOoooOooh!" :shock: :shock: :shock:

If nothing else, that sole moment was priceless.

Nominations to date:
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (just one part and perhaps also the hairball cough after the final score - Thanks for the reminder Thraxen ^_^)
Charlie's Angels
Singstar Rocks!
Nano Breaker

(By the way, everyone, we all know about his Big Rigs video. These nominations are chances to see his other moments in the limelight. OoooOOooOooOoh!)

The Alex Navarro Hall of Shame: Nominations Part 3

This, a glorious morning full of dew and hope, brings us another nomination for the Alex Navarro Hall of Shame. Cue the trumpets, and if not available, the kazoos. For kazoos are instruments of indominable spirit, and Alex is a reviewer of indominable endurance. Why?


It is the Gamecube game, Charlie's Angels, that is the bane of every Nintendo fan's existence. It is Charlie's Angels that is the bane of Alex Navarro's existence. It is Charlie's Angels that totally rendered his telephone, once a knight in shining armor dedicated to spreading phone messages to heroic editors around the office, obsolete and depressed.

And the video review is priceless.

Nominations to date:
Charlie's Angels
Singstar Rocks!
Nano Breaker