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The Video Blast #2: "My Moment of Embarrassment - WHERE ARE THE WIIs!"

I couldn't have been this snarky, stupid, or quasi-furious were I sober. I wouldn't have guest-starred the cat, either. This is my Hall of Shame.

Note: edubuccaneer brings up a good point - it makes it sound like I don't have one myself, but I got one on Launch Day. I'm merely exasperated at the company's inability to get it out to other people. :)


YES I REALIZE I MISSPELLED "INEBRIATED." That's because I WAS INEBRIATED. Give me a farkin' break!

The Alex Navarro Hall of Shame - Nominations part 2

Perhaps I shouldn't be limiting this to reviews. Perhaps I should expand the horizons of this... hall, as it were, and include the significant Navarro moments outside of video reviews.

Like this one: Singstar Rocks. But Alex does nots! Nor does Ryan Davis (update: upon re-watching the video actually Ryan is pretty good and quite outrocks Alex, so apologies to Ryan ;)), but this is the Alex Navarro Hall of Shame, not the Ryan Davis spammed my email Hall of Shame. (For the record, I sing worse than those two combined, so I'm not insulting them. Or, I wouldn't be. If I didn't have magical powers. Or, nevermind.)

Henceforthwhichwithhitherto, CLICK. AND TEH WATCH. AND TEH cover your ears, please, for I don't want to be liable to any damage to your cerumen and eardrum.

Singstar Rocks.

Alex Navarro crooning.

Ladies swooning, and men ... um... booning? *shrug*


Nominations to date:
Singstar Rocks!
Nano Breaker

The Alex Navarro Hall of Shame - Nominations Part 1

(Before I begin... enter the Ninjas versus Pirates dealie to win a prize!)

Greetings, fellow LEWZERS. It's a great day to be as loserish as yourself, isn't it? It sure is for me. LEWZERS. Just kidding. I love you all. Except for those of you I don't. Meh!

And with that, I'm going to be kicking off the Alex Navarro Hall of Shame nominations. What the fark is this, asks ye? Well, we all know about his claim to shame - his Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing video review in which he prayed to the trucker gods for a big rig to run over him after having set through that debacle. We also know he got to review God of War, one of that year's most highly praised games.

However, there are many Navarro gems in between that have great Alex moments. Take this one, for instance: Alex's video review for Nanobreaker - a game so mediocre that - if scores are to be taken literally - it's every bit as comically bad as Red Steel. Key moment? Alex waxing poetic over what other sexy, delicious names Konami could have given the game's characters. "Tad." Sizzling. (Not "Chad" as I originally said - thanks for the tip Alex)

Note: "Hall of Shame" might not be a good name, since there are some reviews with great, humorous Alex-isms that aren't of craptacular games. Thoughts?

Nominations to date:

As Good As You Remembered it, Redux

Another list of dreams for euphoria!

As good as I remember it?

Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie: Yep! (And not because Chun-Li had a shower scene. Actually that was embarrassing that they put that in there.)
Street Fighter - The Jean-Claude Van Damme Debacle: NOPE!
Mortal Kombat the Movie: No (but it was better than Street Fighter the movie)
Arkanoid: Absolutely
Galaga: no boring no oh god no
Double Dragon: YES. Xbox Live Arcade DOWNLOAD GET.
Kung Fu: Gah - no! And don't say Vigilante.
F-Zero X: Damn right.
Goldeneye (N64): **** you, no. Channeling the power of Chris Rock: "Boo me if you want, you know I'm right."
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2: Abso-freaking-lutely.
Resident Evil (Psone): Abso-"You teh mastar of unlocking"-lutely NOT.
The small Saturn Controller: Yes. Best. Evar. (No, not really, but pretty damn solid.)
The original Dual Shock: Yeah I guess, the d-pad is garbage though.
The original PSone controller: This entire controller was garbage.
The N64 controller: I am breaking out into hives. Please don't mention this abomination. In fact, call the hospital and tell my wife I love her, even though I don't have one yet.
Tecmo Super Dodge Ball (NES): A pants-wetting HELL YES. Where's my Virtual Console download?
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (SNES): I still like it kinda, but no. How do they not let you pump-fake!?
Soul Blade: You know it.
Mace - The Dark Ages: Ok this was a joke, I'm sorry.
Space Quest IV: Yeah dude.
Castlevania II - Simon's Quest: No dude. But only because "randomly uncovering teh secrat" is not my idea of naturally progressing in the game. I still likes the vampire kill die man.
Ms. Pac-Man: Yes!
Pac-Man: No! The fruit don't move!
Super Pac-Man: Ok, any game where you can eat a pellet and make Pac-Man grow to three times his size is awesome.
Instant Messenger (before AOL bought it): Yes!
ICQ: NO! There's a reason I don't like Friend Codes now. "Wat's ur ICQ num!!?" "281085281 056718287410w897413038671838591283 41045879394190873 410348613043984!" "omgpwn d00d!"
Playing DOS Games, like Doom: Hell mother-cracking yes.
Tweaking DOS settings to PLAY said games: HELL MOTHER-CRACKING NO.

And finally, as always:
Me: Ya!
You: Noi!

Mailbag, Win Prize, New Blast at some point

1) Don't forget to feed the mailbag. Listen to the last 10 minutes of last week's podcast for details on how to win a prize.

2) So, the new blast. In a fit of semi-drunken rage yesterday, I stumbled home and recorded a Video Blast targeting the difficulty of successfully finding a certain shiny white Nintendo waggle-console in stores. Of course, since the Video Uploader and my home network connection get along about as well as Aaron Thomas and Marky Mark, my five (yes, five) attempts at uploading it have resulted in:

- 2 disconnects
- 1 error requesting me to email the error to someone
- 1 "success" that resulted in nothing
- 1 "success" that told me: Your video "" encoded successfully! Funny, because I actually named the video "WHERE are the WIIs!?", not "".

So, maybe this time it'll take. If not, I'll have to wait until I get into work to upload it. I have to say I didn't handle myself very well in the video, as the cat can attest to - but hey all I had to eat yesterday was a bowl of oatmeal in the middle of the day, and I guzzled down four pints in what might have been somewhat of a hurry. It's not that much, but then, I'm - uh - me (stealthily stepping around the "offensive" moderation).

At least I beat melishi, though; if I remember correctly she only managed three. For someone with Irish blood in you, I'm disappointed! (Oboy. Now that I've taunted, the next time we hang out she's going to outdrink me tenfold. I've just opened Pandora's can of worms that should have stayed shut.)

We'll see if this stupid thing uploads. If not, I guess Monday will be the day you see me in inebriated glory ranting at Reggie, Perrin and Iwata. (Let's not forget George "Numbers" Harrison.)

3) Slunks, I await the next Guess That Game with tented fingers (thanks JamesonV) and grins abound.

4) Oh yeah and please digg us and write us a review kthxbye

Get Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 36 - Listen and win something. Or something.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 36 - As Good As You Remembered It

Coming off the heels of my last blog, our segment after the news of this episode basically asks the podcast staff to offer one YES and one NO to the question, "Is it as good as you remembered it?"

Here's our Podcast Description:

"Played something recently that you used to love about 10 years ago? Is that something as good as you remembered it? That's the crux of our late-in-the-game, after-the-news segment, where us four idiots weigh on things we used to like and still like, and things we used to like and now question our sanity over.

But there's more stuff too! More fighting, this time over a somewhat faux-pas Fils-Aime-ism. More random banter and singing - Kid Icarus and Reapers! And more mailbag questions from you, our lovely lovely listeners. Lastly, more Happy_Cloud. Yeah, you know you want it."

Important stuff and Breakdown!

1:25 - What We're Playing

21:15 - In the News: the Halo Shut-Up button, Marc Ecko tries to improve his gaming "street cred", Everybodii Votes, Fils-Aime Faux Pas - "[Online?] That's perfect for you..."

- Ethan's HORRIBLE "Fils-Aime" pun

- As Good As You Remembered It

- The Mailbag

- Pirates vs. Ninjas? We need more entrants. Skip to this if you want to know why, and how to maybe (just maybe...) win a prize - something fun. Learn how we're handling this by listening intently at around this time mark. Here's the deal: in Episode 35, we asked people to submit what they thought was the most powerful pirate OR ninja. We were going to vote on who won - for nothing, really, but fun. We've decided that, now, we'll also hold a random drawing for a physical prize. Entry rules are introduced here in the podcast.

Download here.
Size: 54.5 MB
Run time: 1:53:28

Please -
digg us, review us on iTunes, and tell your friends (hell, there will be no prize if we don't get enough people listening). Your support keeps us motivated. And don't forget - hit the mailbag with your questions!

As Good As You Remembered It?

Late, sleepy, list, sexual: As Good As You Remembered It?

Final Fantasy VI: Yes! (In fact, better.)
Quake II: No.
Super Mario World: Yes.
The Super NES control pad: Yes.
The NES control pad: ......NO.
Deus Ex: Oh hell yes.
Feel the Magic XY/XX: Not a chance.
Mortal Kombat II: Yes.
Mortal Kombat: No.
Final Fantasy IV: Yes.
Final Fantasy Legend II: No.
Final Fantasy Legend I: HELL no.
The Final Fantasy Adventure: Stop - just, no.
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past: Yes!
Kid Icarus:
Shinobi - Shadow Dancer: Damn right!
Golden Axe: Ew, no.
Bonk's Adventure: Yeah dude!
Keith Courage in Alpha Zone: Never liked it, and NO.
Dennis Rodman: Yes, and that's final.
Diehard Gamefan Magazine: Not a chance.
Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting: Yes.
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers: God no.
The Genesis: Yeah.
The SNES: Oh yeah.
PSone RPGs: Absolutely.
The N64: Oh dear God no.
Unreal Tournament: Yes.
Half-Life: Yes.
Doom: Yes.
Wolfenstein 3D: .........not so much.
Shatterhand: Hell Yes.
Strider (NES): Barf. No.
Chrono Trigger: Yes.
Chrono Cross: Yes!
Final Fantasy IX: YES!
Final Fantasy VII: .....not really.
Xenogears: Yes.
Winback (N64): You make me laugh. No.
Super Mario Bros.: Yes.
Mario Bros.: No.
The X-Men Comics: Yeah.
The X-Men Cartoon: Not so much.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Movie: HELL yeah.
TMNTII - Secret of the Ooze: Vanilla Ice says NO.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III for NES: Yes!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I for NES: No way!

And finally...
Me: Yes.
You: No!

Just kidding. I tired. Don't forget to send in questions for our podcast. Be a star like Happy_Cloud. Or try to be - there's no way you'll catch up to him now.

(Oh, and by the way, malebag [at] trigames [dot] net is actually a live email inbox now.)

Jade Empire: Iron Palm Video

We've been really slow on the uptake in terms of getting news posted to the site. We have a few PR firms throwing stuff at us, but we don't have the time or the database structure to properly convey new things like new videos et cetera.

This will change, but it'll be a very slow process in the coming months since I basically have to redo the database. Until then, I figure at the very least I could throw this video we got from 2K Games of a new fighting stance for Jade Empire: Special Edition, set to release on Windows PCs later this month (Feb. 26th). It's the big version, and that's all we're hosting; my guess is that Gamespot will host both big and small versions in the coming days if you really need to save 6MB of hard disk space :)

Jade Empire Special Edition: Iron Palm Fighting Stance

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 35 - NINJA PIRATES!!!11

The title says it all. Never mind that we caught Al making babies with a towel. Never mind that Ethan doesn't know his left from his left buttock when talking about WiiConnect24 (Ha. Ha. Ha!), and never mind that Manhunt on Wii could be an unmitigated disaster. We've been asked the question - PIRATES OR NINJAS - and we respond, dammit, for the last 20 minutes. It's gold, pure pirate ninja gold. Konnichiwa, snitches.

Special request! Send in your choice for what you think is the most powerful Pirate OR Ninja (not both, pick who you think is better) from a videogame and we'll vote to see who wins. You can also send in which games you think the music I spliced in are from, for the hell of it. No prize but your dignity.

If nothing else, the first 12 minutes and the last 30 minutes of this podcast are a must-listen. And make sure, as always, you stick around 'til after the outro...

Download here.

File Size: 45.2MB
Runtime: 1:34:15

For previous episodes, please visit our Podcast Homepage!

***Again, thanks for the questions, all. Please - don't forget - review us on , and please don't forget to DIGG US. Your support is what keeps us motivated and sterile. Uh, I mean Virile. VIRILE!***

P.S. - Happy_Cloud, I did not endorse what the rest of them did to your name! Blame Al 1500%. Because I said so :)

When playing Gears of War, they call me "El Terrible."

Because I suck.

Humorous incidents:

- repeatedly jamming on B before realizing I had the Lancer equipped, thus repeatedly revving up my chainsaw

- shottying someone in the knees when he totally didn't see me, resulting in me alerting him to my presence and meleeing me to death while my character pumped the shotgun

- seeing the other dude take the sniper rifle from his bridge, then thinking, "Hum, I guess I'll take mine t-" *fwip*

- repeatedly jamming on B before realizing I had the Lancer equipped, thus repeatedly revving up my chainsaw

- standing in front of combustible fuel tanks while involved in a one-on-one shotty war

- pressing the Dashboard button in a fit of panic when trying to do - something - I have no clue

- repeatedly jamming on B before realizing I had the Lancer equ- you get the picture

God, someone get me a mouse. I stink.