Not if you're me, at least. Allow me to ramble on about nothing and at no one in particular.
I've made much about my insanely lengthy backlog. Every year, I manage to scoop up some of the top games for that particular year. Every year, I manage to barely finish any of them. In fact, the games I do end up finishing are from years past.
Example? The only games I finished from 2008 are as follows:
Final Fantasy IV (DS)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS)
Too Human (X360)
The Too Human "completion" is debatable, because I've only played a few hours of multiplayer with Al. I haven't played as two of the c|asses yet, either. Come to think of it, the Final Fantasy IV "completion" is debatable as well -- I haven't yet completed a New Game + yet. Also, I'm not counting the fifteen or so 2008 games I've completed for Gamespot reviews. Technically that's "work" and I'm keeping it to games that I play for leisure.
This is the sad truth about growing up and taking on a career path that doesn't benefit from you playing games until your head explodes. Though nowhere near as brutal as a job in finance, consulting can often keep you in the office for 12 hours a day, potentially including weekends, with a normal work day's worth of time on the road. Worse, most of the clients in my assigned industries are far away from New York. This is why I'm always traveling -- out of the 65 months I've been with the company, only 20 of them have been spent commuting between my apartment and the client site on a daily basis. The rest of the time I've been living out of a suitcase Monday through Thursday, and taking my 360 or PS3 with me isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.
Outside of that, I spent the last two years studying for my GMATs and preparing applications for Business School. It's not that I definitely know that I want to go, but it'd be nice to have that option should the economy finally knock me on my butt.
Then there's the fact that I have a lot of non-gaming friends. Rarely do I ever play games with any friends -- Al is almost the only one, and even then I can count the number of times I've played non-Rock Band with him in the last year on a single hand -- and instead I'm taking in dinners, movies, or improv shows.
Here's the scary part: I have no idea how a lot of you manage to do it. I'm talking about the ones with families, more intense jobs, or both. People like kellymae, MsCortana, Bozanimal (financial guru AND the father of triplets!?), and even Al who works really insane night hours instead of being at work during the day like a human. These are just a few -- I'm sure there are more of you out there whom I've forgotten.
Perhaps it's simply time that I discipline myself to playing recent games. Here's the problem: I've spent a lot of time and money on the older games I own, and I have to make good on that investment before I spend even MORE money. Things in my life have happened (good things, don't worry) that require me to penny-pinch.
So, if you want to ask me what my true 2008 Game of the Year is, right now I'm going to say Half-Life 2. That's right -- Half-freaking-Life 2. On the next episode of the podcast (120 is up right now if you know where to look), we're going to spend a few minutes on our 2008 GOTY with Ryvvn and Leiden (Pete and Charlie of Gameslaves Radio fame) and my answer might change (to something else from an earlier year, no doubt), but for now, you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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