@Fulminatory Do you really, I thought once your PS+ subscription ends you no longer have access to the games you got for free, or have they changed that for PS4, you actually get to keep the free stuff you get out of PS+ even when your subscription ends? If so, count me in :)
sweet, means you can pick up a game years later (either used or just an unsold copy), pop the disc in the console and start playing, no need to worry if the game or it's related server/24-hour online check-in system is still around or have been taken down :)
Very nice too see all these high and low-profile titles coming to PC, used to be when there was a new console generation to be released that the "PC is dead as a gaming platform etc,etc" but now it seems to be more alive and vibrant than what is has been in a long time :)
aside from everything else that's been said, I just can't see much of any actual gameplay going on here, you just wave your arms and "change the music" or whatever, doesn't appear to be much fun or challenge involved at all.
My take on this: they forgot to think outside the box, or rather outside the US, never once taking other countries privacy laws into consideration. Prediction: to be allowed to sell this console in Europe, Kinect and the console must be sold separately, kind of like with Windows and Internet Explore
should be some kind of anti-watching TV achivement, say you didn't watch any TV (or played any games on your XBox One) for a period of 24 hours=achievement unlocked! Probably wouldn't go down too well with advertisers but oh well...
only unfortunate thing is the voice of "The Elder God", the legendary Tony Jay is no longer with us, but hopefully it will still be a great game to play and enjoy.
MrDouglas' comments