@Scarab83 If you happen to have AdBlock, and then happen to disable it, the videos might happen to load. Otherwise, it's a bug and you should just watch the videos on YouTube. A terrible inconvenience, I know.
Meh. I like it. Really like it. But then again, I really liked the old layout too. I think this was a much needed update to an aging website though. Bravo, designers.
Did you spend about an hour with this game before writing the review?
Aside from the obvious lack of difficulty to pander to a more "mainstream" crowd, the game has actually LOST features that were ever present and super fun in previous games. Major factions are limited to a small amount of unit types and the AI is absolutely ridiculous.
Not to mention turn times. In the latter parts of the game I spend a turn moving a few units around and MAYBE expanding my cities with more buildings. Then I spend around 2-3 minutes waiting for the AI to do their business. 2-3 minutes? No thank you. Until CA fix this game I can see a lot of people actually just refusing to play.
All CA has done is take the original ROME, increased the map size a little, updated the graphics, and stripped down some core features to make room for 'new exciting experiences'. 2-3 minutes? I just cannot get over the fact that they find it acceptable. I spend less time taking a dump. My system beats the recommended specs by a respectable amount but I still have trouble running this game properly. Seriously, I'd wait until this game has been actually finished by the devs before buying it.
As much as I'm looking forward to the PS4, my gaming rig is twice as powerful. How are you being handed the worlds best PC when MANY people out there have a more powerful system already, let alone by the time it's released.
MrPunkFever's comments