The first thing they need to improve is Career Mode. If you've played it, you'll know what I mean.
They also need to sort out the servers for those Yanks that get constant lag.
Improving gameplay is great, but unless you have spotless core features it's not going to overly impress the majority of people. Especially if it's labeled a ''Revolution''.
(Posted in order so people can better understand what I'm saying) Mass Effect 3 was a great game to play, and if all the side missions are taken and completed it will last around 17 hours which isn't too bad. Homosexuality is still a touchy subject, and no matter where you live there will always be prejudice against the gay community. Specifically against Male on Male relationships. I think that the taboo of it has just not worn off, as Girl on Girl is now commonly watched by men as porn whereas Male on Male is still considered to be 'wrong' in the eyes of so many. Bear in mind Homosexuality is still a relatively new idea for alot of people and will not be free of it's shackles for many MANY years to come. Day One DLC is an absolutely ridiculous idea, especially when it relates so closely to the main quest story line in what you can achieve while playing it. **SPOILER ALERT** Protheans are arguably the most important race in the game and finding one ALIVE without being turned into a Collector should have certainly been included in the game. I truly think it was taken out of the release as a means of which both BioWare and EA can drain more money out of our bank accounts. I bet the pirates are laughing their pants off right now.
Creative direction really isn't a factor, it's just POOR development in a single game (Dragon Age 2). Can you honestly say that every other BioWare game has not been great fun to play? I think alot of criticism is still floating around because of the failure of DA:2 in the eyes of the gaming community, which obviously affects the way we perceived all other future releases. I think that BioWare got the game wrong, and that's fair enough. We shouldn't judge their other games based on the principle that they slipped up on ONE of them. So as I said, the only problem I really have is Day One DLC. The other points are probably only affecting a minority. PS: On a side-note, the ending does indeed have strong similarities to Deus Ex but inspiration has to come from somewhere, and where better than one of the greatest games to ever hit the market? It was a great finish, to a great trilogy, of a great Man(or Woman). I look forward to Mass Effect 4 and to what they can do in the Mass Effect Universe that will capture gamers' attention by the millions once again. Thanks for reading.
MrPunkFever's comments