i'm glad that you believe your set values are what make the world go 'round , and everything else besides your own interests is nonesense. blessed are the simple-minded. since you've made up your mind i have nothing to add.
But I agree with some of your argument!?
Video games, because of their inherent interactivity, may one day reach a level of realism where it may very well be harmful to allow them to be played, even by adults, regardless of the artistic merits. Or for example a rape simulator, which is thouroughly degrading to women and extremely graphic by nature. I would be, and I'm sure the great majority of people here, would feel that censorship (because that is what you are talking about) would be warranted.
MW2 is graphic and may disturb people but it's doesn't make them lose their grip on reality. It may offend people, and it certainly needs to be criticized for being a PR stunt more then anything, but it certainly shouldn't be cut because it doesn't respect real world situations. Again if we do that, then we have to start censoring everything.
And the only reason I attacked your phrasing is because whenever I here "I know whats in the better interests of society", I think of all the horrible dictators who used that exact same reasons to justify their brutal regimes. I know you probably didn't mean it like that but it still comes off as a little...totalitarian.
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