New monster: Exterminus!
Mr_Strange's forum posts
My game habits have followed the same trend as the OP - I figured it was due to the fact that I'm 36 and have between two and five children at any given time. The only time I have to game is late at night - which is also when I'm often too sleepy to game. Leads to a lot of "waking up dead" moments!
Great to see so many people comfortable with the gamepad + PC! I have a huge stock of Wired 360 controllers for PC use.
I thought folks would like to see the latest original character designs. All of our original characters were designed in collaboration with our fans. We're still accepting new character designs for the inital launch - google Kaiju Combat and you'll find our forums, or facebook page, or one of a hundred other ways you can contact us. (I'd post our Kickstarter link, but I don't want to be flagged for spamming, and I'm sure you know how to google for it if you'd like to pre-order the game.)
Check out Moratitan's design at our online design wiki:
You can read about Tornaq on our design wiki:
[QUOTE="floppy98"]pl tell me the games.................................... >(ZubinenGet ready for a shocker, no download needed really:
I'm going to list great games which don't suffer from the reduced scale of a laptop:
Moonbase Commander
Dungeons of Dredmor
Legend of Grimrock
Everyday Shooter
Puzzle Quest
[QUOTE="TheLordMagnus"]The Godzilla games have been pretty fun, but Unleashed was frustrating to me because of the controls. I hope Pipeworks goes back to a more traditional control scheme and re-adds the online modes. Unleashed had a nice roster as well.nini200Motion Plus, King Kong and Online are really all that Unleashed needs.
I was personally responsible for the controls in Godzill: Unleashed, and I freely admit that they held the game back. In Kaiju Combat we're going to use a control system much closer to the one we used in Godzilla: Save the Earth.
If anyone is still following this thread, I'll just point out that we've re-launched our funding campaign:
But more importantly, we've been using the time between our last funding attempt and this one to build a community. Our design forums vote on systems, mechanics, roster selection, and generally drive the development effors. Check it out at :
I'm a game developer - and my current project is actually a multiple-license fighting game.
The catch is - all of the licensees are GIANT MONSTERS! (Godzilla, Gamera, Stay-Puft, Cthulhu, Ultraman, Voltron, etc.)
We're looking for folks to pre-order the game ($20) on Kickstarter right now. If you like fighting games, monsters, or AWESOMENESS you would do well to participate.
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