It could just be Halo. I haven't had any trouble playing locally with Halo 2.
Mrha's forum posts
I too play music with my xbox, though I don't enjoy it too much because it seems to lack the fullness as far as sound goes. I guess I haven't tried out the random setting.
I'm looking forward to this game too. It got coverage at E3, so people know about it;). It should get a lot of hype closer to the release date.
Bob and Tom Show is my favorite morning show.
That was what the movie Ghostrider was to me. Made me sad.
For me, not only did BF:BC have a great community, it was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences! As mentioned, there are people who don't give healthpacks, or snipers who don't utizlied their motion detectors, but the game still has a lot of mature people playing.
My favorite show is It's Always Sunny in Phildelphia. There's been some good premieres this season too. I'm really enjoying Community and The League.
Yeah. I've been finding that more companies (probably due to the economy) are releasing their games during the holiday season, rather than year round like before. This would make sense because people are more apt to buy games during the holidays than during the summer.
Yeah, but this also left the door wide open for inFamous to be a blockbuster. It had no competition and was really the only game to play last summer until Prototype was released and that game was a similar sandbox. I think you are right though that the economy has a big role in why games are being pushed back, but there was seriously nothing out there last summer.
True, I just don't think developers notice that :-PMy big problem with education is the whol idea of teachers receiving tenure. Once a teacher becomes incredibly hard to fire, it usually seems that the individual slacks, and the school will do nothing about it. My best teacher I ever had was a guy who was rich enough to not work, but taught us because he wanted to make a difference in our lives and instill in us his knowledge.
I actually just learned about this in my Psychology class. We looked at a lot of things relating to social psychology. Another example of this was The Stanford Prison Experiment. As was stated earlier, we'd like to thing we'd do the right thing, but social forces are something nobody can understand until he or she experiences it.
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