I'd pick Buckethead out of the three. If I could suggest a guitarist, I'd pick John Petrucci.
Mrha's forum posts
I don't play more than two. The only time I play two is in a specific scenario. Say I just beat CoD5 singleplayer on regular, but I also own something like Bioshock that I want to beat. I don't want to go through CoD5 singleplayer on veteran right away after just beating it, so I'll mix in some multiplayer of CoD with some Bioshock singleplayer before I go back to CoD singleplayer.
I don't know if they will. Example: I downloaded some DLC songs for Guitar Hero II. Once the new GH and Rock Band games came out, my DLC for GH2 was worthless because it wouldn't transfer to the new games and I wouldn't want to play GH2 anymore. If they aimed at having total backwards compatibility, maybe. Especially since these next-gen consoles have been delivering services that we've never experienced before, and a lot of our money is spent on things like DLC. But, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. Who knows what the next consoles will deliver in terms of technology?
I buy used games off Goozex.com. You basically buy used games, and sell them when you're done. I got rid of my Ps2 collection that way. All the games I got were in good condition, so really no different than buying a new one (minus the price!).
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey!
I'm not an actualy arcade goer, but I play at certain places. I'll play the arcade games before a movie, if I'm at Dave and Buster's (Mr. Gatti's, Happy Joes, other places like that). Basically anywhere that has an arcade and I have some pocket change, I'll play a couple games. I still really enjoy the co-op games, more than a splitscreen experience. My favorite has to be the X-Men arcade game :).
I really enjoyed the singleplayer, one of my best gaming experiences. The online isn't too fun though as far as competitive modes go. I've had fun messing around with a buddy fighting other people, but it's not a lasting fun. However, I've really enjoyed myself going online and playing some freemode with just friends and messing around. Playing freemode in public rooms just gets hectic. Also, the extra missions online I found to be very fun.
So many good items, but my favorite is the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. If you haven't tried this yet, do so because it's amazing. I also really like the Mexican Pizza.
All I know about the game is that it was highly scored by many reviewers, and considered to be on of the best games in the survival horror genre. I personally have chosen not to play it because I don't like scary games :P. I'd recommend it though by the videos/reviews/forums I've seen if that's your cup of tea.
I would love a Mercenaries 3 and a Star Wars Battle Front 3, especially the latter. Battlefront 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and one I've clocked probably the most hours on.
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