Mrha's forum posts
What is this? I couldn't find any information on it besides the calender itself. Is there prizes or a reason for playinga specific game on it's scheduled day? Do any of you guys follow the calender and take part in its events?
I Belive in a Thing Called Love- The Darkness
Turn it Again- Red Hot Chili Peppers
Any Led Zeppelin
Any Metallica
Sultans of Swing- Dire Straits
Cocaine- Eric Clapton
Green Light Girl-Doyle Bramhall II
Some more Ozzy, Pearl Jam, and Stone Temple Pilots
Money- Pink Floyd
1. Halo 3
2. Star Wars Battlefront 3
3. Bioshock
4. Elder Scrolls V (if ever made)
5. Guitar Hero 3
These are the reasons I like it.
-Humor. Nice change from most games
-Arsenal. Tons of weapons that you can build up which is fun. Makes you try out all the different weapons.
-Missions. All the missions are fun and are mostly easy. Never find your stuff stuck for hours trying to get past a certain part.
-Achievements. Many things to work towards in the game like trophies and such, never get bored, good replay value.
This is all coming from my knowledge of playing RaC Up Your Arsenal.
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