Mtngranek Blog
My crappy reviews...
by Mtngranek on Comments
Who keeps recommending my reviews? I can't believe anybody actually reads that crap, and on top of it, who in their right mind would find these things helpful? I can't figure it out. Why do these people/person toy with my mind? Can't they see what they are doing to me? I can't write a review without wondering if when I come back it'll be recommended. I can't live in fear for the rest of my life! Let me be! Let me have my peace...
Oh, and I can't believe they took my fishbowl Emblem away...what (censored)holes.
More finds...is this getting old?
by Mtngranek on Comments
I was at Good Will yesterday and found Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom, Festers Quest, and Friday the 13th for the NES in box, w/ instructions; except for Indy, he had no instructions. Then, as I was looking around some more, I found an NES game and peripheral storage case. It's a 2 drawer cabinet that has a spot for 2 controllers and a zapper in the first drawer, and enough spaces for 30 games in the second. It's pretty nice, as the veneer perfectly matches my JBL speakers. It also has the Nintendo logo on the bottom drawer. It's pretty sweet.
Today I was at the Thrift Store (Salvation Army, my favorite), and found a Game Boy Printer. I don't have enough AA batteries to figure out if it works, but it's in great condition.
This concludes my latest finds, and I'll talk about something else now.
I put $50 dollars down on an xbox 360 last week at Sears(layaway), and I'm getting it on Friday. Does anybody have any recomendations for some good games to get for it? I've only played Left 4 Dead, and Halo 3, so I could use some insight.
Michael Jackson's Moon Walker
by Mtngranek on Comments
So I decided to play Micheal Jackson's Moon Walker again, and I finally did it! I got a shooting star! I have been wanting to do this for a while, and I'm glad that I did.
I was Super Mecha Michael Jackson! It is every bit as awesome as it sounds. You can fly, shoot lazers out of your eyes, and carpet bomb the (fudge) out of every thing!
I'm sorry, I just had to tell someone. It really was awesome!
New Thrift Store finds!
by Mtngranek on Comments
So I haven't posted any of my latest acquisitions, because I haven't had a day off work since the 9th...but I still manage to get more games and crap. Last week I got a Sega 32X, in box, with Knuckles Chaotix but no powersupply(seems to be a recurring theme with me and genesis based systems) for $10. That wasn't a Thrift Store find though. Then I found Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid, and Unreal Championship at Good Will. That was a descent deal.
Today however, I got 2 copies of Power Factory for the Sega CD sealed, RBI Baseball '95 for the 32X in box, NFL Quarterback Club for the 32X in box, Virtua Racing for the 32X, Motocross CHampionship for the 32X, and Wheel of Fortune for the Gameboy, at the Thrift Store. Damn I'm did good today! The SCD games were $1.25 ea. And the others were $1.50 ea. Talk about good deals.
I also found something I had no idea what was, but it was cheap. I'm kind of glad I got it though. It is a Power-Joy. This just so happens to be a Famiclone in a controller. Damn that's terrible. It even has a game connector in the back of it to insert Famicom games. I only paid $1.25 for that thing.
I also got a Playstation Carrying case, but I don't have a Playstation at the moment, so it isn't that sweet of a deal.
I've had a good couple of weeks here. Hopefully next week will be good also. I'm planning on getting an x-box 360. I'm going to need all the luck I can get on this one though.
by Mtngranek on Comments
So I just realized that some of my reviews(which I would advise everybody to stay away from), have been recommended by 1 of 1 user. What the hell does that mean? Does this mean that someone has actually found the crap I write to be even moderately useful?(I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.) I don't know. I'm still learning about this site. Maybe one of my friends will have insight on this.(I still can't figure out how I got friends...but I'm not complaining...)
How high will your NES games go?
by Mtngranek on Comments
The other day I was asked a strange sort of question, and I was baffled as to the answer. How high would my NES games go if I stacked them all on top of each other? I figured that I could probably make it to the ceiling, but I wasn't sure. At the time I hadn't thought too much more into it, but I was bored last night, and I needed to re-organize my NES games anyway.
I then proceded to take out every one of my NES games, stack them on top of each other laying flat, and found that they were about a foot shy of the ceiling. What a disappointment. They did however reach higher than I am tall, and that's a descent accomplishment right there.
I hope you enjoyed this weird and utterly useless blog about stacking games...
There is a pic...or two...in my pictures. I'll add it here whenever it shows up.
My latest acquisitions...and a new friend.
by Mtngranek on Comments
I was at the Thrift Store today, going through hundreds of Cd's and Cd based games (the games are few and far between) and I happened upon The Diablo: Hellfire expansion set. This was a sweet deal, as I have Diablo, but was never able to get the expansion. Then, I was loking at the games behind the counter, and found Perfect Dark, a bag of 6 N64 games and FF VIII and FF IX. The latter two were $8 apiece and only greatest hits anyway, so I left them and took my N64 games. When I got up to the register I was told that all the games were half off, and I happily told the cashier that I'd like to get a few more. When I went back to the games however, some middle aged woman was clutching the FF games! I was soo pissed to say the least. (Don't worry, this story does have a happy, non FF related, ending) So I skulked back over to the register, paid for my wares, and left cursing that woman to eternal damnation among unholy hellfire...like my Diablo game!
(The 6 games were Madden 99, All-Star Baseball 2000, NBA Live 2000, ExciteBike 64, Army Men: Sarge's Heros, and Donkey Kong 64; which I got all for $4. Perfect Dark I got for $1.50.)
When I got back to my car, I asked my girlie friend if she would like to go to the "other" thrift store after Target, and she reluctantly obliged. We went to Target, purchased what we needed, and went off to the other Thrift Store. THis is the one I only go to for games and maybe a shirt or two. Most of the crap there sucks, and their prices are high. So we get there, and go in, and I start looking for games. It's just the same old bull, nothing new, but then I happened to look on the bottom shelf behind the counter and my heart skipped a beat. I almost had a heart attack, and literally demanded to be shown that which was looking at me from behind the plexi. I took one look at the $4.50 price tag and said, "I buy!" I then frantically looked through the store for my girlfriend, helped her look through some shirts, and ran to the front to check out. After a fifteen minute wait to check out, I was walking out the door with my new Buddy. I'm still crapping my pants on this one!
So I just now, realized that I'm missing the hand attachments. Oh well, for $4.50, you cant go wrong!
Goldstar 3DO!
by Mtngranek on Comments
So, I was at the Thrift Store once again, and while I was looking through the Cd's I found Microcosm, Wing Commander III, and Shockwave for the 3DO. After using my brain for a minute, I then took off to the electronics section in search of the 3DO system. Lo and behold, after 15 mins of searching, I spied the Goldstar 3DO. I was overjoyed, to say the least, especially after finding Dragons Lair last week. The system and 3 games I got today cost me $35 plus the $2 I paid for Dragons Lair. I'm killing myself with all these insane deals I'm finding. I can't afford to buy these things...but I can't afford not to! What am I to do? Quit eating is the first step. Maybe I'll have to start sleeping in the parking lot at work. Save some gas...
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