I believe that "Top 10 Topics" is a bad name for the feature, but I think that the concept of having a list of trending topics is a neat idea. Since not all of the boards are listed immediately on the main forum page, it opens the ability to expose users to boards that might not have known even existed, and I believe it's worth at least trying out in its current form. We'll see if it sticks around once the forums become better established, but in the meantime I see no reason to remove the feature.
MuddyMaestro's forum posts
Click the box with your "avatar", you'll see a little drop down menu with 8 settings. Click Forums.
Yes, the forums page in a your profile now acts as your posting history.
Rather than posting a hateful rant, it'd be a lot more beneficial to report any bugs you encounter on the Bug Reporting & Feedback board, and give some time for the devs to iron out the kinks. The redesigned site has only been live for a handful of hours, so issues are naturally bound to arise. We appreciate your patience and (constructive) feedback!
I would like to see username changes (accompanied with a valid reason) be allowed, considering the "fresh start" approach that is being taken with the site updates. However, being a rare user who has been granted a username change, I can state that there are a few obstacles that still stand in the way of this potentially following through. The most prevalent roadblock is the fact that there is a boatload of glitches that a person must deal with in the current structure of the site upon receiving a username change, and it is unknown if such issues (or even new ones) would persist after the updates. However, since GameSpot accounts have now been dissociated from their CBS sister sites, there is more opportunity than before to work out the coding hiccups that result with username changes, and potentially grant changes to either veterean users, or more readily to those who may have personal information in their username. Within the last year and a half, GameFAQs has had limited time periods where veterean users could request a change, or more recent users could be granted a change by supporting the site with a purchase, so it would be interesting if GameSpot were to adopt a similar program.
I'm sorry to hear that you disagree with some of the selections GameSpot made, but keep in mind that the inclusion of each series was based on the quality of its games within the last decade, and voters are urged to vote solely based on those releases. Ultimately, the bracket is open to public voting, and it does not prevent it from being a popularity contest which likely will not directly reflect the quality of the series. In the meantime, be aware that this board is for suggesting enhancements to the site, and rather than posting your opinions on why you feel a series is undeserving, such posts are best reserved for the comment section within the contest's page.
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