Voices - Disturbed
MuddyMaestro's forum posts
I do feel sympathy when members of the LGBT community are discriminated against, but less so when they complain about it in the context of online communities. There are so many nations in real life that don't tolerate these minorities whatsoever, where citizens have to conceal their orientation to preserve their liberties (and quite often their own life), so when I see people complain about feeling suppressed by other internet users, it tends to feel more like they're grasping for attention than it is a valid concern. The majority of online communities are generally accepting of those with differing sexual orientations, and unmoderated communities that allow that kind of slander generally aren't worth hanging around anyways.
In terms of the source, I feel that the unsettled reactions spawn from preserving the original concept of the Spiderman series, rather than a hatred towards gays. If you were to switch not only MJ's gender, but Spidey's gender as well, their relationship would be hetrosexual, but would likely warrant the same negative response. It just feels unnecessary, and although superhero movies need to stray from their origins a bit in order to prevent feeling formulaic and predictable, putting an organ between MJ's legs isn't going to magically reinvigorate the series. It feels more like this was an attempt to make headlines, and I doubt there was much serious consideration towards changing MJ's gender, since the producers would know very well this was the type of response they would receive.
Everyone who is bumping this thread simply to slander the TC is hypocritically and knowingly supporting the troll's efforts, and are equally as moronic as the TC is.
Oh, hold on one second.
It'll still be a bit less than a year until I'm out of my teens, but I'm certainly not going to be missing these years after they've passed.
Hey all, I'm Muddy. Some may know me as MudkipMaster30 from way back, though I haven't come by here in at least a year and a half, and it has been far longer since I was anything close to "active" here. Most probably won't recognize me whatsoever, but that's why I'm reintroducing myself anyways, lol. I'm looking forward to catching up, and it's great to see that this place is still quite lively.
If I found that I had the potential of developing an deep attachment with someone, then I certainly would be willing to wait until marriage to have intercourse if that's what they wanted. Heck, a partner who is a virgin is more of a positive aspect than a negative one in my opinion, since it suggests purity, and more likely to be loyal. Besides, a person can still be sexual without actually having sex, and retaining a virgin status doesn't outright mean that there will be no intimacy.
Assuming we're referring to PS3, I've got basically no online titles for the console, lol. I basically only use my PS3 online to play Twisted Metal, which I doubt any of you would have (though that game alone is one of the main reasons for my break, it's seriously awesome). I can always pick a game up if a consensus is made though.
I also do have the first and second Uncharted titles, but I only played a couple hours into the first and haven't even unpackaged the second. Granted, I only use my Xbox 360 does as a media device, so my PS3 still gets a lot more use just with classic games and TM alone.
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