For a more accurate comparison, why don't we compare ratios, e.g. the percentage of killings by militants within the muslim community to the percentage of killings by KKK members within the American community? How about the percentage of killings by militants within the Irish community? By your logic, all Irish are evil because of the actions of the IRA. Your comparison is apples to oranges.
Exactly. Individuals are responsible for their own actions and the directions they take with their life. Society needs to quit shoving blame on every scape goat that comes along.
Unfortunately, you are right. Individuals who stereotype entire groups of people to try to rationalize their hatred of others seldom listen to reason and nothing anyone can say will teach them tolerance. The sad thing is they so often see the bigotry in others and many times cite that as the reason for their sentiment, but have blinders to their own destructive nature. What they don't realize is they are the same breed as individuals within the KKK and other well known hate groups. If only they knew they are part of the problem and not part of the solution.
That or the one where they remove everything from the Christmas play that someone finds offensive, and they end up with the kids in black leotards and no decorations.
For crying out lout. When are people going to get thicker skin and quit getting offended over every little thing? People have the option of not playing the game, and I highly doubt this will inspire some kid to go shoot a bunch of nuns. If some stupid kid is that easily influenced, he's going to find something to hate or kill no matter what he reads/watches.
Of course this does not mean they won't stop gouging us with DLC content carved out of the game that should've been given to us to begin with; it just means they won't make it so obvious in the future.
Yes, that's the reason, of course. It had absolutely nothing to do with pissing off nearly the entire gaming community by screwing them over with on-disk DLC. Sweet Zeus, these people are in worse denial than Richard Simmons.
Muteki_X's comments