I dislike cheaters just as much as the next guy, but flat out banning those people without warning for taking advantage of the developer's screw-up is just B.S.
It's about time someone in the media spoke up and gave a more persuasive voice to those of us who have felt bent over a barrel for a while now. Gaming in its current form is taking a frightening resemblance to animation in the 80's. Anyone who loves animation and follows it closely will know what I'm talking about. Just as the 90's gave birth to true Animators who rebelled against the machine and gave us some of the most beautiful animation yet (a revolution which continues today), I truly hope the real game developers who love the craft and appreciate their fans will lead their own revolution soon and give a giant, stinky finger to the industry. R.I.P. "golden age" of gaming. May you soon rise from the ashes. I will be there waiting.
@ Hurvl *mascara dripping down my face* "Leave Hotz alone! LEAVE HIM ALOOOOONE!!" LOL!! I wonder if that guy...um, girl...whatever is available for hire?
Muteki_X's comments