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Birthday and X-mas

Yesterday was my 29th b-day, so woot for that. Since tomorrow is x-mas i figured I would hit two birds with one stone and get both of these blogs out of the way. Merry X-mas to all! To those that don't celebrate x-mas I hope you just have a great day! Nate

I Can Haz BABEH!!!

Finally had the baby last nite. He was 4 days late and came out pretty big. His Name is Cooper James Almond and he was born on December 11, 2009 at 10:30pm. He was 20.5" Long and weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces. Here are some pics of the little guy: His foot print sheet.  Freshly cleaned off and laying under the heat lamp taking a short nap. About 5 min old.  I was talking to him in this one. He was under a heat lamp and they put some goop on his face. About 10 Min old.  Laying in his hospital bassinet. About 8 Hours old.  Probably going to be busier in the coming months/years, so I'll be back here when I can. Just know the time I spend offline will be spent raising a tiny gamer.

Recent Absence

Hey I've been really busy this week and I haven't been around gamespot lately and for that I apologize. Everything seems to be moving along fine here though. I'll be gone all day tomorrow and might be too tired to come online, but hopefully i'll spend some time online this weekend. Nate.

20k Thanks

Tonight I reached the 20,000 post mark which is pretty cool. I wanted to say thanks to the people who have helped me to reach this milestone with entertaining conversation (or whatever we were doing). It has been nice posting with all of you and spending time here at Gamespot these past couple years. When I first joined I just wanted to make a single post on the FFVI board and it has led to a daily commitment and good times. Anyway thanks for keeping me company and I look forward to spending more time with you guys in the future. Nate.

Temporary Leave of Absence

This weekend is my father in law's Retirement Party. He retired from the LA County Sheriff's Department this year after 30 years of service and we all thought he deserved a party to celebrate. My wife has been heading up the planning and everything, so it should be fun. After that we'll head out to Temple Bar Marina to spend a week on the Houseboat. It should be a good time. I'll be sure to enjoy myself out on the lake. I won't be back to gamespot until Monday the 17th at the latest. Enjoy your interwebs!

Sex and Names!!!! *Baby Update*

We went to the doctor's office yesterday and found out the sex of our baby which solidified the name choice.

Here is the pic.

It's a Boy!

So as you can see we're having a boy.

The name we have chosen for him is Cooper James Almond. Cooper because we liked the name and James after my father in law.

Out of town again this weekend!

I'm going to Lake Mead to hang out on the houseboat this weekend (thur-mon) so I won't be around. Hopefully there will be pics of me goofing off with the inlaws, but who knows. Jumping off the top deck into the lake FTW! If anyone is interested in checking out a friendly Final Fantasy union please go to The Final Fantasy Universe Union where I was recently promoted to leader. Go me! There are a bunch of great people there so check it out. The RPG Temple has also started a Final Fantasy Character Hurt and Heal so anyone that would like to be in on that kind of goodness check it out. The Temple is a great place with great people, so I would recommend it to anyone that likes RPGs.

Out of town this weekend.

Hey. My schedule is going to be a little wonky for the next month or so. My apologies. I'll see you all back this Sunday or Monday. Nate

Baby Update! *w/Pics*

The Wife and I went to another doctor's visit on Friday and I wanted to share the latest baby pics with you guys. The Wife is about 11 weeks along now and you can tell by the pic that the baby has had quite the growth spurt since the last pic. It actually looks like a little person now.


I'M PREGNANT!! *w/Pics*

Yeah you read that right. Well I'm not personally pregnant, but you know what I mean...My Wife = With Child

Lisa is a little over 7 weeks preggers with our first child and I wanted to wait until we got the first ultrasound pics. We could hear the heartbeat and it was racing at 136bpm. Oh in the lower rigfht corner it shows the expected due date as 12/7-12/9.

Click the Comment button and the right frame should disappear, so you can get a better view of the pic. Or click for full size

Baby Almond's first pic

So it is not really much to look at now, but eventually that little speck is going to be a screaming, crying poop factory.

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