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NFSC0297 Blog

Here I go.

First off, I am buying FRAPS to make gameplay movies and montages. I thought it would be a good idea since I would like to do gameplay movies of RTS games because I like them.

Next, I preordered Total War Kingdoms! However, that means I have no more gaming money:( and I wanted to buy Dawn of War or Command and Conquer 3. Yes. I will be pre-ordering Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties, if you are wondering.

In other news, I have decided to try and make a UCB. If you are interested please say so. It will be about random PC games I guess.

I thought I'd give you an Age of Empires 3: The WarChiefs update, so here it is.

My French are at level 8. That is all. Oh, my British are at level 9. This is offline BTW, and you know it:P

And finally, I do 93% of my gaming shopping on the internet!

6 months at GameSpot!

I cannot believe it. Six months at GS! It may not sound like a lot, but the time has flown. I remember my first day at GS, when I downloaded the Europa Unversalis 3 demo. I can remember back to lots of times, and lots of good moments.

Well then, what do you think!

Monster truck required! Age of Empires 3 related. And 2 other things.

Game: The WarChiefs

Act: I

Level: 5

Difficulty: Hard.

Number of times monster truck had to be used: uncountable:lol:

I'm terrible at the campaign.

Ok, no cool AoE3 video with Iron Maiden music:(. Reason: DRM. I never realized downloaded music couldn't be put into music videos:( But, we could always have just gameplay footage with no music! Or is that too boring?

Finally, dig your AoE2 games out, people! I'm designing some maps(not levels) for AoE2(U). Why? Because i'm terrible at triggers. You have a go at it, you'll see.

Thats is what I did for the past 2 days:lol:

EDIT: Tomorrow marks my 6th monthanniversary at GameSpot!

Gaming stuff I did this week.

I had quite a lot of gaming hours this week, I thought I'd show what I did.

Monday: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds! A.k.a AoE2 but Star Wars! I'm a little rusty, so I did all of the tutorial levels.

Tuesday: I am stupid. I picked up Gauntlet for the XBLA. It is fun, though. Got to level 17. In other news, made 2 new offline HC in AoE3, got them to level 3/3.

Wednesday: The opening OOM-9 level of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. Plus more AoE3, and a small Rome Total War session squeezed in.

Thursday: AoE3, thats it. Until 6:00PM, whenmy Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s game came. Got up to "Holdon Loosely" on Hard Career.

Friday:Finished Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s on hard...without failing any song. The lowest I got wasat the finalsong, Play With Me.I just had an hour long session of AoE3, planning to do some more of both later on.

Overall, I had annice gaming week, next game I'm picking up, Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms!

Stuff that I am hoping to upload, need your thoughts.

Ok, thing 1, a lot of videos. Sadly, I am using Windows Movie Maker, but at least I've got FRAPS. However, I'm not just doing the games I want to, why don't you suggest a game I do. I am planning to do 3+ videos over the summer, and you can choose them!

Also, I am planning to make a UCB, but what would you people think it should be? And would you like it. I'm asking you to help me choose it again.

Well, thats it really.

Yes, another Potter blog post.

I got my hands on the final book...but not in a big queue. I in fact picked it up at 10:57 AM GMT, and am not going to start reading it til the night. Queueing up for hours is no fun for me.

In other news, I want an Age of Empires 3 Rock-Paper-Scissors game made. It will be called Musketeer-Hussar-Crossbowman. :lol: Now I need to convince L7UWP to make it:P

Also, Falconets in Age of Empires 3 move like a sloth when in Bombard Mode:lol:

Random stuff+more free time.

Ok, I've barely been leaving the house recently due to stuff. And of course, I'm addicted to AoE3: The WarChiefs. However, there is some other stuff.

Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms lures closer. The release date is now 31st August and I am stoked for it. I really wanna play it.

AoE3: The Asian Dynasties comes closer too. The 2007 year for RTS's will never be better.

Now, I have more free time and have more time to post in unions! Yay!

And now....the terror....of something terrible.

_Sam_'s only goal is to beat L7UWP at games. I hope L7UWP wins.

I got promoted to Officer at the Historical Gaming Union! I'm happy!

Total Access!

Finally. I upgraded to Total Access, and I'm currently viewing vids in Hi-Res! Just a short blog to say Total Access. Expect a coloured username soon.

Level 20 (Oh noes)!

Ok, today, I hit Level 20. You may be wondering, whats the point of blogging about it. The point is that I will be stuck on this level for a very long time. You see, the level 20 glitch makes you level up sooooo slowly, at around 2% a day. Yeah, thats annoying.

E3 for me

Ok, after looking at a lot of E3 stuff I can finally summerise my E3.

First up, lets start with the confrences.

Microsoft: Looks really good. Halo 3 looks amazing, and Project Gotham Racing 4 looks good too. Plus, Halo Wars and AoE3: The Asian Dynastys!

Nintendo: I liked it. A nice amount of games, I like the look of the Wii Zapper, and the new DS titles and facts make me astounded.

Sony: Well done Sony! After the bad response from the PS3launch, Sony have gotten their act together. Killzone 2 looks incredible and the new "Home" thing looks excellent. I might be trading in my old PSP which I got on UK launch day for this new one when it gets released. The new 333MhZ update will make games look better and play better too.

Overall, which one was the best? All of them. The winners here, are the gamers.

Now, other stuff.

Starcraft 2 looks great, can't wait to see that. Guitar Hero 3, Slash gets pwned, but it still looks great. NFS ProStreet, well, after the not-so-good Carbon, I like the look of this one, apart from the fact that Razor Callahan won't be in it:(. I liked the look of all the games, but the 40 minute Rock Band Finale was hilarious. GameSpot editors playing it really works.

Well, there you have it.