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Star Wars: BattleFront II (PSP)

Star Wars: Battlefront II for PSP - Star Wars: Battlefront II Sony PSP - Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP Game

Though Star Wars: BattleFront  II was short it is a pretty Awesome little portable game for the PSP.


Things I liked about this game:

The graphics were pretty cool.

The sounds and the music were Awesome and really get you into the game.

There are space battles that are pretty cool (but they do get old).

There’s a bunch of classes to pick from and some awesome special Characters (Yoda, Darth Maul, Darth Vader and a bunch more).

The Multiplayer battles are great.

The galactic conquest missions are Awesome.

The controls take a little time to get used to but there pretty good once you get the hang of it.

There are all kinds of cool vehicles you can use in this game.

I think there were 4 or 5 different fractions that you can play as all with there own strengths and weakness.


Things I didn’t like about this game:

The load times are pretty bad (but it’s a portable system what do you expect).

It’s pretty short.

The 3 challenges that are just for the PSP are not that great.

They really should have done something with the space battles to make it feel more like your not doing the same thing over and over again.



I would suggest this game to any Star Wars fans or anyone that likes to battle it out with there friends this game was pretty great.

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (PS2)

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves for PS2 - Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves Playstation 2 - Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves PS2 Game

Though I didn’t think Sly 3 was as good as 2 it still was Fun and great!


Things I liked about this game:

The Graphics (game play and Cut scenes)like all of the other Sly games were Awesome.

The story was good and funny.

You team up with a bunch of new teammates in this game. Some you will remember and

Some new ones.

There’s a new Multiplayer in this one (I didn’t play it though so I don’t know if it’s any good or not).

There are some really cool new vehicles you can play in.

There’s a bunch of new cool bosses.


Things I didn’t like:

The game comes with 3-d glasses but I thought the 3-d was worthless.

Most of the upgrade moves you can purchase suck.

The game felt a lot shorter then the last one.

It was pretty easy to beat. (One of the first games I have beaten with 100% without a guide book).  

I didn’t like the way the game ended.



Sly 3 was great if you liked the other Sly games you going to like this one too. This game is defiantly a great game for all ages.

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

Shadow of the Colossus for PS2 - Shadow of the Colossus Playstation 2 - Shadow of the Colossus PS2 Game

If you like boss battles you’ll love this game because that’s all this game is. Nothing in-between straight up boss battles.


Things I liked about this game:

The backgrounds and the Colossus’s graphics are probably the best I have ever seen on PS2 you can tell a lot of hard work was put in to it.

The music and sound are great and fit the game perfectly.

I thought that game was pretty easy (Took me about 4 hours to beat) but I used a game guide I think with out a game guide this game would be pretty tough.

The Colossus battles are really exciting.

There are a bunch of puzzles but instead of like most games where you need to figure out how to get to point A to point B you have to figure out the way to defeat the Colossus.

Things I didn’t like:

The camera can sometimes be a little hard to control.

The story line is decent but there are a lot of holes in it. No story background at all.

Trying to find your next Colossus you need to kill gets a little annoying after about the 3rd Colossus since there is nothing to fight along the way.

The main character graphics are good but compared to the graphics of everything else in the game he is just not that great.



I have to give the makers of this game a lot of props for such and beautiful and original game.

Anyone that liked ICO will probably like this game.

Shadow of the Colossus was a good game but if you have a game guide for it I wouldn’t suggest you on buying it at Full price since it is so easy to beat.


Far Cry: Instincts

Far Cry Instincts for xBox - Far Cry Instincts xBox Game - Far Cry Instincts xBox Video Game

Far Cry was okay but it defiantly was no Halo!

This opinion is based on the story mode. I don’t have XBOX live.

Things I liked about this game:

The load times were great.

The Graphics were good.

There are 7 different vehicles you can ride in (the glider was awesome).

The storyline was okay.

You get some pretty cool Primal Powers (but they could have used more then the 3 they gave you.


Things I didn’t like:

There some parts of the game were the music is so load you can’t hear your important story conversations and you can’t turn down or turn off the music.

The enemies A.I. I thought was pretty bad and made the game easier then most first person shooters.

The mostly jungle environments get pretty boring after about 5 minutes.

There’s is only one boss fight the whole game.

They could have used more weapons.

You can play the game stealth or guns a blazing but its not really fun if you do it stealth cause you only have 2 ways to kill people.  



If you like first person shooters you will probably like this game but to me it’s just like the rest of them. The only difference I see from this game and all the other first person shooters is the story and the environment.


Destroy All Humans! (XBOX)

Destroy All Humans! for xBox - Destroy All Humans! xBox Game - Destroy All Humans! xBox Video Game

Destroy all Humans could have been a lot better with some more cool weapons and with out the sound glitches. It is humorous though.


Things I liked about this game:

The game is pretty funny. You can read people minds in this game and some of the things people are thinking are hilarious.  

You can destroy almost anything you see.

You get 2 pretty funny weapons (anal probe and the disintegrator ray).

You can play on foot or in your flying saucer.

Some of the unlockables are funny (old school like the 50’s space movies clips).

The graphics for the game play and cut scenes are pretty cool.

You get to be the bad guy trying to take over the earth.


Things I didn’t like about this game:    

It’s pretty short and there are not that many levels.

I’m not sure if it was just my game or not but when there is too much going on you lose the game sound and just get music (I hate a glitchy games).

You only get 4 weapons for the main character and 4 weapons for your saucer (weak).




If you like games that you can destroy everything or if you like games where you can be the bad guy you might dig this game. Just try not to pay too much for it.

I’m not going to lie to you I may give this game a not so great of a score but if they make a part 2 I’ll probably check it out.

Castlevania: Curse of Darknsss (XBOX)

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness for xBox - Castlevania: Curse of Darkness xBox Game - Castlevania: Curse of Darkness xBox Video Game

Other then the really bad sound glitches this game was pretty Awesome.


Things I liked about this game:

The game play and cut scenes graphics were pretty cool,

The story line was Awesome.

It was some pretty awesome unlockables.

In this game you can forge your own weapons and armors and there’s a bunch of stuff you can create.

You can summon Demons (there actually called Innocent Devils) to support you on your quest and you can evolve them to make look different and give them different powers. There’s a pretty good verity of Demons to make.

There’s a bunch of environment to explore.

The load times very quick.


Things I didn’t like about this game:

I’m not sure if it’s just a glitch in the XBOX version or not but I had to turn the volume on my TV almost all the way the here the game play sounds (the music worked normal though) and I still couldn’t hear it well. I know it’s not just me game  because I’ve talked to about 6 other people that have had the same problem. This glitch really killed the game for me.

The main character runs so Slooooooooow. It was really annoying especially since to have to travel so far.



The game was really good except for the Sound glitch. Any one that loves Good vs. Evil action games or fans of the Castlevania series will like this game just make sure you buy the game from so place you can take it back if it has the sound glitch.

Radiata Stories (PS2)

Radiata Stories for PS2 - Radiata Stories Playstation 2 - Radiata Stories PS2 Game

For a game that was so sloooooooow in for the beginning of the game it turned out to be pretty cool.


Things I liked about this game:

There are a lot of teammates (I think it’s almost 200 Characters) that you can recruit all with their own special abilities.

Cool story line that’s easy to follow.

The game play and cut scenes graphics are Awesome.

When you get new weapons or armor you they actually look different in the battles and in the field (I don’t know about anyone else but I hate in other RPG’s when you get new weapons or armor they still look the same).

The combat systems pretty cool (very much like Star Ocean: Till the End of Time PS2).

I took me about 30 hours to beat. So it has a decent amount of game play to it.

You can set up your own attack combos that you can pick for 10 or so different moves per weapon.

Things I didn’t like:

The first 4 or 5 hours of the game are very boring.

You only get one special move per weapon type (4- Axe, sword, two handed sword, and Spear).

There are parts in the game where you have to find things in this massive town and they don’t even give you a clue where to find them (very frustrating).

I really hated the map system its takes awhile to get used to.


I think that anyone that liked Star Ocean: Till the End of Time will really enjoy this game if there willing to deal with the boring beginning.



The Warriors (XBOX)

The Warriors for xBox - The Warriors xBox Game - The Warriors xBox Video Game

I personally thought the only 2 things that were really great about this game is The background to the movie and the unlockables. All the rest was okay!

Things I liked about this game:

You get all kinds of good background info on the gang that wasn't in the original movie.There's a bunch of weapons.There all kinds of different enemies and gangs (straight from the movie).They didn't stray too far from the movie. The story it's basally just like the movie.There's no cut scenes straight from the movie. It's all computer generated.The game has some really cool unlockables.The graphics and music are pretty good (matches the game perfectly).

Things I didn't like:

It's definitely a button masher (my fingers still hurt).There's not that fighting many moves or combo's.The load times are not the best but at least they give you art to look at while it's loading.I beat it on hard in 4 days (I would hate to see how easy it would be on normal.The stealth missions really sucked. 


I really hate to say this but I'm going to say it anyway the game reminded me of State of Emergency. All you really do I run around and beat the hell out of everyone.

I thought the game was okay but it's only because I've seen and enjoyed the movie. I think the only people that will really like this game is older people (like myself) that are familiar with the movie.

Medal of Honor: European Assault (XBOX)

Medal of Honor: European Assault for xBox - Medal of Honor: European Assault xBox Game - Medal of Honor: European Assault xBox Video Game

I have to give it to the Medal of Honor series once again they pulled it off agian and made a great game!

Things I liked about this game:

There are all kinds of weapons.

In this one you can control your own squad of three.

The game play graphics are great. The cut scenes graphics are Awesome!

The sound effects are really great!

The load times are not that bad.

It’s defiantly not an easy game. I honestly don’t think there was any way I could have beaten the very last level without the GOD cheat.

Things I didn’t like:


It seemed a little shorter then the rest of the Medal of Honor games.

I beat the game with all Gold metals (you need to complete all the mission objectives to get them) and it didn’t even unlock anything.


If you liked the other Medal of Honor games, First person shooters, or if you just dig World War II history you’re sure to love this game.

BatMan Begins (XBOX)

Batman Begins for xBox - Batman Begins xBox Game - Batman Begins xBox Video Game

I think the makers of Batman Begins need to talk to the guys that make Marvel games to teach them how to make a game.


Things I liked about this game:


The batmobile missions were pretty cool. They reminded me of the Burn Out games.

The can put fear in the heart of you enemies by blowing up stuff and what not to make them drop there weapons.

The graphics were alright (I guess).


Things I didn’t like:


All the enemies were very weak and easy to beat even the bosses.

The grenade type weapons you get are basically worthless.

You only have a few hand to hand combat moves.

The unlockables suck (except for the extra costumes).

The load times are not that great.




It’s sad to see Hardcore Batman come out with such a bad game. It's like the makers of this game threw it together in 2 days. I do admit I did have a little fun with it but I defiantly didn’t get $39.99 worth of fun. I hope one day they come out with another Batman game that is a lot better like back in the day for Nintendo. I really hope the movie is a lot better then the game.

If you really really really really like Batman you might (but I doubt it) dig this game