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Wild Arms 3 (PS2)

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For a game made in 2002 it still hangs with the best new 2005 RPG's. This game is phenomenal.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The cell shaded graphics are great.
  2. The music and sound are great and fit the game perfectly.
  3. The load times are very fast.
  4. There a lot of awesome bosses and a bunch of hidden ones too.
  5. The story line was great.
  6. It's a very long game. I thought a was about to beat it 4 times till I finally did.
  7. You get some pretty cool magic abilities and special skills that you can custom to your liking.
  8. There's a lot of fun side quests the you can go on.

The thing I didn't like:

  1. There is no voice acting it's all dialog.


The game was great. I still can believe that I enjoyed a game that was made in 2002 so much. It takes a little bit of time to get used to it but once you do this game is AWESOME! Since its been out for so long you just can't go wrong with the price you can get it. This game should be in every hardcore RPGer's collection.

Fullmetal Alchemist -and the Broken Angel- (PS2)

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Definitely not he best action RPG I have every played but it was okay.

Things I like about the game:

  1. It had really cool Anime cut scenes.
  2. The game play graphics were pretty good.
  3. Had a bunch of things you can Transmute into cool weapons.
  4. The game play was pretty cool and different.
  5. The story line was strange and different.

Things i didn't like:

  1. The story line was strange and different (No I didn't make a mistake by writing this twice I liked it and I didn't like it).
  2. You partner was basically worthless.
  3. Most of the story you have to read with no voice acting.
  4. The accessories that you can equip are worthless.
  5. You have to replay some of the levels more then once (that got pretty old).
  6. You only get 2 magic powers (Weak!).


I personally didn't think it was even close to the best game I have ever played but I'm not going to lie to you I will probably get the next part of the game when it comes out. I might even check out the show it I ever see it on. I have never seen the show but I think that anyone that watches and enjoys it would like this game.

Samurai Legend: Musashi (PS2)

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At first I thought I wasn't going to like this game but once you get into it it's a pretty Awesome.

Things I like about this game:

  1. The cell shaded graphics are great.
  2. It has a good story line (not very in debt but it gets the job done).
  3. You get all kinds a special moves, swords, and magic powers.
  4. Very good game play. Very Action packed.
  5. There's all kinds of cool enemies.

Things I didn't like:

  1. When the characters are talking there lip's don't move (a little thing but it bothered me).
  2. The main characters voice was really dumb sounding.
  3. There's only like 2 or 3 side quests.


I thought this game was great. If you liked Dark Cloud 2 (don't get me wrong it's not as good as Dark Cloud 2) or you just like action games I think you will like this game too.

Growlanser Generations (PS2)

If you like Role Playing Tactics games you will love this one but don't think this game is like the typical tactic game. It's very different (in a very good way).

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The game play was very fun and never got old.
  2. The story line was great.
  3. There's all kinds of armor, skills, magic, and gems (they give you cool abilities or stat increases).
  4. Every level you don't get random skills or magic you get to pick what skills you want to get (I loved ths about the game).
  5. It's 2 disks with Growlanser 2 and 3. So there's a lot of game play.
  6. There's a bunch of fun side missions that give you more in debt background information about your characters.
  7. Some of the characters say some pretty funny stuff.
  8. Most Tactis games have the same feel to them but this one is totally diferent and original.

Things I didn't like that much:

  1. You have the same weapon throughout the whole game.
  2. The graphics are not the best in the world (not bad either but not the best).


This game was Awesome! I would go to the point of saying this is the best RPG tactics game I have ever played. I would suggest this game to any role playing fans. I really hope they make more Growlanser games.

Cold Fear (XBOX)

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Cold Fear is so much like Resident Evil 4 I can't believe the creators of Resident Evil hasn't sued the creators of Cold Fear. Don't get me wrong this game is no Resident Evil.

Similarities between the Cold Fear and Resident Evil 4 that I can remember off the top off my head:

  1. It has the Parasites that take over peoples bodies.
  2. It has the same the same combat system.
  3. It has Creatures that can run up walls and walk on the ceilings (they don't look the same but they can do the same things).

Things that I liked about the game:

  1. The Graphics are pretty good.
  2. The Environment is very origanal
  3. The the game action is pretty cool.

Things I didn't like:

  1. I have to give them there Prob's on the fact that they kept it realistic with the boat in the middle of a storm but the camera swaying back in forth most of the game got pretty annoying.
  2. Almost every door you open there is a load time.
  3. No map. This ripped my face off considering how much you have to go back an forth.
  4. The game is very short not easy but short.
  5. The game is supposed to be a thriller type game but not one time did I jump cause something jumped out at me. Things do jump out at you but when they do you will expect it.
  6. The save points are random. You never know when a save point is coming up. I could be a hour, half and hour, ten minutes, or five minutes (I hated this the most about this game). The game was so much like Resident evil they should have thrown in a couple of type writers and called it a day.


Don't get me wrong the game is not that bad. If you looking for a shorter Resident Evil 4 feel type game this game is for you.

Area-51 (PS2)

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Though its no Halo, Doom 3, or Metal of Honor this game was pretty cool. The story line is very original.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The story line is different then any First person shooter game I have ever played.
  2. The game has some pretty cool unlockables.
  3. The graphics for the the cut scenes and game play are awesome.
  4. Very realistic sound effects.
  5. With my play through I didn't notice any glitches.
  6. You can transform into a hardcore Mutant.

Things I didn't like:

  1. There's not that many different enemy's.
  2. Not that many weapons.
  3. I thought it has a little short. Only took me 2 days to beat.


The game was pretty cool. If you looking for a different kind of story line in your First person shooters you will probably like this one.

Star Wars: Episode II Revenge of the Sith (PS2)

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Star wars Episode II was okay I guess you could say. It's defiantly not worth buying. Go rent it.

Thing's I liked about this game:

  1. It has pretty cool cut scenes from the actual movie.
  2. It has some pretty cool unlockables.
  3. You can play as Yoda (you just can't go wrong with that).
  4. It's all action.
  5. I haven't seen the movie yet but I don't think the game ruins the movie.

Things I didn't like:

  1. The load times are pretty bad. At least its only once per level.
  2. I can't remember the last time a beat a game so fast (about 5 hours). This game is very easy.
  3. The camera angles can be pretty sloppy.
  4. The enemy lock on system is pretty sloppy.
  5. The bosses are not that impressive.
  6. I wasn't very impressed with the force powers.


The game was okay but it did have a lot of flaws. If you're a big Star Wars Fan and you really want to check it out I strongly suggest you rent this and not buy it.

Oddworld: Strangers Wrath (XBOX)

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Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath was a Hilarious and fun game. A little slow at first but once you play for a little while it will grow on you.

Things I liked about the game:

  1. This game is so funny. Some of the things the NPC's say are so off the wall and Hilarious. I guaranty you will get some laughs out of this game.
  2. The story line is pretty cool (though it does take a while to get to the main story).
  3. You only get one weapon but you do get all kinds of cool ammo that do all kinds of cool things.
  4. The game play graphics and cut scenes are really good.
  5. The load times are really fast.

Things I didn't like:

  1. The beginning of the game is really slow. It take a pretty good amount of time to get to the main story line.
  2. I personally thought it was a little short.
  3. The last boss was one of the easier bosses in the game (I hate that).
  4. There's a whole world to explore and no map to figure out were your supposed to go.


This game was pretty cool. The comedy parts of the game is worth playing the game for alone. If you like first person shooters and you looking for something different this game is for you.

Try to buy it used.

Lego: Star Wars (Xbox)

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Lego: Star Wars was a very easy but fun game. Once I started playing it I couldn't put it down.

Things I Liked about this game:

  1. I thought seeing Lego characters kill each other was pretty funny.
  2. The load times are not that bad.
  3. The game play and cut scene's graphics are cool.
  4. There a lot of un-lockable characters (and I mean a lot. Like over 30).
  5. The story is from Episodes I,II, and III.
  6. The game play is really fun.
  7. There's a bunch of secrets.

Thing's I didn't like:

  1. You only get 1 force fighting power.
  2. It's very easy (unless your trying to unlock all the secrets).
  3. There's no talking in the game. The characters just grunt.
  4. My game has a glitch in the beginning cut scene were the sounds and the graphics don't match up and I have heard other people say they have the same problem.


This game was pretty cool. I think all the Star Wars, and Lego fans will love this game.

KillZone (PS2)

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KillZone was alright. It definitely wasn't the best first person shooter I ever played. Very glitchy.

Things I Liked about this game:

  1. There's a lots of levels
  2. The A.I. of the enemies is very good. They hide behind walls, run from grenades and move around when your trying to sniper them.
  3. There's a pretty decent amount of weapons to pick from.
  4. The story line was pretty cool.
  5. There's 4 characters to pick from (even though there not much different).
  6. This game is pretty challenging.

Things I didn't like:

  1. Glitches. Camera jumps around for no reason, if your character dies sometimes they go through walls.
  2. The load time are bad and boring (but at least it one does it once per level).
  3. There's not very much color.
  4. The A.I. of your team mates is really bad (it's like having a bunch of retards on your team.).
  5. Enemy characters have maybe 10 phrases they say when the spot you and it gets very annoying hearing them say the same thing all the time.


Like a I said before this game was okay but it's not worth buying for full price. See if you can find it used.

I'm not going to lie to you I will probably buy KillZone 2 when it comes out.