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God Of War (PS2)

Awesome! Is a way to describe this game. Blood, Guts, and nudity.Yeah! That's right there's actually nude women is this game (Don't get me wrong I'm not a perv but you just can't go wrong with so nudity).

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The cut scenes were unbelievably great!
  2. The game play Graphics were Awesome!
  3. There all kinds of Cool Mythical Enemy's all with special Fatalities you can do on them when they get low on life.
  4. The music was was Totally cool (very Indiana Jones if you will) and the sounds were cool too.
  5. The story line was Incredible.
  6. I was very Impressed with the load times. There very fast.
  7. The puzzles weren't that hard (sorry I'm really bad at puzzles so I don't like them that much).
  8. The Game play was flat out HARDCORE!
  9. There's a whole bunch of special skills each unique and Awesome and there upgradeable!

The 2 things I didn't like about this game:

  1. There's not that many bosses.
  2. The last boss was pretty easy.


This game was of the hook. If you liked Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Ninja Gaiden or just like hardcore blood and guts action games you'll Love this game! This game should be in Every Adults Games Collection!

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GC)

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If I was going to describe this game in one word it would have to be


This was a Very fun and funny game.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The Story line was great and humorous.
  2. The graphics were good different and fun.
  3. The sound effect and the music were awesome and fun.
  4. The game play was Awesome ( I never got bored through to whole game).
  5. It's a nice long game. I took me about 60+ hours to beat.
  6. There all kinds of special abilities and weapon upgrades.
  7. The a bunch of different characters you can recruit with there own abilities.
  8. The boss fights are unusually different and fun.
  9. It's a nice clean game (no blood, swearing, sexual themes, ect.) All ages can enjoy this game.

Is I was going to say one thing I didn't like about this game it would be:

  1. There's one mission you have to do that you have to go to one town to talk to someone then you go to go to another to talk to some one else till you go to about 4 or 5 towns just to find one person ( it drove me nuts).


If you like RPG's you should own this game. I also think people that don't like RPG's but like the Mario game series would love this game. I would have to say this is the Best Gamecube game I have played.

The Gataway: Black Monday (PS2)

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Why God? Why? Is the only way I can think of to describe this game.

I consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer. I usually try to stick to a game no matter how bad it is but now a can say I have officially found a game that is so bad that I turned it off in less then a half an hour of playing and am going to get rid of it as soon as possible (cause I don't even want it in my house). I going to sell it on Ebay and once I do I'm going to pray to God every night for the rest of my life asking for forgiveness for making someone else suffer.

I don't think I have ever seen in my life such a bad camera very hard to control (that's why I turned it off). Graphics suck!

I will give it a benefit of a doubt though it might have a good story line but I turned it off before I could tell.


If your a bad boy or girl I think this is the game Santa will put in your stocking for Christmas. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THATS GOOD DON'T BUY THIS GAME!

Xenosaga Episode II (PS2)

This game was alright (though i didn't like it as much as the first one). It's very slow and boring at first but once you get done with the first disk it gets a lot better.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. Game play graphics were really cool.
  2. They cut scenes were very good (there's 2 sword fighting scenes in the game that are Awesome).
  3. It has a new feature were you can pick your own special ability's using skill points you earn from battles (I really liked picking the ability's that I wanted).
  4. There's all kinds of side quests.
  5. I liked that they brought back all your main characters from the first game and some of the old enemy's.
  6. I also thought that it was cool that you can transfer over you data from the first game so your characters start the second game with the level you had.

Things I didn't like:

  1. There are so many load times. Every time you go in a door and every battle you get into all the characters have to load.
  2. The beginning as I stated earlier was so slow. The only reason I kept playing through the first disk was because the first game was so Awesome.
  3. You keep the same weapons and armor the whole game.
  4. I could not believe how short the game was. (I was very disappointed with that).
  5. There wasn't that many places to go.


This game was okay. The only people I would suggest this game to would be people that beat and liked the first game. I think anyone that starts paying this one and skipped the first game will be totally lost.

Sly 2 Band of Thieves (PS2)

Two words to describe this game:

Totally Awesome This game was beyond great.

Things I liked about it:

  1. Graphics were great (looked just like a cartoon).
  2. Story line was Awesome and funny.
  3. The game play was cool.
  4. The music and sound effects fit the game perfectly.
  5. Load times weren't that bad.
  6. There's All kinds of stuff to do.
  7. A nice clean game for all ages.

If I was going to have to say something bad about the game it would be:

  1. The last boss was pretty easy.
  2. Most of the special abilities are worthless.


This game was phenomenal. I think anyone that likes stealth/action should own this game.

Champions- Return To Arms (PS2)

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I had a really good time playing this game.

Things i liked about this game:

  1. There all kinds of weapons and weapon upgrades.
  2. Lots of special ability's/magic spells.
  3. Graphics were pretty cool.
  4. Music and sound were pretty cool
  5. There's a bunch of character classes to choose from.
  6. They got a bunch of bonus missions

Thing i didnt like:

  1. There's not that many new bad guys (there's a bunch of the old ones).
  2. Not a very in dept story line.
  3. It seemed a little shorter then Champions of Norrath


This game was pretty good and fun. I would suggest this game to anyone that liked Champions of Norrath, or likes action RPG's.

Untold Legends (PSP)

I really enjoyed this game And its pretty long.

Things I liked about this game:

  1. The Graphics were pretty cool.
  2. The sounds effects were Awesome.
  3. There's all kinds of missions to do.
  4. All kinds of weapons to get.
  5. All kinds of magic/ special abilitys
  6. 4 Character classes to pick from
  7. The muti-player was pretty fun but can be laggy

Things i didn't like:

  1. Not a very in-dept story line (I found my self not even reading the story after a little bit of playing).
  2. There's no speech in the game its straight up reading.
  3. The load times were pretty bad
  4. Most of the bosses were not original they were more like enemy's you see all over the place with more Hit points

Overall: I thought this was one of the better PSP games out at this point in time. I would suggest this game to anyone that like the Balders Gate, Champions game series, or anyone that likes action RPG's

Jade Empire (XBOX)

This game was a little slow at first but once you get into it, it's pretty cool.

Things I liked about it:

  1. The graphics and cut scenes were really awesome.
  2. The music and sound were cool.
  3. There all kinds of martial arts styles you can use.
  4. You can chose if you want to end the game as good or evil ( I love when you can do that in games).
  5. Really good story line.

Things i didn't like:

  1. Really bad load times.
  2. It was to easy and not long enough. ( I beat it pretty fast and did most of the side quests).
  3. I didn't like the combat system. It seemed a little slow and the battles were not that hard (even the bosses).
  4. There are some glitches. My XBOX froze up twice in the load screens.


I thought this game was pretty cool. Like a said it's a little slow at fist but it gets a lot better. The game reminded me of a more action packed and better Knights of the Old Republic. I would suggest this game to anyone that liked the Knights of the Old Republic seres and anyone that like action RPG's

Doom 3 (XBOX)

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A way I would describe this game would have to be:

Awesomely Terrifying

Things I liked about this game:

  1. Very original and scary Baddies.
  2. The bosses are hardcore
  3. Lots of things jump out at you and scary the hell out of you ( I love me a good scare and this game will defiantly do that for you).
  4. Very cool weapons.
  5. The story line was original and to the point.
  6. Creepy sound and music keep you on the edge of your seat the whole game.

Things i didn't like:

  1. The load times were not the best and every time you die you need to reload.
  2. The graphics were good don't get me wrong but they weren't the best I ever seen.


This game was pretty AWESOME! I would suggest this game to anyone that's a fan of a good scare or anyone that likes first persons shooters.

Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)

This Game was Pretty cool.

Things I liked:

  1. Graphics were really good.
  2. Cut scenes were really good too.
  3. The Music and sound were really cool.
  4. The load times weren't that bad.
  5. All kinds of new weapons and moves.
  6. The story line was pretty awesome.
  7. And the game play was Awesome and very action packed.

Things i didn't like:

  1. The camera was only controllable in some rooms of the game (like being able to control the camera at all time during the game).
  2. I know this game is supposed to be based before the other Devil May Cry games but the main character (Dante) just didn't seem like the same person he acted Totally different.
  3. And I hated the fact that you get a guitar as a weapon (that's so dumb).

Over all the game was pretty cool

I would suggest this game to anyone that likes action games.