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Opinion On Gaming #2: Exclusives = EVERYTHING!

With Killzone 2 and the DLC for GTA on the way, I thought it would be benificial to discuss why exclusives are so important for developers, publishers, and the consoles themselves. What makes fanboys tick? Why is there a console war? Who has the best games?

Fanboys are a funny species. They join in celebration at the release of exclusive titles for ther system, every time claiming their manliness and their console is superior to others. When other fanboys from other consoles hear this, they immediately ramage the streets and call for an all out war against the celebrators, and thus the flaming begins.

"Gears 2 kicks Resistance 2's ass!"

"You wish! The Locust can't compare to the Chimera!"

"The Locust eat Chimera for breakfast!"

"Your mother!"

And so the rabbling goes on and on with no declarable winner. Who is right? Which game is better? IS there a better? Maybe, maybe not. All we know is that if the game is not on our console, than it must be a bad game. Would there be any arguement if either game game out on both platforms? Probably not. Do you know why? It's because there would nothing to argue about!

The reason why fanboys love (and hate) exclusives is that it makes the person with the exclusive feel special. Important. Better. So much better in fact, that he has nothing better to do than rub the game in the adversaries face and say "Hey, guess what? See this game? Well you can't play it! Hahahaha!", instead of actually playing/enjoying the game. The other gamer, ticked off, starts commenting how the game isn't even good; that it sucks, and that he sucks for buying it. Mr. Exclusive will retaliate and bring along his friends to help defend the game and ridicule the other gamer. Dr. TickedOff then brings his friends into the fray, and the argument becomes a full out brawl, with no clear winner in the end.

If my knowledge of history is correct (bare with me if it isn't), then this is starting to look like an Online version of the Cold war. One side makes some nuclear bombs and says "Hey, we have more bombs than you, so we're in power now". The other country then makes bigger and better bombs and says "No, we have more bombs than you; we are in charge here". This went on and on for decades. Now fanboys are repeating history by saying "we have more exclusives than you; We're better" over and over again.

So just why is it that exclusives are so important? It's what drives the sales. People look at each of the consoles and ask "What are the games that I want to play? Each of the consoles have their own selection of games to answer that question. The consumer looks at these games and decides what will be the best investment for them. Do they want a platform with a lot of family games, or hardcore games? Does it matter if it has blu-ray or not? By answering these questions, a person will know which system is the best choice. Sure, there might be good games on the other platforms, but this console has its' own great exclusives as well.

Let's take an example. throughout the past years, the PS3 and Xbox 360 have been battling it out, with the 360 being the current Leader. Why? Because they had bigger and better exclusives than the PS3. This is where Sony really messed up. I think that if Sony had a starting price of $700 ($100 more), but told us that titles like Devil May Cry 4, GTA 4, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy 13 and many other titles would be exclusive in the future, it would still sell as well on launch day and have a larger number of install bases today. I tell you now; If Resident Evil 5 became an exclusive for PS3, their console sales would soar. Instead, Microsoft has been smart in their marketing, sealing exclusives (like GTA DLC) to draw in more customers. Who can blame them? Why buy the game on the PS3 when you can get the game plus EXCLUSIVE content on the 360?

I'll sum this up for the people who skipped to the bottom (you know who you are).Fanboys love Exclusives. Exclusives equals sales. Sales equals Fanboys.I'll admit it; One of the reasons I wanted Valkyria Chronicles in the first place was because it was a PS3 exclusive. We gamers need to learn that all consoles have great titles, and that you should spend time enjoying games instead of ridiculing them. If you only have a 360, congratulate somebody for creating a new LBP level. If you only have a PS3, high five your fellow gamer who collected all 120 stars. If you only have a Wii, celebrate with the man who beat GOW 2 on Insane. It's okay to be critical of other games. It's an entirely different to be a raging fanboy.

No more Nightshift, Sem 2 Impressions

I've been putting off this blog long enough. I really just find blog writing tedious now, but I'm trying to keep it updated. Let's move on; First topic!

Some of you on here should know that I work part-time at a coffee shop, and that I used to work nightshift (11PM -7AM). Well it seems that the economy has finally hit our coffee market. A lot of the coffee shops (similar to mine) have no longer 24/7 hours. My store is now closed from Midnight until 5AM. Where does this leave me? Now I'm working afternoons on Fridays and Saturdays, and Saturdays I'm actually responsible for closing the store. I even have my very own key to the store, which makes me feel kinda special :P. A downside though is that there is a lot of pressure closing the store, making sure everything done and whatnot. I miss Nightshift, but I'm sure I'll get used to my new schedule.

Semester 2 has finally begun in my school, leaving this to be my last (official) semester of High School. I have Video Production, Film Studies, College Tech. Math, and English. Video Production seems fun; we'll be making films as well as watching them. In film studies, we thouroughly analyze films and how editing, lighting, and compositioning is done. Math is a walk in the park, which is dissappointing actually. I was looking for a challenge, and Math is usually my kick in the pants to work harder. English is exactly the same as it was for the past 4 years:Grammer, Essays, and Shakespeare. Can't they make anything more original?

I finally completed Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles, and Dead Space. Fallout is such an addicting game that time can past in an instant playing it. I meant to play as a bad character, but gradually I ended up becoming a "Savior of the Wastelands". I guess I'm just a nice guy. Dead Space was a fun adventure, but I was dissapointed at the scare aspect of it. Developers: Startling is NOT the same as scaring! If you can make me fear turning on a game, that's a horror! And the only game to date that has achieved this feeling for me is Resident Evil: Remake. Scares are more than just things jumping out at you. Valkyria Chronicles was a great strategy game with a well developed story, and I could very well recommend it to any PS3 owner. It might even be my Game of the Year of 2008!


Until next time, this is Three dog, OWW!

hehe :P

Birthday, #18

I just noticed that this will be my 100th blog, so I'm going to make this special/Random/Retarded.

Hello, my name is Mr. Inconsistancy, but you can just call me Procrastinator.

Well, Age 18 has finally come for me, but luckily I had my awesome dagger to defend with. Age 18 and I had an epic duel. While he was screaming "Become an adult! Submit to responsibility!," I waggled my wiimote at him furiously, causing him to become flustered. I acted without hesitance: I quickly shoved one of my PS3 controllers into his hands and we played LittleBigPlanet. Several user generated stages later, Age 18 and I came to an agreement: I would accept that I am 18, but I would get to slack off when needed.

What can I do at 18 anyway? Drink alcohol? No, that's at 19. I can vote, but who wants to do that? Oh, I know! Gambling! I can buy Lottery Tickets now! I'll become a millionaire, even if I have to buy a million tickets! Muahahahahaha! What, wait, I can see R rated movies too? Sweet! Now I don't have to sneak into horror movies any more! I can sign my own papers! Own a house! Grow a moustache! RULE THE WORLD!


So yeah, presents, got some. Cake. The cake is a lie. Wait, no it's not. What am I saying? Am I insane? Tetris, RE: Degeneration, Stop motion, Script writting, Final fANTASY 4....




Fallout 3....Nintendo.....




Uggh, what happened? Wait a minute, didn't I turn 18 today? Cool! I'm gonna go buy my first lotto ticket!


I'm sleep deprived....

Dead Space is awesome. Not that scary though, just jumpy. What ever happened to actually scary games? Fallout 3 is confusing...but those Fire ants....THOSE are scary. So small, but go up to one of them...VWUM. Bar B Q'ed. Valkryia tired....

18. One year older. One step closer to insanity.

You already know what this is

"I've never dreamed that I would climb over the moon in ecstacy, but nevertheless it's there that I'm shortly about to be, cause I've got a golden ticket..."

-Grandpa Joe

I know it's usually Kat that does the quotes, but I couldn't resist for this special day. I hope all of you have an especially golden day today, whether you're spending it with family or friends or even by yourself. Today is no day to be glum, do something that makes you happy! I feel strangely giddy this morning, and it feels great. I know Christmas isn't supposed to be about the present, but they certainly make it exciting. Thanks to my awesome family and their generousity, I'd like to present my gifts.

I'll be sure to slay plenty of vampires in Castlevania: Order of Eclessia. I'll be roaming the deserted landscapes in Fallout 3. I'll be enjoying music with my Headphones. I'll be soaking in the beautiful art direction in Valkyria Chronicles. I'll be making dragon slayers jelous with my decorative dagger. I'll be screaming in space with Dead Space. I'll be looking sexy in my new robe.I'll be enjoying the sounds of Video Games Live with my (golden) ticket.

What about you guys? Did Santa bring what you wish for? This is it for now, have a great holiday guys!

Phoenix Wright and Video Games Live

It feels like the weeks are going by faster and faster, and I'm writing these updates more and more often. I guess that's a part of growing up. Ah whatever, let's just get on with it.

I've officially booked off March 13 from work, which means I'm one step closer to go see Video Games Live. For those who don't know, VGL is a concert that plays classic video game music; from Mario to Metal Gear; from Halo to Final Fantasy.They're doing a Canadian tour, and there's no way I'm going to miss out on this wonderful opportunity. If you ever get the chance, go see Video Games Live! You won't regret it!

Also, a friend of mine has lent me his copy of the first Phoenix Wright game. The game is very much text based, and I'm interested in the detective work that the game implements. Plus it's really satisfying when you get the case right.

Ya, that's all. Sorry for the uninspired blog and another delay. I'll try and make it up. Later.

Valkyria Chronicles and Birthdays

    So the end of 2008 is apon us as we enter the final month, December. The time of sharing, shopping and colorful lights. For those of you who have started Christmas shopping, I wish you happy hunting, but please make sure you don't trample anyone while doing so!

    This week I celebrated two birthdays, my Mom's and my sisters (their birthdays are two days apart). I was dumb enough to wait until the last minute to buy them gifts (I'm a chronic procrastinator) but I did end up getting them something good. I bought my mom a new digital camera, as the old one kept dying before you could even take a picture. For my sis I bought the third season of Supernatural, a show that she really likes. Now I got to focus on Christmas shopping, which to be honest I'm not looking forward to.

    Those out there with a PS3, if you haven't already you should take a look at the Valkyria Chronicles demo. I've just played it and it's already on my Christmas list. It's a strategy game with a great anime art style. It's also a JRPG and a PS3 exclusive, so that means one more for the playstation library. I really recommend you check it out now!

And that's all you get today. Talk to you guys later.   

Opinion on Gaming #1: Violence in Games

The legendary topic of gaming has come forth again. Do violent video games have negative effects on people? The government/parents say yes, gamers say no; Who is right? Speaking to the gamers specifically, I know that millions of you have played violent video games without any effects on your mental state. That's great, but I want to ask you a question: Is it really so impossible that violent games have an impact on how people behave?

Let's take a look at the ESRB rating scheme first. Why does it exist? To keep offensive material out of the hands of children. Why is that important? Because you don't want 10 year olds playing GTA and GoW. Why not? Because they'll think it's okay to do what they see in the game. When they think it's okay, they might try it in real life.

Right now you might be typing in the comment box "Don't blame the gaming industry! It's the parents fault!". Let me stop you right there. That isn't the point I'm trying to make. The point is that people can and will be influenced by things, even when they don't realize it.

Let's say you're watching a horror movie. You usually don't like those kind of movies but your friends are coming with you. You sit down inside the theatre and the movie starts. Throughout the movie, you become startled and scared, jumping out of your seat. But why are you doing that? Don't you know it's just a movie and nothing can happen to you? The movie ends,it is night time, and your friends go their separate ways. Now you're alone, with that horror flick fresh in your mind. As you start to walk home, you feel uneasy and nervous, each shadow looking particularily forboding. But why would that be? You see movies all the time at night and walking home has never been a problem. Why is it now you are terrified of the dark? Maybe it's because that movie has influenced you to be more scared than usual.

Of course, that was just a metaphor; though I would bet my gaming collection that it has happened to at least one person. Why shouldn't a similar predicament not apply to gamers? Why shouldn't a player feel aggressive after losing a match, or excited after getting a head shot. Everyone is influenced by what they see and know, not just kids.

Do I think violence in games has an effect on people? Yes, but so does everything else, so get over it. Going back to that metaphor, the person isn't going to be petrified their entire life. Odds are they'll get over it the next day. Most people know what the difference is between reality and fiction. Some don't, and THAT's where the danger is. As long kids know that making a fatality or a headshot is different than killing someone on the street, I don't care what games they play.


The Orange Box, a slight cold and blog ideas

    So we are nearing the end of November and reaching that holiday season once again. Those who celebrate Christmas know that now would be a good time to start that holiday shopping, while enjoying the wonderful blizzard outside (sarcasm). Let's get into it, shall we?

    Last Friday I was unfortunate to catch a small cold while working night shift, and the last two nights certainly weren't the best. Rather than call in sick the Saturday night I decided to toughen up and get it over with (besides, I didn't feel like going to the clinic, waiting two hours to find out I have a cold and should get some sleep, and pay for a $50 doctors note just to excuse me from work). Right now though I actually feel pretty good, and I hope it stays that way for the rest of the season.

    Also, since the holiday season is coming up, I need to cut the spending on myself to save for others, so last week I bought  The Orange Box for only $15. I played through Portal, and the puzzles in that game are Legend of Zelda quality and then some. Then I got to try out my first playthrough of the Half Life 2 series. I'm enjoying it so far, and I'll give further speculations next week.

    Lastly, I'm thinking of doing a Game blog every week, maybe every Wednesday or something. It'll be like a review, or top 10, or something. Just something unrelated to my life, so I don't bore you guys as much.

    Until next time, talk to you all later. 


A delayed blog, and RAAM

    Yes I know it's not Sunday, so allow me to explain. My usual internet connection is now gone, meaning that I am running on an unreliable one that ranges between not working at all (which is 90% of the time) to working fine (like it is right now). Hopefully this will be resolved in some way soon but until then expect me to be absent now and again.

    Anyway, suffice to say that not a whole lot has gone on this week either, but I will do my best to make this interesting. Last Thursday my friend came over to play some Gears 2. We both agreed however that we should try to take down RAAM (on the first Gears) on insane mode first. Anyone who has the first Gears know that this is no ordinary feat, as RAAM is impossible to beat without him getting stuck, but even then it's still no picnic. So there was my friend and I, myself with the crossbow and he with the sniper rifle. We slowly widdle down his health. However, my friend and I are about to give up; almost all our ammo was gone and he was still standing. We decide to make a last stand. I'm on my last bow and him on his last bullet. I shoot my bow dead on, getting rid of his shield of Kryll. My friend lines up his shot...BAM! Brain and skull splatter everywhere, as we do a well deserved victory dance. Oh ya, and Gears 2 was fun too :P.

     I got mid-terms today, and I happily say that so far my grades are doing well. My best subject is Writer's Craft which I am pleased to hear, because I've gotten into the habit of writing daily. It's actually quite fun just sitting down and thinking up stories and ideas, and I'm glad to that I'm at least decent at it.

    That's all from me again. I'll try to hear from you guys during the week. Chow. 

Gears of War 2

The main thing I want to talk about this week is Gears 2. This game has been hyped about since Febuary when it was announced, and now we can finally enjoy it. You can imagine my excitement when I went to the Midnight release at my local Microplay store.

During the midnight release, the store held a Gears of War tournament, with the winner getting a limited edition of Gears 2. I entered the compitition despite never playing against actual people before, and I actually did alright. I made it to the quarter finals, and won 3 rounds. I was just happy to hang with some fellow gamers, and I met some pretty cool people. At midnight I got my copy of Gears and played till 3 AM. It's good to be a gamer :P.

I'm at the beginning of Act 5 now, and I like how it is so far, though it's too early to say.

LittleBIGPlanet is getting better every day. The stages that people create are so magnificent; one of my favourite stages so far is a Shadow of the Colossus recreation. Some people are so creative it's crazy!

Other than that, not a lot happened on my end. See you all next week.