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NailBail Blog

Few things I have to say...

First of all, I hope everyone had a great easter, and ate lots of turkey. For those who don't celebrate it, at least you get a few days off out of it :P.

Okay, so the wii hunt is going strong. I'm checking 5 different stores everyday I can, so eventually I should find one. Actually, while I was checking some stores, I managed to find Mario Party 3. It was my favourite one in the series, so I was really glad I found it, but wasn't too glad with the price ($28, for an N64 game!). Also, to prepare for Brawl, I bought 2 gamecube controllers, so others can play too.

Also, I have something I little more serious I have to say. The other day while I was working, someone seemed to be having some problems. I won't go into detail, but after trying to help him, I realized he was lying and was just trying to get some money out of me. How low do your morals have to be to try and make money off of a person who's trying to help you? I don't even care about the money, money is nothing to me, but I think it's sad how you can't trust anybody nowadays. Take this metaphor for example: A deer sees a wolf caught in a trap, and helps the wolf release itself. Would the wolf be grateful? No, he'd probably make the deer his lunch. All I'm trying to say is, if you try to be a good person, you're going to be screwed over. Bad people will ALWAYS try to take advantage of good willed people, and i think that's distgusting. Are people willing to do anything to get what they want? I'm not saying you shouldn't be a good person, just be sure you're very cautious of who you're helping, and don't take bull**** from anyone.

Glad to get that off my chest. Anyway, It appears I have been tagged by the infamous "5 things people don't know about you". So here it goes:

1. Unless you knew me on Gamespot 2 years ago, you probably don't know that I made up the nickname "NailBail", because I actually don't have any pinky nails on my fingers (10 fingers, 8 nails). It wasn't an accident, I was just born like that. You could say my nails bailed on me (sorry for the bad pun).

2. I'm arrogant, and frequently look in the mirror to look at myself.

3. One of my pet peeves are people who talk during movies ( theatres and television). You're there to watch it, so watch it!

4. I love horror movies, being scared is a great adrenaline rush. Sadly nowadays, very few movies actually scare me.

5. If my career as a director goes faulty, my back up plan is to be a video game designer (I already have a few AAA game ideas in my head, I probably should put them on paper before I forget).

Now, I think im supposed to tag 5 others? How bout Jprime22 (or D12world20, whichever one you use), Biggswedge, Pierst179, Fredgoon, and Triforcepieces. I woulda tagged kat but Yaggie got to ya first :P. If any of you have already been tagged, then just forget it.

I think that's pretty much it. My newest video review SHOULD be up within the next few days. Thank you everyone for reading. Have a great day.

That was quick...

My xbox 360 is back from repairs, and it took only about 5 days for them to do it. I'm not completely surprised though, because instead of actually repairing it, they sent a brand new one. I'm won't complain though, because this one is a lot quieter than my previous 360. They also sent me a complimentary 1 month free of xbox live, which is a nice gesture, but I won't be using it for a while due to the lack of a working router. I may have exaggerated before when I said i was going to sell it, I was just really mad at the time. For those wondering, I still plan on eventually buying both a PS3 and a Wii, it will just take a while. Sorry PS3 owners, but my first priority is the Wii. Also, with the 360 back, I should be able to make more video reviews.

I will find one!!!!!

Wii video + I apologize

First of all, I'd to apologize for my behaviour in my last blog, I was just really mad about my 360 being broken, and I needed something to vent my anger. Thanks for all your support;). I got the box today, and I'm sending it in to get it fixed. With it broken, I'll be going back to my gamecube for a while, which I'm sure is missing me :P

On a lighter note, I finally made a video for you wii owners out there. To celebrate the release of Brawl (even though I'm a little late), I've made a video titled: NailBail's Top Ten Anticipated Wii games. It just talks about which games I'm looking forward to playing once I find a wii. I don't go into great detail with each game, just why I like it and why I want it. If you want to check it out, just go to my Youtube profile (also named NailBail) or just type in "NailBail" in the search bar, where you'll find it, along with all my other episodes :).

I hate you microsoft.

WARNING: I want to swear in this blog, so it could get ugly. If you get offended easily, don't read the following.

f*ck you bill gates, I hate your guts. I supported your d*mn console, even though it was the one with the most hardware failure. I thought you guys might of fixed your faulty products by now, but I guess I was wrong. My xbox died on me today you piece of sh*t. And it didn't even die the good way either. Instead of the red ring of death, which you b*stards would have to pay for, I got one red light, in the bottom right sector. This means I have to pay MY F*CKIN MONEY to fix your piece of cr*p. This is unacceptable. As soon as I get it fixed, I'm trading it in, along with all my games for it, and I'm buying a ps3 and/or wii. I'm never buying any of your products ever again. Thank god I don't use one of your computers. I'M PISSED!

I won't get surprised if I get banned for this, but I really needed to blow off steam. If I do get banned, I will most likely come back, and will see you guys soon.


New cartoon!

It's been over 6 months since my last one, so I decided to make a new one. It took around 4 days to make, and I'll say that I'm happy with the results. It's a Guitar Hero parody, intitled: Guitar Hero is lethal. You can find it at my youtube account, which in case you forgot, is also NailBail. If you don't know what Guitar Hero is, you'll probably be lost about what's going on.

I know this blog is short, but I've been sick the past few days,. I hope you enjoy the video, I'll be back when ever I feel better.

Haircut + about my job

Yesterday morning, I went and got a haircut. Why would this be news? Because I used to have hair almost reaching my shoulders. I was trying to go for the whole rocker/rebel look, but I thought it was time for a change. I think it looks good, and most people think i look better without the mop on my head (which kinda hurts me a little, but I'll get over it). Plus, it's nice to finally feel a breeze on my neck again.

Anyway, as a request of my good friend katamari, I'm going to tell you folks here at gamespot about my job at a coffee shop. I work at a coffee shop called "Tim Hortons". Those living in Canada will know that it's the biggest coffee franchise in Canada, sort of like an equilvalent to the U.S's "Starbucks". I think there's a few in the U.S, but not a lot. They also sell donuts, sandwiches, bagels, and other pastries. I'm going to start out positiveand say all the things I like about work:

You get to meet nice people:We get quite a few regulars come in, and they're some of the nicest people I met. Even non-regulars are nice, and it's cool just to chat with them and see what's going on, how's the weather, etc.

Co-workers are cool:Most of my co-workers are really nice people too, and it definately makes it easier getting through the day with people that you like working with.

Tips:Enough said :)

It's not exactly the hardest job in the world:Make coffee, serve coffee, smile, your done.

Now, the reasons why I hate my job:

The Drive-Thru:Do you want to know what hell is like? It is you, working at a drive-thru, where the line never ends and the people are always angry, for all eternity.

People ordering sandwiches in the Drive-Thru:It's called, "Drive thru", not "drive and wait".When people order sandwiches in the drive thru, the line slows down conciderably. Do the people behind you a favor, and get out of the car if you wnat a sandwich. It makes it easier on us too.

People asking for "Fresh Pots":We have a standard at our store, where a pot of coffee only sits on a burner for20 minutes, before it gets thrown out, and make a new pot. This ensures fresh coffee, and yet people insists on getting a freshly brewed pot where there's still a perfectly good half-filled pot waiting to be used. I can understand if someone doesn't want the bottem end of a pot, but otherwise this is one of my biggest pet peeves at work. "The customer is always right", even when their wrong.

The store is becoming more and more like McDonalds:Bagels and donuts are one thing, but when you start to sell hashbrowns and breakfast sandwiches, you're no longer a respectable coffee shop: you're a fast food joint.

There's probably more, but I think that's enough for today.

On a lighter note, my Halo 3 Review is now up on Youtube. Check that out if you're interested;). Also, for you wii owners watching my videos, I do have a new video planned for you guys, so stay tuned!

Bought Gears + Update

Today, I decided to buy my game for this month ( I have my own personal rule, where I'm only allowed to buy 1 game a month, so that I'll still have time to do homework, make videos, and be able to enjoy the game to it's full extent. Last month was Guitar Hero 3). Anyway, this month, I decided to buy the critically acclaimed " Gears of War" for the 360. I haven't played it yet, but I'll let you guys know my opinions shortly (I'll probably make a review for it too).

Speaking of my vids, for you DS owners out there, my latest video review is forContra 4for the DS. Check that out if your interested ;). Since my links no longer work for some stupid reason, I've updated my "About me" section, where you'll find a link to my YouTube profile, where you'll find all my latest vids :).

Also, the final courses I have chosen to take are Media Studies and Studies in Literature. I've also changed Advanced functions to College math.

I've gotta go now, I have some homework I gotta do. Have a great day everybody!

Very Quick update *EDIT*

My Video Review for Guitar Hero 3 is now on youtube.



Thanks again to Glitchspot for not letting my link work. Until I get it up, just type in NailBail in the youtube search bar if you're interested in seeing it ;)

Selecting new Courses

Finally, Semester one of my grade 11 year draws to a close. I am really glad too, because that was probably the most boring semester I've had yet. We did absolutely nothing productive in my Electronics class (It didn't help that we had the most disorganized teacher on the planet). In media Arts, each group had to submit a final project. Unfortunately, my fellow group members didn't bother to show up to the last few weeks of class, so guess who was stuck doing the whole thing? Me! Miraculously, my project turned out pretty good. Surprisingly, my most productive course was construction, in which we built a shed and a deck.

This semester should be much different. With math, physics, english and anthropology, I'll have plenty of homework, so I shouldn't complain about being bored :P.

Also, pretty soon, I will be picking my courses for my last year of high school. This will be a pretty big decision, because they will point me in the direction for my future. Want to know what I want to do as a career? Here's a few hints:

George Lucas....

Steven Spielburg....


Yep, I want to be a director.

Seeing so many great movies made by guys like these make me want to make movies too. I want to put my ideas to the big screen. I'm currently saving up for a video camera and equipment.

Anyway, with this in mind, I have chosen the following courses for my Grade 12 year:


--Media Arts

--Film/Video Production

--Advanced Functions

--Theory of Knowledge

--Writer's Craft

I'm still thinking of what to take for my last two courses.

Sorry that I bored you all through that, now for a gaming update. I've recently bought Guitar Hero 3 and I must say, it is definately harder than number 2. I have beaten it on hard, and I'm on the last five songs on Expert. I also got beat"Through Fire and Flames" on Hard. My arms are sore just typing this, but it was worth it.

Wow, definately one of my longer blogs. Have a great day everyone!


1st video review posted

I just posted my very first video review on Youtube, hooray! The review is for the game " Bioshock" which is a really cool game, and I reccommend it to anyone who's got a 360.

To get to the review, just type in NailBail in the Youtube search bar ;) Nailbail's Bioshock review

EDIT: never mind the link's right here :P