They're not? Is being delusional part of the AMD fanboy's MO? They're pretty much in control of the desktop market from the high to low end segment. The only reason they don't all of a sudden decide to lower all their prices and essentially crush AMD into oblivion is in order to keep the FTC off their back. This is the most advantageous position for them to be in, to give the government the satisfaction of it looking like a two horse race. Here's an article on market share from earlier in the year that even paints AMD in positive light:
Get this: Intel's market share dropped from 81% to 80.2%. Let that sink in for a second. That means they command more than 4/5 of the entire CPU sector, and that's before Ivy Bridge even shipped. Not a monopoly you say? Maybe not officially but that's pretty much as monopolistic as it gets without the suits breathing down your neck.
I'd like to take this time to point out that 27% of PCs on the steam hardware survey are running AMD.
If you can't put 2 and 2 together, that means that most of intels sales are:
"Hey Earl, we need that internet. I seent that commercial about the intel on the TV, let's get that at walmart"
"Alright Tammy, let me go put on ma good fishin hat"
I'm betting that's how you got yours.
Steam is not indicative of the entire market. In fact, it isn't even indicative of the entire enthusiast market so the numbers aren't the be all Gospel. As to your second point, it does nothing but validate mine: average Joes and Janes will typically buy Intel because their brand name is so strong.
Also, get your facts straight. I didn't get mine at Walmart, I got it at Toys'R'Us. Fisher price model son.
Steam hardware survey is a perfect data pool to pick from, from a statistical standpoint. Perhaps you need to freshen up on your stats (have you ever taken statistics?)
It is a random sample from the entire steam community, it is about as a properly conducted random survey as you will find.
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