The Never Ending Story:
NakedHeadcrab's forum posts
Just like in all things, it's all about preference.
Personally, I love to use my Xbox One controller in single player games. When it comes to fast-paced multiplayer games, nothing beats Keyboard & Mouse.
There are many, just to mention a few:
- Stepping out the Vortex Rikers ship and witness the impressive landscapes of planet Na Pali in Unreal
- Escaping from Casa di Angelo, the Italian restaurant set on fire in Max Payne
- Using the Cerebral Bore against your enemies in Turok 2
- Entering Ravenholm in Half-life 2
- Using Blink ability to confuse your enemies in Dishonored
- Racing through the Great Wall of China in Motoracer
- Blowing things in Black (those sound effects...)
- Using the Microwave Pulse Emitter secondary fire in Soldier of Fortune
Not a fictional place in my case, sometimes I dream of my grandparents' old house (grandparents died long time ago and the house was sold). It was a big-creepy house, and that's why these dreams occasionally turn into nightmares... Dang, I guess I need some psychoanalysis or something.
Interesting thread!
EDIT: Seems like OP is having "open world" dreams... Careful with micro-transactions!
When I was younger, I used to pirate games (*embarrassed*), I did get money from my folks to buy games every now and then. When I graduated from University and got my first job, I started to officially build my "legal" library, using my own money.
Your friend kind of reminds me of... me, having a blast with a PS2 in 2010, 10 years after its release.
I remember some people back in the day complaining about this game. They used to call it "a way too expensive tech-demo" XD
And yes, Crysis certainly marked the end of the PC exclusive graphics era: A time where you were forced to upgrade your PC quite often in order to play the hottest games around. It's totally different now... Ever wonder why new Doom runs so smooth on most PCs? It's a console game! (Duh!) :D
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