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NamelessProphet Blog

Yay New Phone

Well I finally got my new phone today so I can actually call people and stuff now so YAY!  Problem is with my old phone dead I've lost almost all of my phone numbers which kinda sucks.  But I got a sexy new phone, its a LG.  Best part about it is it was free, stuff is always cooler when its free.

In other news my sister went camping this weekend so that can only mean one thing for me, its time for dogsitting.  I'm gonna be heading over there in a few and pretty much spend the weekend playing KoToR probly, I may switch it up a bit and play some PSO or something but who knows.  Its not too bad I get to play XBox a bit since I no longer have one and I love those puppies,  theyre just so cute.

Also tomorrow is my birthday too, I'm gonna be a old fart of 24.  Not doing much for my bday this year, just going to see the Detroit Symphany Orchasra at Meadow Brook.  Its pretty much become a yearly tradition.  Its fun and Meadow Brook is an outdoor theater which makes it one of those great relaxing nights.

In video game news I have played very little the past few days, but like I said plan to run through KoToR this weekend.

Stupid phone

My stupid phone kinda died on me or something, all I know is it wont turn on any more which has been really irritating me cause thats where I keep all my phone numbers.  I hate not being able to call anyone...

Other than that not much has been goin on.  Started yet another playthrough of FFX, yes I was that bored.  Its only my 5th or 6th time through it... kinda sad I've played through it so many times I've lost count...  Well in 2 days I'm more than half way through the story, closer to 3/4  actually, too bad most of the time is doing side quests... stupid celestial weapons...

Catching Up

Well not much new happening but some how I managed lvl 9 and a new icon.  Im now a tagger flirt and it only took me a few months to figure out how tags work lol.  I'm kinda suprised I hit lvl 9 so fast actually cause I haven't been that active lately.

Well I finally decided to go and post a bit in some unions, haven't been around my Unions much lately so I figured I'd try and get back into a bit more regular posting.  Also finally got my tag into my sig for the Surrounding Force Union, better late than never I figure.

Other than that pretty much nothing going on, just watching TV mostly, havent even been gameing the last couple of days.  Well I think I might go find something to do now.

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Well its been a while since I made a blog post so I guess I'll make one.  Not much been goin on lately so not much to write about.  Pretty much the only thing of any interest lately was went to Indiana last weekend for my cousins wedding reception.  Yep a fun day of being bored not talking to a bunch of family I never see.  It always amazes me how my mom aunt and sister can sit there and just make the same boring small talk and consider it a great day.  You know what I'm talking about, the where you working and hows it going conversation.  Nothing like a 3 hour car ride with nothing to do to get you in the mood to hang around with people you never see, but on the plus side I did see my cousin Kevin, I mean its only been almost 15 years since I've seen him...

Other than that its been a lot of sitting around doing not much.  Started playing Maple Story last weekend too and its been pretty fun.  Most of you have probly never heard of it but its a free MMO, its all 2d side-scrolling but still good enough to keep my attention.  Actually I am rather impressed, after my past experiences with free MMOs I didn't expect it to be a very high quality game but it suprised me.

Other than that pretty much nothing goin on, went to Wolfes today and played with the 360 a bit.  Now I'm not a FPS fan really, mainly just like tatical shooters on the PC but I must say Prey has definatly impressed me.  Have just seen the demo but it is an amazing game, I'm just so happy to see a FPS do so many new things, the whole messed up gravity thing in the game is amazing.  Its almost enough to make me want a 360.

Well thats my life, a bit of TV and some gaming and thats pretty much it, so hows your life goin?

Happy Independance Day!!!!!

Happy 4th everyone, for those of you non Americains that dont know the 4th of July is Independance day here in the US.  Had a nice fun day today. Went to my Aunts and had a nice big BBQ then celebrated my countrys Independance by blowing up a small part of it.  I just love fireworks, its so much fun to blow stuff up.  My cousin always picks up some real nice fireworks and this year was no different.  He spent a few hundred dollars on the show but it was a lot of fun.  Actually we still got a lot left, I guess 3 hours just wasnt enough time.

In other news not a whole lot goin on.  Started playing Maple Story over the weekend and I've been pretty much hooked.  If you haven't heard of it Maple Story is a free MMORPG and compared to most of the other free MMORPGs I've tried its really high quality.  So I've been playing that whenever I get a chance.  Other than that not much goin on.

I'm so proud

I'm so proud of Wolfe, he finally got a new story to describe my lazyness.  Sure its still a terrible story but its shorter and less annoying than the PSO story he used to love to tell.  Actually for Wolfe its not too bad of a story, he has many much worse ones but since it seems he won't go get some top quality stories I'll have to be satisfied with hearing this one all the time... I have a feeling I'm gonna get sick of it quickly...

On to other things, I hit level 8 a few days ago, just nothing much has been going on so I haven't had anything to write about.

Today was such  beautiful day though, it rained all morning and didnt let up until about 1 PM.  As luck would have it today was the day that dad finally got the sod delivered for grandmas lawn, it had only been ready for almost a week so rather quick for my dad.  So lucky me got to, you guessed it, lay sod in the rain all morning, and wouldn't it figure it wasn't till we were almost done that the rain finally let up.  Isn't weather just great.  Also for any of you wondering yes wet sod is very heavy.  You gotta love spending the day covered in mud though.

So tired...

I'm so tired, I hate work.  Now if you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I'm pretty much the laziest person ever... and Wolfe if you tell the PSO story I'm gonna kick you cause its a terrible story and you know I will kick you...

But any ways back to the point, I got to spend today working in my grandmas yard.  My dad isn't overly bright and kinda killed her lawn last summer so we have to redo her entire yard.  I managed to skip the ripping up the old grass part but today we got to level it and took off a ton of dirt, at least 5 yards of it.  So by the end of the day I was massively covered in dirt and sore as hell.  Right now I just wanna sleep for a week, I just wish I could.

The moral of the story is if you ever need to rip up your lawn and sod it... well don't, go hire some one to do it for you cause its a pain and takes forever, well either that or rent a bobcat which is what I wish we had done.

In other news... I still have no life and havent had a lot of time for gaming recently, been fishing a lot and have manged to get sunburned at least once a week this summer... I really need to invest in sunscreen.

My first thoughts

Well I finally got my hands on Oblivion tonight.  No I'm still too poor for a 360, but I have friends who will pay for one so I dont have too.  After playing for a couple hours I must say I really wish I had the money for a 360 now.

Since I only got a couple hours of playtime I havent played nearly enough to write a full review so I'll just give you a few of my first thoughts.  First off oh my god does that game look sexy, we plugged it into my buddys 60 something inch hd tv and it looks amazing.  I rarely get to play games in HD so I was definatly lovin it. 

It felt a lot like Morrowind with a few nice tweeks that make life easier to me.  I love the fact that you no longer have to be on an item to pick it up, just close enough.  That always drove me nuts in Morrowind, trying to pick up rings and other tiny items.  Now I just need to play and get used to the feel of the game and the menus and everything and it will be perfect.  Dont ya hate that though, every new game in a series always feels a bit odd cause youre so used to the menus and such from the old ones.

My only real complaint so far is I dont like the new lockpicking system, it just seems a bit to randomly complicated to me.  Maybe its just that I'm not good at it but I busted a ton of lockpicks very fast, and the auto try really seemed to be worse than me.  Hopefully the auto try will get great at it once I get my security skill up high enough so it wont be a problem though, then the game will be just about perfect.

I just cant wait to go over to my buddys again and play like mad, I've wanted Oblivion since I first heard about it and so far it has definatly lived up to my expectations.  I just wish I had the money for a 360 or a new comp so I could pick it up myself.

Movin on up

Well I dont know if any of you have heard of it but I play an online game called Utopia and have been in an alliance for it for a bit over a year now.  Just this moring I popped onto the computer to find out that I just got a promotion, so yay me.  Now this means that I get to do more work and actually have to pay attention to things... there should be an up side in there somewhere...  if by some off chance any of you do play Utopia you should come by and say hi to me at BoD.

A fun weekend

Well I'm back from a fun weekend of dogsitting.  Nothing like spending a weekend playing with the puppies... ok so most of it I was actually playing XBox... never should have let my sister take her XBox when she moved...  Now that I'm back at home though I just wish I had an XBox, spent pretty much the whole weekend playing PSO and Morrowind, and now more than ever I want Oblivion.