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NamelessProphet Blog

X Men 3

So I just got home from a midnight showing of X Men 3 and I must say it was not good.  I don't wanna spoil anything for anyone or anything so I'll keep this short.  First off I hate that director, I mean I really hate that director. 

Secondly yes I am a nerd and am beyond irritated at how many mistakes there were in that movie, I mean seriously they did almost everything possible wrong with Juggernaut for one.  When you make a comic book movie at least get the facts straight people.

I really want to rant about all the things wrong with the movie but I really dont wanna spoil things for any one cause I know how people hate that.  I'm sure that most of you have made up your mind to see this or notand I won't change that but just to warn you it was bad.

And in case you haven't heard the rumors there is a scene after the credits, its short but stay for it.

Lastly I must say for X Men 4 I pray to god that they get a new director cause I really hate that guy...

Gone Fishin

To make a quick update I spent the day fishin cause its freakin beautiful out today and fishin is fun.  I don't eat fish and they just dumped chemicals in our lake so I couldn't eat them even if I wanted to but catch and release is still fun.  Caught 3 sunfish and a perch, they were all pretty small but it was still fun.

Yay Dogsitting

Yay I get to spend my weekend dog sitting for my sister and having no internet.  Its not that bad though cause she has the Xbox so I can play a ton of PSO again, too bad she has no internet... plus her dogs are great.  One is a lab/boxer mix and is like the greatest dog ever and the other is a pure bread Americain Pit Bull who is a complete and total attention whore.

Also goin to see Xmen 3 tonight, hoping that it is good cause I have very little faith in this director, kinda forget his name at the moment.  But anyways it should be a lot of fun I'll either ramble on about how it rocked tomorrow or I'll rant about how much I hated it.

Need Sleepy...

Ok me tired and need sleepy bad, but I can't get to sleep... has anyone ever noticed how if you stay up for like 20 hours you hit a point where you feel tired but you just cant sleep no matter what you do?  I really hate that... especially the point at around 30 hours when you brain shuts down from being so tired and you just get really really super hyper... oh well time to wander the web then since sleep doesnt seem to wanna come to me...

Next Gen Needs Variety

Ok so last night I was watching E3 Live on G4 and the more I watched the more disappointed I got.  If any of you watched you probly noticed that almost freaking everything they covered were FPS.  I mean serisouly half of the games announced for next gen are FPS, how many do we freaking need.  What ever happened to a bit of variety out there?

Also on the topic of next gen games, why do people keep going crazy saying this or that game will rock because its got amazing graphics and looks so uber sexy and what not.  I mean am I the only one that sees these amazing graphics and says well duh it is next gen.

While its true that some of the early 360 games had me yawning at next gen graphics cause they really didnt look much better, most of these big name games all look amazing.  But is it just me or does every game looking amazing kinda make them not so amazing?  Don't get me wrong I think its sweet that next gen gaming looks so go but at this point I'm wondering if there actually are gonna be games that stand out, cause so far so many of them look so good that you can't really say any one or two of them have the best graphics.

In closing I would just like to say I hate FPS and really really wish that there werent so many of them coming out.  I mean with give me some more RPGs or Adventure games or something.  I'm sure there are a lot out there but it would be nice if they could get some coverage, so far like the only RPG I've seen at E3 were from Square.

Maybe I should Blog...

Well I guess I've gotten to that point of boredom that its time for me to actually start blogging.  I guess I'll just have to do this my way though and rant about nothing for the most part.

First off an update on my life... umm... man I need a life... well I guess sitting around in my room playing video games constatly counts...

I also just want to say I love E3, my favorite time of the year.  I so wish I was there... even to just have gotten a chance to go to the Square press confernce would have been enough, dont even need to get out on the floor to be happy...

Well I've said pretty much nothing so its time for me to get back to my video games.