I agree with you on MAG, but, however, Heavy Rain will be a AAAE in my books and hopefully many others as well. And they are not the only big games coming out for the PS3 in 2010, plus there's this neat little convention called E3 where a whole bunch of big games are announced and shown.
Go with the 80 gig as long as you don't care about it being preowned. I prefer the look of the fatties and you can use any spare money to buy or save up for a game.
There is no such game as imFamous, however, there is this great game called inFAMOUS that was one of the best PS3 exclusives of 2009, I heard that it's even better than Dragon Age: Origins according to Naughty Dog14. BTW, there is a sticky for this I believe.
First of all, if that is true, Sony will own at E3 again. And I'm guessing that at least two of those three will be announced, probably all three. And they depicted an 85% chance I believe, and just about anybody could've figured that out based on their popularity, success, and some hints such as the Resistance 3 billboard.
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