Title says all. I'm going with A Crack in Time. It is a great game every way you look at it.
Naughty_Dog14's forum posts
I dont care what anyone says, Far Cry 2 is til one of my favorite games ever made. The single most immersive game i have ever experienced. And yes the graphics are freaking incredible.
I agree. Highly underated.
I hope there's not another one, because R&C is one of my favorite series of all time and if they start to milk it it'll be like Guitar Hero and people will eventually get sick of it. ACiT was possibly the best in the series (only competition from UYA) let's end with a bang. I think they left it off like that so if they ever wanted another one, they'd have somewhere to start, and the ending keeps you guessing while providing closure at the same time. Anyways, even if they do create another it'll probably be a while, right now I believe they are working on the soon to be AAA title Resistance 3.
Everybody has opinions. I'm a fan of U2, you're not, you're a fan of the Wii, I'm not. And I recommend inFAMOUS, great game. I got a 9.0 on Gamespot if you like to go by reviews. But inFAMOUS is really fun to play and comes with a great story too.
Bad graphics, meh gameplay, jetpack, did this remind anybody else of the Iron Man game? (Which was horrible by the way.) I predict at 6.5 for this game, maybe 7.0.
I liked it too, however, after playing every other game before it I thought that it was too easy. Oh, and you're going to love A Crack in Time, an improved sequel in every way including graphics, voice acting, story, comedy, and gameplay. ACiT is one of my top two R&C games (Along with Up Your Arsenal) and ToD was fun, but it can't compare. If you liked ToD this much, trust me, you'll love ACiT.
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