Well Im quite suprised.
Usually I try out a facebook game and am bitterly disappointed. Sometimes im pleasantly suprised, only to find the core game really isnt that great. This time, im actually quite shocked at how good this game is.
GodWar by IGG is a 3D in-browser MMORPG.
Its no WoW, lets get that outta the way first before Im flooded with trolls posting comments about it.
GodWar is a full MMO that isnt plagued with micro transations (although it does have them). The graphics are sharp and its got a nice depth to the story. All of which are based within a Greek themed world.
The game begins with no real introduction, just a choice of servers and then your into character creation.
This is a solid character creation suite, pretty well done, although as you would expect there arent many options avaliable to you. Additionally the issue of which faction you wish to be isnt described accurately which is a shame. In fact, descriptions for both are the same but with the faction name changed in each.
So you can chose from 4 classes, a Mage, Warrior, Champion and Preist. Ive only played warrior so far, its an all/round DPS Tank. Champion is more about Magical/physical power. mage is elemental damage and preist is all healing stuffs.
So, you get into the game and the tutorial is a very good ease into the game, however, it isnt quite enough. For example, it explains movement and basic things such as inventory. But everything else it misses... and theres a LOT to take in.
Quests are the same old go to X and kill Y amount of Z. Its okay, but rediculously easy. All you need to do is open the quest text when accepted and click the monster name. This automatically takes your character to the mob. Doing the same with the questgiver name when finished takes you to the NPC. Its all very easy, even combat takes less than 10 seconds to down something, even monsters 20 levels above yourself.
All this of course is excusable. The model for the MMO on Facebook is casual, and so it is entirely possible to forgive these issues.
Theres lots to do off the side, not in the way of side-quests however, and this is a problem. There are none. That aside though, you can forge weapons and get pets, all of which arent clearly shown when you can do them. This is also a problem.
And that is this games biggest problem, so much to do, so little explaination. In fact a lot of the time nothings even made aware to you until you accidentally click something.
Gaining weapons and armour is set at a steady pace and everything looks different, no texture swaps or armour that looks the same for 10 levels.
Levelling is also quite quick, not too quick, but most EXP is given my questgivers, so you dont have to grind at all! There are also quizzes which award a generous amount of EXP. There are also "nameplates".
Most quests award a decent chunk of EXP relative to your level. So for each level you are at, the questgiver will award approxamately 60 - 70% of a level's worth of EXP on each hand in. Nameplates however are special. You may collect one each day. Nameplate 1 on Monday, Nameplate 2 on Tuesday and so on. When Monday comes back round you hand in Plate 1 again (you keep it though). This awards you with upto 300% EXP than what you would get from a questgiver (at lower levels anyway).
Most MMO fans will laugh hard with this next feature. A fully legit bot tool. Thats right! Cant be bothered to fight a mob? It does it for you. It doesnt pick up items however, but theres nothing to stop you putting it on when you leave for work or school, uni, college etc, and being level million when you come back.
Now lets discuss graphics. Its all full 3D, characters look good and dont look out of place, enemies are also well designed unlike in most throw-away MMO's.
Sound on the other hand is abysmal. Sound effects are cool, but the music is stock and quite repetative, it also doesnt really match the games theme at times.
Saying that though, the game is still rather solid.
So, overall the game is good. Its not going to consume you like other MMORPG's would, but I found myself strangely amused by it.
I reccomend giving it a try, try to get over its faults, and you should have some fun.
Check it out here.
Story: 4.0
Graphics: 8.0
Audio: 4.0
Lifespan: 5.0
Overall: Good
Update: Im level 30 and took down a level 121 enemy with only 6% damage done to me... yeah!
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