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Navazarian Blog

Feature: Evony, C'mon guys, really?

Okay so Im sure everyones seen the evony online adverts from around the web, you know, the ones that look like this:

Or should I say "those".

Now, I get the point of advertising. Its out there to sell a product.

Advertising 101 is that the advert needs to be snazzy and cutting edge, it needs to attract the eye and get the all important sale...

The above images go way beyond this. They are designed using 2 principals.

1) Most gamers are single nerds who dont have girlfriends. Although not true, just most are (joking), this advert is blatently catering for this assumed demographic.

2) At some point, someone said males would be targeted in the advert. So as opposed to subtly approaching the subject, instead Evony slams 2 boobs on the screen at 100mph.

Now, I ask this, what has this got to do with the game other than show the creators know nothing about advertising. Have you seen the game?

Adverts like these:

(links are not ACTIVE adverts, they are screenshots)

Evony Advert 1

Evony Advert 2

Evony Advert 3 - Delinked, link author forwarded to unknown website ¬ ¬

Evony Advert 4

Evony Advert 5

Are meant to represent this:

Im not ranting on this subject, but It aggrivates me. A game that resorts to this kind of advertising must be lacking somewhere. I guess the term "over-compensating for something" comes into validity here.

Looks like we shouldnt laught too hard though, might get sued. Freedom of speech strikes again!

Achievement: Crash Bandicoot 100%

I did this a few months back, but I finally did it.

I played this game like crazy as a kid. Every day it would be slapped on and hours would fly by!

I never got 100% on it though, I always got stuck on about 96%.

A few months ago I finally 100%'d it and it felt good.

Along with Battletoads on the SNES which I completed the other day, this one felt so satisfying to complete, perhaps more satisfying than Gears of War.

Thanks for 14 years of awesomeness Naughty Dog! (referring to the first 3 crash games only, oh and CTR)

Off Topic: Example Fail

Well, towards the end of this year, one of our last assignments was to develop a level in unreal. Just a simple level. A level which would fit a game design document we were asked to write up months before.

Now as part of the requirements of the project we had to create a MEL script for MAYA, this script needed to be a tool which aided us in creation of the level on the development side.

MAYA for those who dont know, is a 3D modelling suite which allows developers to make the pretty games you see on this here website. MEL is a scripting language MAYA can use to do things like make boxes, create windows and delete objects (on a very basic level).

Now, I needed to explain what one of our team needed to do inside MAYA as a MEL script.

This is what happened:

Keyz, congrats dude, seriously.

From this he actually managed to get the script done.

In the future im gonna fly in some scientists to draw for me.

Off Topic: Game Boy Scariness

As a young child, I played loads of games on the gameboy.

From Donkey Kong to Pokemon, Paperboy to Metal Gear Solid, I loved the handheld device for its convenience, style and the fun games it had on it.

I often reminisce of one particular piece of software: The GameBoy Camera. This thing was amazing, along with the GameBoy Printer, it was one of the few peripherals (well, serious official peripherals) to be released for the handheld.

It featured a camera, animation suite and paint-like software. It was awesome, and In fact I bought another not so long ago for £2 boxed (mint) which I was chuffed with, but anyway, there was one segment of this thing that scared the living pants off of me as a kid: SCARYFACE!

To me this thing was called scaryface and it was a face that appeared if the player clicked the "run" option on the main menu (a button which, I might add, has no purpose).

This thing was spooky as hell and often prompted ghost stories and all sorts of scary japes with me and my friend.

The scary music that accompanied this thing was pretty frightening also.

Still to this day I have no idea why they included it, all I gotta say is thanks Nintendo, you sure know how to scare people.

Link to vid: Here

Another vid, represents how it made me feel: Here

Off Topic: And now, for a summer of games

Well, all my University Studies are out of the way, it leaves the floor open to loads of game playing, Im gonna spend a lot of time adding stuff to this blog which I havent had time to do and also Im gonna be playing a tonne of games.

Tonight I finished Guitar Hero: World tour and a large part of me wishes I hadnt, the last stretch of the game hardly seemed worth the effort.

Firstly, Activision decided the last level should see Ozzy Osbourne singing La Bamba

Secondly the good songs were in stlists with bad songs which nobody has ever heard of just so it keeps you playing

and finally, what the hell were they thinking by making the Time Square setlist 90% Metal... I mean c'mon, nobody would want that, not even me.

In any case, expect some good blogs coming this way, until then, peace out!

Off Topic: Awesomey rubbishy!

Oh, yes!

Found this little beauty in a small games store for £2. SOLD!

Haha. I couldnt look at it without laughing which led to some awkwardness at the counter.

I mean, just look at his face:

Nuff said really.

Note: Dressing gown, because one day, I hope to be as great at martial arts as Shaq himself! I feel the part in this attire!

First Look: ... And finally

Just for fun...

The above image, by the way, is after 20 minutes of light play. We see my Avatar in a generic T-Pose (for those non-tech minded, a default position for characters to be modelled to) along with a simple recall code "CHALLENGE_RESULT_SCORE"

Now I have the uncanny nack of breaking games. I love doing it. But this concerns me. I didnt even try, the action in progress was a generic one and I hadnt really acheived anything.

Of course this was a minor setback, but when you consider that this was a major announcment months ago, its worrying that simple actions can produce bugs like this.

Still, I enjoyed the software, read my "first look" below this post for more info.

First Look: Microsoft Game Room

Today hailed the arrival of Microsoft's new shop, uh, I mean, entertainment experience "Game Room".

The feature was announced a few months back now with a simple premise: Bring arcades into the home.

Completely bypassing the real issue of arcade culture in western society disappearing, Microsoft aims to bring gamers together by allowing them to play golden oldies from Konami and Intellivision with each other.

Of course the option is there to play by yourself, but we are only touching the surface here.

Firstly lets talk pricing - PART 1. The base download / software is free. Thats right FREE! The software is about 300mb for Xbox and 420mb for PC. Games are included also, 2 game packs, about 20+ games, FREE! BUT...

Pricing - PART 2. Each game avaliable in the arcade can be played one off for 40 Microsoft points, Full games can be baught for unlimited play for about 240 Microsoft points and finally, the FULL full game. This version is about 420 Microsoft points and allows you to play the game on both the PC and XBox clients. Then lets get into decorations / props for your personal arcade which to my knowledge are 40 Microsoft points each.

With pricing covered lets talk coss platform gaming. The client is avaliable for PC and Xbox. One uses Xbox LIVE and the other uses Games for Windows LIVE.

Now, lets get down to business. Initially you are presented with a bright, colourful and loud room. This room has several smaller rooms attatched to it, each of which holds about 8 games (represented ACCURATELY as their repective arcade machines).

You can scan through these in realtime 3D and select one to play on. Simple really. Very clean, very neat, very cool. The sounds and sights of the room fills your senses with an almost nostalgia fuelled sense, but not quite. Something about the artificially replicated ambiance doesnt quite sound like teh real thing, but is quite similar regardless.

Lets talk menus. What can I say, they are quite smooth, and very pleasing on the eye. And other graphics such as avatar animations, models, props and environments look well detailed, and function appropiately.

The selection of games avaliable is vast, but may not be enough to rope in a younger audience. Including such greats as Battletoads, Street Fighter etc may be great additions in the future (or so I Hope).

Overall, the whole thing is a pleasant experience, certainly will be fun for the achievement hunters and definately worth checking out!

It was officially released today so go now!

Latest News: Video game debate turns into one sided fist fight

Often the great debate arises out of the blue like each head of the hydra in Hercules. I am, of course, talking about the Violence in Video games debate.

Jack Thompson tried it years ago and now it seems that perhaps its being called into question again.

Below is a video containing audio from a British TV programme called "The Titchmarsh Show". Its a talk show on which high profile figures and low grade celebrities can mingle.

On this one episode however, they discuss games. Now, before you read any more of this article, please do listen to it. Its about 7 minues long so sit back, and enjoy.


Guaranteed to make every gamers blood boil, the incrdibly strong comments issued by Julie Peasgood echo everything that would follow in the show. Strong opinions by non-informed (non-gaming) people (exemption to Tim of course).

The first point that needs to be addressed is, after watching that video, its disheartening to see a group of individuals, in this case; 2 guests and a studio audience, gang up on one individual who is telling them something they dont want to hear.

The discussion starts off with Tim simply saying look, video games are violent yes, but the same could be said for the film industry. Fair comment you would think. However, the issue of age certification came up in response, "But films have age ratings" said the host.

Tim quickly jumped on the comment and fairly and truthfully stated that games too had a classification system, issued by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). First hurdle over I couldnt imagine any more daft comments being thrown at Tim.

"But its at home" said the host. Undestandibly there was a lot of confusion before the host repeated "well you can stop them getting into a cinema, you cant stop them buying a game".

This quite understandibly aggrivated the CVG Editor. "Yes, but the same goes for that films DVD release afterwards. Also, retailers have very strict age restrictions" also stating that 1 in 20 video games are indeed, rated "mature".

Up til this point fairs fair, you have to ask these questions if your a host. Its a TV programme, no hurt, no foul, just stupidity. But then things turned sour. Very sour.

Following Tim's call for parents to have more fun with their kids on game consoles, Julie was quick to announce her opinion. She launched "Video games are addictive, they promote hatred, racism, sexism and they reward violence".
This comment was met with a thunderous round of applause from the audience.

Okay, I guess, thats their opinion, fine, lets set some facs straight shall we? Well no need, she has all the "facts"... "There is a proven link (citation needed) that show a direct link between behavioural problems and video games (citation needed)".

After a bit more rambling on what the study found, the host asked Tim about his response, stating that what julie said was proven fact without even naming the source.

Tim replied with simply this "No, it is not proven fact. The Governments own review found that there was no direct link between the two in the long term". The audience turns and boos him.

Now, I dont claim to be a journalist. This is just a hobby. But, this disgusted me.

What kind of world do we live in, where people who express radical unfounded opinions are praised and supported, but those who bring facts are shunned? Because they bring what people dont understand, or what people dont want to hear... the truth.

Back to the audio, Tim correctly backs up the moral ideals and positioning statements of every games company, every film company, the Government and the BBFC by stating that games rated 15 and 18 should never be given to anyone below that age.

The question is then asked... when is it going to end... he never states where what its going to end?

Moving on, we are then given the "Vennibles" murder... aparrently new evidence has arisen during the course the show that states games were involved, that his killers played them, unfounded and untrue as this has never been said by either the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) or The Police (The Band and the Force).

"These games are corrupting our children". At this point Tim makes one more attempt at saying "They are not corrupting our children, Children should not have these games in the first place"

After mentioning parental locks on systems and reminding people about "Torture porn", Tim is asked if he would let his kids play violent games "No I wouldnt, but I would play others Like Little Big Planet, New Super Mario bothers and such with them. I know Im the bad person on this programme, I urge parents to play games with their kids"

He is then asked why he playes violent games. "I do not play for thwe violence. I Play for the storytelling and my place within the narrative".

And then we get to the biggie: The Modern Warfare 2 Airport Scene.

I thought we left this behind months ago, but no.

Peasgood asks how this scene is justified. Tim reponds saying that the game does not advocate or condone war, it simply portrays the ethics of war. By the way Ms Peasgood, there is the option to switch it off. Great research. She replied with "I do not condone violence for entertainment" to which she received thunderous applause.

Entertainment, COD MW:2 tells a story, if the game was for entertainment, there would be a points score on the civillians and someone shouting "Yeah Sic'em cletus!" every 5 seconds.

Well, this article is over now and after summing up the event I need to say this. I dont nowmally let this get to me. But this is a televised show.

Millions have seen this.

Its people like you, me, gamespot and other sites and publications to spread the word that what these people are saying is blatently foundationles and untrue. They put their opinions over as fact and it is upto us to say otherwise.

Im not going to break into a "my fellow gamers" speech, but this concerns all of us.

All it takes is for parents to say no to games completely, then a large customer base has disappeared and in this time of financial instability in the industry, that is not what any of us need.

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