Im an aspiring game designer. When I get invites to beta tests, it means a lot to me. Not just the ones you can get for free off the net that anyone can get, no, I mean others, like the Need for Speed closed beta, the Aion closed beta and the Starcraft 2 closed beta.
Now Following my previous post, I was extatic for square-enix to invite me to the Final Fantasy XIV closed beta.
Thats probally the best beta ive ever been invited to.
Now, every time i get on one of these things, I learn. I learn about the testing process and I submit highly detailed and technical reports back to the developer as I feel this is my job. A beta tester, by the way, is not "demo player". It is an official beta tester. Someone, who without pay nor recognition, helps build a game for the better and craft the game experience.
I See it as something serious, and also it allows me to tell dev's that I have in fact done work for them before, if I should ever so happen to try and work for them.
So, the point of this blog is simple. I am devastated and bitterly angry with square-enix. I got my beta key late last night. I was really happy. I spent all night, starting about 11pm downloading the client. It didnt finish downloading until 1.23pm today. More than 12 hours downloading. The crashes on the client downloader was crazy as well, with frequent problems with it even with admin privlidges options on. So after downloading I finally get round to making a character.
I was, really really impressed. I really got into it. Ill write a blog on this in the future.
However, I couldnt connect to the servers when completing the character, meaning I had to re-do the character every time. And this is like a good 7 minute process. 30 minute first time.
So, all day I wait, and wait for it to work. All of a sudden we get a note on the beta tester developer notice board:
"We are currently experiencing technical difficulties that may make it difficult to log in to FINAL FANTASY XIV."
and then...
"From 15:00 to 16:00 (GMT) on Jul. 15, 2010, we will be conducting maintenance to address issues caused by the recent technical difficulties. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable.
* The Beta Test Site will still be available."
Okay I thought, ill play tomorrow.
Not. a. chance.
"Due to technical difficulties, we have ended the Beta Test currently under way at 16:30 (GMT). Also, we regret to inform you that the beta test that was scheduled to occur on from Jul. 16, 2010 at 00:00 to Jul. 16, 2010 at 10:00 (GMT) has been canceled due to the same issues."
So, naturally, I am devistated.
Not only have i missed out on an opportunity to test something so high-profile, but i also feel a bit cheated. The right to play was never exclusive to me, it was never guaranteed i would be able to play, but, to have this happen, i still feel a bit cheated. An unknown error prohibits me from playing, and no doubt my slot will be taken away for someone else to take because "I had my fun" with it.
But I didnt.
I hope square fixes the problem and i wish them luck,, and remind them that technical network difficulties that prohibit players from playing should be remedied before the games release. I also remind them that courtesy would suggest that perhaps the time should be rearranged rather than cut short, as people like myself may not have the privilidge to have the next slot, and we all know a demo player is non productive to a team.
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