Assassins Creed 2, Mass effect 2, Mafia 2, Forza Motor Sport 3, Splinter Cell Conviction, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo ODST, Halo Reach In that order...Dammmm its alot of potential classics comming to the 360 this year, might have to miss out on the final few
At the end of th day sony fanboys will go 2 bed dreaming of Halo, FM3 & Splinter cell. You think anyone cares about infamous??? loooooool. Quality not quantity
I'd love that, ofcourse it should be set in the 80's. Or Los Santos, playing as a baller...Anything to get away from the stench of failure that is GTA IV
ye...i remember when i saw the getaway game, it looked awesome you almost couldn't tell it was a game, that got axed btw. It promised so much, i wanted a ps3, probably because of my loyalty to the ps1 and ps2 i thought it only natural to continue with sony. but when push comes to shove, loyalty can kiss my ass. it just turned out to be an over priced blu ray (still dont know what those things are btw and everyones got atleast another 3 devices that can play movies so whats the fuss) with a shiny body and spider man font. sure it looks nice, neatly presented, slightly better graphics, legendary pads, but at the end of the day, we all know 360 turned out the better purchase
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