well ye...i avoid alot of games just based off awkward first impressions. such as bioshock, i heard its a great game, checked it out, its got a dude with a fat screw for a hand(wtf) some wierd ish. the game that annoys me the most is gta iv though...because its trash
OOO plenty. I still havn't played both gears of war, prototype, halo 2, halo 3, all of the cods apart from 2, bioshock, both fables, any fight night, both crackdowns, all fallouts i could go on and on
everyone agrees that saints row 2 is funner, graphics sounds bla bla it doesn't count if a game is clearly more funner. Games are about fun, not realism or lighting effects. SR2>>>Overhyped dull GTA IV
[QUOTE="nchan"]Here in System War, UK doesn't matter. Only U.S. and Japan matter.AmayaPapaya
The UK is a bigger gaming market than Japan.
It doesn't matter if it is...no one just cares for the U.K when it comes to gaming...unless it's a fanboy who realizes it helps the image of their console.
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