@GabrielX-X: If you don't mind, may I ask how old you are.....were you around during the 90s when Resident Evil was born? If so, then you would realized how much of an identity crisis Resident Evil has had for so many years. This is mainly because the devs at Capcom have also seemed to have lost their vision for what Resident Evil was; a survival-horror game....and that is what it needs to be at it's core. Having the game go first-person is really the next logical step. We live in such a crap-filled multiplayer gun-fest of games these days and that is where Capcom had been migrating for years......and it's not right! The demo is just a taste and it clearly is the next step for the franchise.
@Dogswithguns: HAHAHA, I'm sure they did....the newer slims they were replacing for people with their Phats were preinstalled with firmware 3.56 which was the first version that was un-jailbreakable.
@adam_nox: They DID patch it....in fact they had to patch every so often to prevent piracy......problem is, because of the security flaw within OtherOS, people were already capable of jailbreaking and pirating games. Sony continuously updated the firmware during this time so people couldn't play newer games. Of course a few crackers were always able to modify the EBOOTs for the games to allow them to play, but some were unsuccessful. Then you had the whole dongle fiasco to play certain modified games. Of course about 2 1/2 years ago the keys to the PS3 firmwares were found and the whole scene blew wide open and now pretty much every game can be pirated on the PS3, old and new.
@Marky360: I think that's really all circumstance; I would have been the opposite-- still have a functioning PS3 Phat from launch day, but went through like 5 360's in a 3 year span because of RRoD. Also, (not criticizing you personally) if you did not take care of your Phat, which was notorious for vacuuming dust, then it would eventually overheat.
@sladakrobot: It was, but it was also accumulated by other scenarios. Many people believe it was the work of Anonymous that brought down the PSN for over a month not only because of the removal of OtherOS, but also because they had threatened Sony to not prosecute Geohot (George Hotz) for the jailbreak he had released because of the security flaw originally found by Team Fail0verflow.......although it was a little his fault for originally asking for funds when the jailbreak was first released.
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