@Chernnunos: Because it is NOT pedo. Being a pedo is considered someone attracted to someone that has not yet reached puberty or still in adolescence. I'm not saying it as an opinion it is a fact of what the word means. You may have your problems with it and immediately label it as "pedo", but that is not the right terminology since you can almost guarantee a 15 year old has reached puberty. Technically speaking the correct term in this case would be called a "hebephile"......look it up. Plus your comment means nothing to me because I never want kids or marriage so it is a moot point.......even I did did, this world is fucked up to begin with, as you can see.
@NoahRoalson: Not really....they are just putting a different take on things. It is actually a very great show, probably one of the best on right now. Of all the DC comics shows on right now (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Lucifer), it probably has some of the best acting of them all.
@jhcho2: I know right; I mean the Konami thing was serious corporate espionage, but this is measly compared to something like that. This was just legal and greedy mumbo-jumbo for a role so minuscule it doesn't matter.
@MuffintopX: Because of that exact fact.....everything is procedural generated and will allow you to name something that you discover.....and although the chances are slim, someone else could stumble upon something you discovered first and see what you named it.....I think that is the main attribute of always online. Plus, as they mentioned it IS possible you could run into somebody.
@Tiwill44: ALL Uncharted games have run at 30fps on some level, so there will be no difference....plus they NEVER said they were shooting for 60fps for the main game, they said it would be something they will have to see is possible. We still get the 60fps multi-player, which is nice....although I could give two shits about MP. Plus who is to say this is more "realistic"....just because of the graphics?!! The game is still going to have very "un-realistic" elements.....explosions no one would survive from, jumping off cliffs that no one could ever make, you name it....its all the same. Seems like you are doubting just for doubting sakes.???
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