@cboye18: Not saying that they are the best mechanics, but they are certainly part of what made the series popular. The "counter" mechanic is something that takes skill and strategy depending on what type of enemies are involved to the next level....in fact, it was to make you seem more powerful then everyone else in the game. Now it certainly made for a different style compared to most "button-mashers" out there; but for sure games like Devil May Cry started the generation before that and if Rocksteady could have mixed a bit of that mechanic with their own, then I think it would have made up for a great combat technique.
@mi_hung_lo: If you've ever played the horrible Friday the 13th game on NES, I think it is more like that setting.....the entire lake camp is your playground....so I'm assuming all the houses will be available. As far as the gameplay dynamics, that's still not known much. I think its been mentioned though before is that Jason can't sprint, but actually utilizes his stealth to sneak up on players.
@ThePlantain: If anyone chokes, I can assure you it won't be Manning......probably his receivers though. They've been having a hell of a year dropping passes.
@cboye18: You do realize that this is the entire point of his character?? A misguided ex-jedi apprentice snotty kid. That is the whole premise of his unstable lightsaber as well. Someone who provokes the jedi nature by making things his own way and judging them his own way. Think of him as that little prick who got away with the whole affluenza thing just recently.
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