@SIDEFX1 @Scorpion1813 I was the one who "rumored" the 4 characters. Although it wasn't a rumor, I actually had the codes to the season pass and located the 4 characters in the configuration file. Here is my thread that was posted on Apr. 19 so obviously I wasn't lying. The next 2 characters are Zod and Scorpion:
@bfa1509 Apparently, the game is like Driver: San Francisco; you can shift in between all 3 characters at any given time.....and missions are designated between the characters, meaning each character has their own missions. When your playing as one character, the others go off and do their own thing.
@Navardo95 @NbAlIvEr10000 @RomanCenturion7 @Supabul HA, yeah X360 will have a few discs nonetheless. With the easier "PC-like" architecture the next-gens will have, this game will probablly see a converted port at some point. And yeah, the graphics do look on par with WD's minus the next-gen tech (i.e. Tessellation, ambient occlusion, draw distance, etc). I'm glad they are using the Max Payne graphics engine which looks awesome in this game. The bullet wound effects were great in Max Payne where they would actually bleed from them......sorry to sound psychotic there, but just love the attention to detail :)
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