I only consider the PC the only "true" hardcore gamers' platform. There are some hardcore games for the consoles but PC is the way to go if you're really hardcore.
I consider the PC a hardware lover's platform and not a gamer's since games work like crap out of the box and you have to upgrade to even play the next good game like Crysis.
PC addicts will go out and upgrade thier PCs for a couple grand or more to get the full glory of Crysis
What I don't understand is how people can invest in hardware that isn't worth crap in a year or two and not use that money for nice clothes or even shampoo to wash their hair
The 360 has the best games and will have the best games coming this year.
I don't see why any "gamer" wouldn't want one, but I can see why a gamer wouldn't care about the dying PC genre, or the Wii with it's underwhelming graphics or the PS triple with it's horrible pricetag and underwhelming gaming library(bu...bu..you can ...play da....blu-ray movies!)
Nintendo may be getting good sales in hardware but as software goes , people are mainly buying Miyamotorola games and not 3rd party.
With Halo 3, Mass Effect and the other great titles coming out for the 360 this year belongs to MIcrosoft as well as last year. Software is a greater revenue than the hardware especially for these nest gen consoles.
[QUOTE="Neal_Gore"]For 600 dollars people can get a new PC. Why buy a game system that won't be worth jack in possibly a short time, it's looking like it will be a real short time.-Sir-Poof-
I can buy a new one for 350....whats your point?
My point is Sony messed up, what's your point in making this thread?
wish i could get an hdtv but anyways on topic the price is a bit steep i was surprised to when e3 2006 was on i was thinking well this is ok then they said it would have hdd and went into more details what ps3 would have im like wow how much is this going to cost.
there was threads up that ps3 would cost 500-800 i said no way sony would do that but yeah those guy where right i was wrong. when that guy said 600 i was surprised and i was in disgust i couldnt believe what i was hearing i hated it.
but an accident with my mom and hospital they messed up here surgery so somehow she got some money and well she bought ps3 for me. but if it wasnt for that i wouldnt havever got ps3 for 600 i would have needed a price drop.
I would sell that Ps3 and get mom a nice present :)
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