For 600 dollars people can get a new PC. Why buy a game system that won't be worth jack in possibly a short time, it's looking like it will be a real short time.
The PS3 is a great system. Most Lemmings never played it yet they bash it like they own one. I myself have played the 360 so I know what I'm in for. Everyone should give it a try.SergeantSnitch
Even if the Ps3 wasn't 600 bucks it still doesn't have as good as games as the 360. The people I know that own both 360 and Ps3 don't even touch the Ps3 and are still waiting for some good games.
mmm ok that sux i thought he was sorta high into the video game industry the way peeps talk about him. dcm06
I saw his video on You Tube and it wasn't funny at all. It had zero intelligence and was just a bunch of nonsense you would expect a 5 year old to talk like.
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